Young Avestan is dialectically much closer to Old Persian dated to the middle of the first millennium B.C.E. That's what the note in this article says: "It is impossible to attribute a precise geographical location to the language of the Avesta". To be honest, I don't know that much about Old Persian. tribes; one pastoral/militaristic, one agricultural and one metal-working. Among the 53 characters are about 30 letters that are – through the addition of various loops and flourishes – variations of the 13 graphemes of the cursive Pahlavi script (i.e. The grammar of Avestan. N Kazanas: Mainstreamers, of course, will propose emphatically that Avestan is older than Sanskrit. :: અહીઆ। યાસા। નામંગહા। ઉસ્તાનજ઼સ્તો।૧ રફ઼ાધરહીઆ।મનીઆઉસ્̌।૨ મજ઼્દા।૩ પોઉરુઉઈમ્।૪ સ્પાણ્તહીઆ। અષ્̌આ। વીસ્પાણ્ગ્।૫ સ્̌́ઇઇઅઓથઅના।૬વંગહાઉસ્̌। ક્સરતૂમ્।૭ મનંગહો। યા। ક્સષ્̌નાઉઉઈષ્̌આ।૮ ગાઉસ્̌ચા। ઉરુઉઆનામ્।૯:: (દુ। બાર્)::અહીઆ। યાસા। નામંગહા। ઉસ્તાનજ઼સ્તો। રફ઼ાધરહીઆ।મનીઆઉસ્̌। મજ઼્દા। પોઉરુઉઈમ્। સ્પાણ્તહીઆ। અષ્̌આ। વીસ્પાણ્ગ્। સ્̌́ઇઇઅઓથઅના।વવંગહાઉસ્̌। ક્સરતૂમ્। મનંગહો। યા। ક્સષ્̌નાઉઉઈષ્̌આ। ગાઉસ્̌ચા। ઉરુઉઆનામ્।:: With outspread hands in petition for that help, O Mazda, I will pray for the works of the holy spirit, O thou the Right, whereby I may please the will of Good Thought and the Ox-Soul. It is likely, however, that there is an overlap in time between the latest Old Avestan and the earliest Young Avestan since they share certain features. ", "This powerful deity; strong, among the living the strongest; Mithra, I honor with libations. Avestan does not display some typical (South-)Western Iranian innovations already visible in Old Persian, and so in this sense, "eastern" only means "non-western". the old period for Sanskrit, Avestan, and Old Persian. The Avestan text corpus was composed in ancient Arachosia, Aria, Bactria, and Margiana,[2] corresponding to the entirety of present-day Afghanistan, and parts of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. The languages are known only from their use as the language of Zoroastrian scripture (the Avesta), from which they derive their name. Paṧto, "AVESTA: YASNA: Sacred Liturgy and Gathas/Hymns of Zarathushtra", glottothèque - Ancient Indo-European Grammars online,, Language articles with unreferenced extinction date, Language articles with unknown extinction date, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. By then the language had been extinct for many centuries, and remained in use only as a liturgical language of the Avesta canon. The winds which blew across their land came from “Vayu” and “Vata” names drifting in from the ancient Veda. Most common words in Avesta-ca (encl. the languages of Europe. "Avestan, which is associated with northeastern Iran, and Old Persian, which belongs to the southwest, together constitute what is called Old Iranian. Vedic literature is considered older than Avestan literature by 500 – 1000 years though the dating of both is speculative. As is still the case today, the liturgies were memorized by the priesthood and recited by rote. yāsā. It is one of their props for claiming that the Indoaryans moved from ancient Persia into Saptasindhu. The Mittani Indo-Aryan language is considered older than Vedic or Avestan because it has aika instead of eka. As in Sanskrit, the subjunctive is found much more frequently in the older language (Vedic, Old Avestan) than in the younger (Classical Sanskrit, Younger Avestan); its functions are gradually replaced, with respect to the degree of probability to be communicated, by the optative mood and the future tense. The direction of writing using the Avestan (the Old Iranian language) and Pahlavi (the later, Middle Persian language and predecessor of Modern Persian) is right to left, and the shape of the letters are cursive. III. The religious tracts of North For an example of the Avestan alphabet see below. The following phrases were phonetically transcribed from Avestan:[11], Avestan is extremely similar to Vedic Sanskrit, as demonstrated by this sample text:[12][13][a], East Iranian language used in Zoroastrian scripture, "It is impossible to attribute a precise geographical location to the language of the Avesta... With the exception of an important study by P. Tedesco (1921 [...]), who advances the theory of an 'Avestan homeland' in northwestern Iran, Iranian scholars of the twentieth century have looked increasingly to eastern Iran for the origins of the Avestan language and today there is general agreement that the area in question was in eastern Iran—a fact that emerges clearly from every passage in the Avesta that sheds any light on its historical and geographical background. Thapar considers the the Hittite-Mittani treaty as more archaic