Throughout West Africa, cocoa farmers and their families live in poverty. Most major companies have commitments to have 100% certified cocoa in their supply chains by 2020, and the companies provide regular updates about their plans and progress. Godiva: Protect cocoa workers and West African children by going Fair Trade Godiva's chocolate bunnies likely contain a dark secret: forced child labor. The Godiva spokesperson said the company ensures ethical sourcing through supplier agreements and a company code of conduct that "explicitly prohibits the use of forced and child labor and requires suppliers to pay fair and reasonable wages... [and] requires suppliers to comply with local laws and regulations governing environment and local resources." Whatever the cause, child labour compounds social inequality and discrimination, and robs girls and boys of their childhood. See more photos on child labour in the Philippines in ILO Flickr photo library. But Godiva needs to do more. Take action against corporate greed, learn new ways to reduce your impact on the planet, and discover green products you never knew existed. The US Department of Labor found more than 2 million children work in hazardous conditions growing cocoa—such as burning fields, applying agrochemicals, carrying heavy loads—and many do not attend school. Nearly 70% of the world’s cocoa, including Godiva’s, is sourced from Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire, where cocoa farmers and their families live on less than $1 per day—well below the global poverty line of $1.25/day. Thousands of consumers have asked Godiva to take action on child labor, and the company is listening. Some children are even sold by their own relatives to the cocoa industry. Chocolate Scorecard Identified Good, Ghoulish Companies. Many companies are also going beyond certification, and are implementing programs to support farmers and better address underlying causes of child labor in communites. Unlike activities that help children develop, such as contributing to light housework or taking on a job during school holidays, child labour limits access to education and harms a child’s physical, mental and social growth. Op zoek naar producten van Godiva? Join us in holding them accountable! I strongly urge your company to purchase 100% of your cocoa certified by a third-party as being free of child labor. The large knives and other dangerous equipment are used by all children in the cocoa industry, violating the worst child labor laws from the United Nations. Godiva’s golden boxes of chocolates and decadent chocolate-covered strawberries contain some unsavory ingredients: poverty and child labor. Within this policy, Godiva commits to taking steps to scale child labor monitoring and remediation systems to 100%, commits to working with…. Tell Godiva: Purchase Cocoa Beans Made Without Child Labor, Godiva takes steps to address child labor and other risks in cocoa sourcing. I look forward to learning more about what Godiva is doing to ensure that your chocolate is sustainable, and does not rely on child labor. They have also finally made a public commitment to source 100% certified cocoa by 2020. Child labor issues, the company stated, have “deteriorated in the last year” because of the war in Syria. This will assure your customers that you do not rely on the exploitation of children to produce your products. Godiva needs to demonstrate that they are walking the walk and talking the talk. Goal: Pressure Godiva to stop selling chocolate allegedly grown with child labor. A decade after the $100 billion chocolate industry pledged to cut child labor in the world’s top cocoa producers, a report sponsored by the U.S. government shows … Trafficked children are subjected to prostitution, forced into marriage or illegally adopted; they provide cheap or unpaid labour, are forced to work as house servants or beggars and may be recruited into armed groups. By taking this action, you'll be signed up for Green America's action alerts, updates, and green living tips. This action is no longer active. Chocolate Companies that Use Child Labor: 1 Nestle: Being one of the top confectionery companies in the world, it has been noted for their involvement in child labor.The most disgusting thing was that the living condition of the children was not so good. Carter's: End Toxic Textiles in your supply chain! An independent investigation into Nestlé's cocoa supply chain has found numerous child labor violations and kickstarted an ambitious plan to eventually eradicate forced labor and child labor in its production cycle. Many big chocolate companies are disregarding their use of child labor in this back-breaking cocoa production. As one of the world's leading brands of luxury chocolates, Godiva needs to take action to get child labor out of cocoa. Godiva’s cocoa purchases should pay farmers a fair wage, allow children to go to school instead of work in the fields, and empower cocoa growing communities. Join Green America and our partners in calling on the world’s ten biggest chocolate companies, including Hershey, Godiva, Mars, and Nestle, to finally put an end to child labor in cocoa and an end to deforestation! And Godiva has not publicly announced any programs to go beyond certification and better support farmers. They have also finally made a public commitment to source 100% certified cocoa by 2020. Godiva’s golden boxes of chocolates and decadent chocolate-covered strawberries contain some unsavory ingredients: poverty and child labor. Sourcing networks of small private farms and pervasive low wages can make visibility difficult to achieve and allow harmful practices to proliferate under the radar. Child trafficking is also linked to child labour and it always results in child abuse. One of the most common questions we get about the Chocolate Scorecard is, “Why does X company have Y grade, especially compared to Z company?”