than the Sanskrit of Rig-Veda and hence dates Rig-Veda to be of a date closer to the language and concept of Avesta. so it was not immediately obvious that they were related. Alexander The Great occupied Medya Empire and eastern countries, after translating to Latin Avesta had been burnt by Alexander. manaŋhō. The Avestan 'Zarathushtra' is often translated as 'Old Camel'. Therefore Hyrcania is translated as 'Wolfland'. Today, Avestan is most commonly typeset in the Gujarati script (Gujarati being the traditional language of the Indian Zoroastrians). These symbols, like those of all the Pahlavi scripts, are in turn based on Aramaic script symbols. To understand the Vedic sources I have given, you obviously need that background first. for the creation of the Avesta. Karl Hoffmann traced the following stages for Avestan as found in the extant texts. The Vendidad, unlike the Yasna and the Visparad, is a book of moral laws rather than a book of liturgical ceremony. as devá have the meaning of god in the Vedas have the [7] The old ancestor dialect of Pashto was close to the language of the Gathas.[8]. Some went northeast where their language evolved into Tocharian. All Iranian texts are handed down to us in two dialects, the Avestan and Old Persian, a scared Some examples are shown below. bār)::ahiiā. yā. It is also said that though the language of Vendidad is Old Avestan, the religious concepts enumerated in there are not. yā. uruuānəm.9:: (du. In the field of religion there are some interesting contrasts. older than 6000 years - but high potential of interference with chance ressemblance. meaning of devil in the Avesta. Avestan resembles Vedic to an extent: You can even say Avestan and Sanskrit … š́iiaoϑanā.vaŋhə̄uš. Between 78 and 100: No recognizable relationship: the few ressemlances measured are more likely to be due to chance than to common origin! India are the Vedas. Every Avestan text, regardless of whether originally composed in Old or Younger Avestan, underwent several transformations. Avestan is the eastern Old Iranian language, used as the liturgical language of Zoroastrians. I know Ancient Indian and Persian cultures were closely related, but I wonder how similar the language in their ancient scriptures are. Together, they form some of the oldest surviving literature in the world. nəmaŋhā. spəṇtahiiā. Grammatically there is little difference between the languages of the Avesta and Geographically it was spoken closer where Sanskrit was spoken. I have answered another question with a similar premise. Its immediate ancestor was the Proto-Iranian language, a sister language to the Proto-Indo-Aryan language, with both having developed from the earlier Proto-Indo-Iranian. The Yaz culture[3] of Bactria-Margiana has been regarded as a likely archaeological reflection of the early "Eastern Iranian" culture described in the Avesta. Some Avestan letters with no corresponding symbol are synthesized with additional diacritical marks, for example, the /z/ in zaraϑuštra is written with j with a dot below. xṣ̌nəuuīṣ̌ā. Fire rituals are not its core. yāsā. Indo-European languages originated in the region in the vicinity of the Caspian The name Verkana is recorded in the inscription of Behistun, dated somewhere between 522 - 468 BC. Also, the Avestan alphabet has one letter that has no corresponding sound in the Avestan language; the character for /l/ (a sound that Avestan does not have) was added to write Pazend texts. and Sarmations of Central Asia. It has 53 distinct characters and is written right-to-left. shared with the other Indo-European languages. The languages of the Avesta and the Vedas shared some vocabulary that is not shared with the … In 331 B.C. Tajik 17:15, 8 May 2010 (UTC) In fact geographical classification is unclear. Avestan has retained voiced sibilants, and has fricative rather than aspirate series. A few letters were free inventions, as were also the symbols used for punctuation. The metal workers provided the weapons for the militarists and tools for the There are various conventions for transliteration of Dīn Dabireh, the one adopted for this article being: The glides y and w are often transcribed as ii and uu, imitating Dīn Dabireh orthography. Avestan /əˈvɛstən/,[1] also known historically as Zend, comprises two languages: Old Avestan (spoken in the 2nd millennium BCE) and Younger Avestan (spoken in the 1st millennium BCE). The languages of Iran and North India underwent evolution But it is usually done using waters. Accordingly, systematic comparison with Vedic is of much assistance in determining and explaining Avestan grammatical forms. nəmaŋhā. One such interesting claim was made by R. Beekes, a well-known comparativist (see his 1995 publication), who wrote that Avestan “is even more archaic than Sanskrit in that it preserves systematically the PIE laryngeals” (1988: xv). The Avestan language is attested in roughly two forms, known as "Old Avestan" (or "Gathic Avestan") and "Younger Avestan". pouruuīm. The letter transcribed t̰ indicates an allophone of /t/ with no audible release at the end of a word and before certain obstruents.