. While Godiva does not own any cocoa farms, we have a policy that requires all of our suppliers to be in compliance with applicable labor laws and regulations. Popular products: Godiva chocolate Child labor program: Godiva supports its supplier’s Forever Chocolate initiative, which aims to “make sustainable chocolate the norm by 2025.” Godiva Europe official online shop - Buy now and send the most indulgent gourmet chocolates, truffles, tablets, bars, holiday gifts and more. Godiva has taken first steps to improve conditions on cocoa farms in West Africa by working with the Cocoa Horizons Foundation. Godiva’s golden boxes of chocolates and decadent chocolate-covered strawberries contain some unsavory ingredients: Nearly 70% of the world’s cocoa, including Godiva’s, is sourced from Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire, where cocoa farmers and their families live on less than, Child labor, a symptom of extreme poverty, has been a known problem in West African cocoa fields for nearly two decades. Beginning in 2021, GODIVA will select five organizations on an annual basis—one in the US, Canada, Belgium, England, and China – that will each receive a $25,000 grant to continue their inspirational work. ... Godiva, and Nutella are directly implicated in an industry with such blatant humanitarian shortcomings. NEW YORK, Oct 10 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Major chocolate companies such as Godiva, Lindt and Hershey are failing to keep child labor out … Thank you for your time and attention to this message. The children work in dangerous conditions using chainsaws and climbing tall trees with machetes to cut cocoa bean pods. Dear Ms. Young-Scrivner,  As someone who enjoys eating chocolate and sharing it with those I love on special occasions, I was disappointed to learn that Godiva does not share specific plans, timelines, and programs to ensure that your supply of cocoa is fully sustainable and free of child labor by 2020. Over 2 million children lose their childhood to the chocolate industry by being forced to slave in unfit conditions on cocoa farms. The Green America campaign asks Godiva to only purchase cocoa third-party certified to be child labor free, create a specific timeline to achieve it, and give regular public updates. Unlike other major chocolate makers, Godiva has not made a commitment to trace its cocoa supply chain and work with locals to ensure it has not been harvested by child labor. Godiva was rated the worst, followed by Ferrero and Mondalez on a scorecard of efforts to reduce child labor and deforestation published by the activist … According to, Godiva has committed to "100% sustainable chocolate by 2020," but has not shared any progress, nor has any certification for labor or the chocol According to the U.S. Department of Labor, over two million children are employed in hazardous conditions on cocoa farms in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana, where 60% of the world's cocoa is produced. I urge Godiva to ensure that all the farmers that produce your cocoa are lifted out of poverty. Making a commitment is not enough. Trader Joe's needs to answer for its poor labor and climate practices and lack of transparency. Thousands of consumers have asked Godiva to take action on child labor, and the company is listening. Godiva’s golden boxes of chocolates and decadent chocolate-covered strawberries contain some unsavory ingredients: poverty and child labor. Child labor, a symptom of extreme poverty, has been a known problem in West African cocoa fields for more than a decade. Godiva believes that protecting children is a shared responsibility across the cocoa industry. Godiva was rated the worst, followed by Ferrero and Mondalez on a scorecard of efforts to reduce child labor and deforestation published by the activist group … The US Department of Labor found more than, Godiva is already a leader in when it comes to luxury chocolate and plans to double its sales to $2 billion in the next few years –, Green America, 1612 K St NW Ste 600, Washington DC 20006, 1-800-58-GREEN. That's why Green America and its members are continuing to put pressure on Godiva to take action on child labor now. Godiva hasn't shared who certifies its cocoa. To be truly sustainable, Godiva must be able to trace where its cocoa is coming from down to the farm level, and under what conditions it was grown. Trafficked children face all forms of abuse-physical, mental, sexual and emotional. Godiva was rated the worst, followed by Ferrero and Mondalez on a scorecard of efforts to reduce child labor and deforestation published by the activist … CNN's David McKenzie travels into the heart of the Ivory Coast -- the world’s largest cocoa producer -- to investigate what’s happening to children working in the fields. Additionally, you should establish an independent, community-based child labor monitoring and remediation system for all the farms that supply your cocoa. Everyone loves chocolate. Support for the World Day has been growing each year. Was Your Chocolate Produced Using Child Slave Labor. End child labor in cocoa: big chocolate companies must act, Easter Scorecard: Chocolate Companies Earn "Rotten" and "Good" Eggs for Child Labor and Sustainability Practices, World’s Largest Chocolate Companies Rated on Efforts to End Environmental and Labor Abuses, Is There Child Labor in Your Halloween Candy? Thanks to pressure from Green America members, Godiva has been exploring what sustainability means to the company and what a policy might look like. We strongly condemn forced labor or any practice that exploits, endangers or harms children. 