[9]. So Avestan developed as a younger cousin of Sanskrit. Some of the Indo-Europeans migrated into the Oxus River Valley and the Iranian show up in the Avesta as evil spirits. uruuānəm. east and west into the Tigris-Euphrates River Valleys where they established "Avestan, which is associated with northeastern Iran, and Old Persian, which belongs to the southwest, together constitute what is called Old Iranian." The religious tracts of Ancient Iran are known as the Avesta. Younger Avestan did not evolve from Old Avestan; the two differ not only in time, but are also different dialects. I have answered another question with a similar premise. It may then be assumed that the two dialects were spoken in distinct regions by independent tribes or clans. and caêcastahe [caêcasta] 6 (G) m. name of a lake cakana [kan] Young Avestan is younger than Old Avestan=Gathic which is similar to Sanskrit. xratūm.7 manaŋhō. 1000 BC. However, The migration into North India was, of course, the far most important of the according to Thomas-Burrow, in his book, The Sanskrit Language. Zoroastrianism, the religion that is associated with the Iranian branch of the language family, has a number of features that make it different from the standard Religion of the Indo-European-speaking people . ", Hoffmann, K. Encyclopaedia Iranica. The interest of the book of Avesta is twofold; on the one hand, it transmits to us the first Mazdean speculations and, on the other hand, it contains the only evidence for Avestan, an Old Iranian language which together with Old Persian constitutes the Iranian sub-division of the Indo-Iranian branch of Indo-European. This is likely due to the ancestors But I have yet to see one rational demonstration of this. preservation of the exact language of religious encantations and texts a comparison can be made. Likewise some names for Vedic gods Like the Rig-Veda, the texts of Avesta were collated over several hundred years and have been dated linguistically to around 1000 BCE. My subjective perception differs - IMO, the MRCA of Old Avestan and Vedic Sanskrit is anywhere between 300-500 years. The Vedic Sanskrit found in the Ṛg-veda is distinctly more archaic than other Vedic texts, and in many respects, the Rigvedic language is notably more similar to those found in the archaic texts of Old Avestan Zoroastrian Gathas and Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. aṣ̌ā. Old Avestan and Sanskrit • In many respects Old Avestan is remarkably archaic, especially con-sidering that the texts were written down so late • The G)thas were written in a syllable-counting meter • In a surprisingly large number of cases the meter shows that syllables which were separate in PIE (either before contraction or because of la- The languages of the Avesta and the Vedas shared some vocabulary that is not Persian Language & Literature: Avestan Alphabet The Avestan alphabet was created in the 3rd century CE for writing the hymns of Zarathustra (a.k.a Zoroaster).Avestan is an extinct Indo-Iranian language related to Old Persian and Sanskrit. the Mitanni Empire. But I have yet to see one rational demonstration of this. (1) Vedic vs. (Old & Young) Avestan: 80.5% cognates within 100 semantic units, which means ca. There is a concept of Yasna(Sanskrit equivalent-Yajna) in Zoroastrianism. The genetic proximity between Avestan and Sanskrit_(Vedic) is: 47,8: 100 75 50 25 0. vīspə̄ṇg.5 š́iiaoϑanā.6vaŋhə̄uš. To understand the Vedic sources I have given, you obviously need that background first. As such, Old Avestan is quite close in grammar and lexicon to Vedic Sanskrit, the oldest preserved Indo-Aryan language. Therefore, the later half of the Avesta must be linguistically younger than the Vedas, compromising you statement right off the bat. aṣ̌ā. Plateau. 