6. Nearly 70% of the world’s cocoa, including Godiva’s, is sourced from Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire, where cocoa farmers and their families live on less than $1 per day —well below the global poverty line of $1.25/day. Godiva is already a leader in when it comes to luxury chocolate and plans to double its sales to $2 billion in the next few years – join us in encouraging them to become leaders in transforming the cocoa industry so that it is better for both people and the planet. Green America, 1612 K St NW Ste 600, Washington DC 20006, 1-800-58-GREEN Child labor, a symptom of extreme poverty, has been a known problem in West African cocoa fields for nearly two decades. A guide to ethical chocolate The chocolate industry is awash in shady practices, GMOs, and child labor. We also want Carter's to develop plans to restrict/replace the most toxic chemicals with safer…, Millions of garment workers around the world are out of work, risking starvation. as you make these commitments, I encourage you to share your progress with the public through a corporate responsibility report on your website that makes your progress on farmer income, child labor, and environmental protection fully transparent. Carreon). But for thousands of people, chocolate is the reason for their enslavement. Please check out our current campaigns and our current chocolate industry petition. You can unsubscribe at any time. Please share with anyone else who might be interested in the work we do. The study was carried out by the Fair Labor Association with Nestlé's support. Although it is nearly extinct in the US, child labor is still a rampant problem in many other parts of the world. Despite being the biggest listed tobacco company in the world (Lucky Strike, Pall Mall and Rothmans are among its brands), BAT has faced numerous accusations of enabling child labour practices; in 2016, reports surfaced of children working in hostile conditions on BAT tobacco farms in Bangladesh, something that the company stringently refutes. While we applaud Godiva for taking an interest in sustainability, there is no need to reinvent the wheel. Delivering personalized chocolate gifts and baskets for over 80 years. Farmers should also be trained in best practices so that their cocoa is grown in an environmentally sustainable manner. What’s really going into the chocolate we buy? Gallery Big, multibillion-dollar corporations, like Walmart, Kohl’s, and The Children’s Place, are refusing to pay for their clothes…. Many fair trade chocolate companies have sourced directly from cocoa farmers for years, ensuring fair payments, safe working conditions, and no child labor. Without this information, consumers won't know if Godiva will hit its goal of 100% certified cocoa by 2020, and if Godiva's efforts are truly helping farmers. Nearly 70% of the world’s cocoa, including Godiva’s, is sourced from Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire, where cocoa farmers and their families live on less than $1 per day—well below the global poverty line of $1.90/day. Child labour is work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, and that is harmful to physical and mental development. The World Day Against Child Labour aims to promote awareness and action to tackle child labour. Godiva’s golden boxes of chocolates and decadent chocolate-covered strawberries contain some unsavory ingredients: poverty and child labor. Godiva's Milk Chocolate was found to be heavily contaminated with nickel in a laboratory test done by the German consumer institute Stiftung Warentest in 2018. Vandaag besteld, morgen thuisbezorgd. More than 60% of the world's cocoa, including Godiva's, is sourced from West Africa, where the US Department of Labor has reported forced child labor on cocoa farms in Cote D'Ivoire and Nigeria. Though it announced its committed to sustainable sourcing of 100% of its cocoa supply by 2020, it is unclear what concrete steps the company is taking to ensure fair payments, safe working conditions, and no child labor. Nearly 70% of the world’s cocoa, including Godiva’s, is sourced from Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire, where cocoa farmers and their families live on less than $1 per day—well below the global poverty line of $1.90/day. Finally. Nestlé declined to comment for this article. If you’ve been wondering that yourself, this primer should help! Bekijk het overzicht van Godiva producten bij Albert Heijn. In 2009 we look forward to a World Day that is widely supported by governments, employers and workers organisations, UN agencies and all those concerned with tackling child labour and promoting the rights of girls. Within this policy, Godiva commits to taking steps to scale child labor monitoring and remediation systems to 100%, commits to working with suppliers so that cocoa farmers earn a living income, and to no deforestation, among other commitments. Godiva hasn't shared any plans, progress, or metrics about the amount of certified cocoa in its supply chain. AND some are even being denied wages for work they completed months ago. The policy and commitments are a … Send the most indulgent gourmet chocolates, truffles, holiday gifts and more. The US Department of Labor found more than 2 million children work in hazardous conditions growing cocoa—such as burning fields, applying agrochemicals, carrying heavy loads—and many do not attend school. Additionally, forced child labor is a major problem on cocoa farms in West Africa. Child labor is one of the few issues Nestle explicitly acknowledges. Godiva has been involved in the controversy over chocolate manufacturers' use of child labor in the production of cocoa. British American Tobacco (BAT) Glassdoor. While several leading chocolate companies are upholding their decade old commitments to end child labor, Godiva seemingly remains the most unethical chocolatier in the industry. Children work in mercury-laden water and in dangerous conditions to search for gold in Camarines Norte, Philippines (©ILO/G. We surveyed the world’s biggest chocolate companies to find out! Some are rising to the challenge of making cocoa sustainable, but others continue to ignore consumer demand for chocolate that…, 1612 K Street NW, Suite 600, Washington DC 20006, Phone: (800) 584-7336      Fax: (202) 331-8166, Green America's website is sponsored by Green America members and, Growing the Green Economy for People and Planet, Thanks to the pressure of nearly 40,000 action takers Godiva has issued a public policy on responsible cocoa! Godiva has taken first steps to improve conditions on cocoa farms in West Africa by working with the Cocoa Horizons Foundation. Here's how to tell if your bar is truly guilt-free. 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