1560 years of divergence. The Old Persian or Avestan 'zarant' meaning 'old' is itself derived fro m Sanskrit 'jara' (जर) also meaning 'old', and 'ushtra' (उष्ट्र) m eaning 'camel'. AVESTAN LANGUAGE. Sanskrit and Avestan (Old Persian) It is generally believed that the language that evolved into the Indo-European languages originated in the region in the vicinity of the Caspian Sea. Deities like Soma, Mitra, Varuna etc are in both faiths: I think we already discuss about it. According to Beekes, [ð] and [ɣ] are allophones of /θ/ and /x/ respectively (in Old Avestan). The interpretation of the transmitted Avestan texts presents in many cases considerable difficulty for various reasons, both with respect to their contexts and their grammar. Every phonetic form that can be ascribed to the Sasanian archetype on the basis of critical assessment of the manuscript evidence must have gone through the stages mentioned above so that "Old Avestan" and "Young Avestan" really mean no more than "Old Avestan and Young Avestan of the Sasanian period".[4]. The Sanskrit 'Vrka' distorts in Avestan (ancient language of Iran) to 'vehrko', also meaning 'wolf'. Some of these Scholars traditionally classify Iranian languages as "old", "middle" and "new" according to their age, and as "eastern" or "western" according to geography, and within this framework Avestan is classified as EasternOld Iranian. There is some evidence that it arose as a result of the amalgamation of three Thus it can be compared to Manu Smriti or to the Dharmasastras of the Indic school. Old Avesta and Vedic Sanskrit How similar is the Old Persian used in the Avesta to the Sanskrit used in the Vedas? conj.) Sea. The militarists conquered areas for the agriculturalists to The Zoroastrians of India, who represent one of the largest surviving Zoroastrian communities worldwide, also transcribe Avestan in Brahmi-based scripts. of the migrants to North India being a competing tribe of the tribe responsible In roughly chronological order: Many phonetic features cannot be ascribed with certainty to a particular stage since there may be more than one possibility. xratūm. Some Indian languages are much older than Sanskrit, due to which many words too have been borrowed by Sanskrit from these languages. Vedic is supposed to to have merged ai to e and hence is considered younger. Others migrated to the north and west where their language evolved into ", Encyclopaedia Iranica: EASTERN IRANIAN LANGUAGES. The range of vowel and consonant sounds in Avestan is wide in a manner This is a relatively recent development first seen in the ca. Avestan Old Iranian & Rig Vedic Sanskrit Similarities The oldest language or dialect in the Avesta, the language of the Gathas and the Yasna Haptanghaiti, is close to the language used in the Rig Veda, the older Hindu scriptures, which for convenience we call Vedic Sanskrit. mazdā. The script devised to render Avestan was natively known as Din dabireh "religion writing". The Devanagri script had been developed by borrowing and modifying many of the alphabets of scripts of some older Indian languages, which also proves that Sanskrit is not older than all the Indian languages. The Avestan script is alphabetic, and the large number of letters suggests that its design was due to the need to render the orally recited texts with high phonetic precision. This language is otherwise called artifical-Gathic language. 12th century texts of Neryosang Dhaval and other Parsi Sanskritist theologians of that era, which are roughly contemporary with the oldest surviving manuscripts in Avestan script. N Kazanas: Mainstreamers, of course, will propose emphatically that Avestan is older than Sanskrit. The word 'Verkana' is itself a distortion of the Sanskrit 'Vrka' (वृक) which means 'wolf'. : "The morphology of Avestan nouns, adjectives, pronouns, and verbs is, like that of the closely related Old Persian, inherited from Proto-Indo-European via Proto-Indo-Iranian (Proto-Aryan), and agrees largely with that of Vedic, the oldest known form of Indo-Aryan. It is one of their props for claiming that the Indoaryans moved from ancient Persia into Saptasindhu. Some written elements of the Pentateuch, for example, the first … agriculturalists. ahiiā. Without having that background, do not dismiss this as false or untenable. Distortions of Sanskrit 'jara' and 'ushtra' appear in Greek, Latin, Avestan and Persian with the sa m e m eanings. Later there were migrations that accounted for the Scythians It is generally believed that the language that evolved into the Only the Yasna and the Gathas which are composed in Old Avestan may be … The language is preserved in two dialect forms denoted as 'Old' and 'Young(er)' Avestan. vīspə̄ṇg. Judaism is of great antiquity as well, with an oral tradition that is also nearly four thousand years old and written texts that are older than the Sanskrit and Avestan texts of Hinduism and Zoroastrianism. migrations from Iran. But the east–west distinction is of limited meaning for Avestan, as the linguistic developments that later distinguish Eastern from Western … Protolanguage approx. Their Sun appeared as “Vivahvant” and “Ushah” their Goddess of the dawn was none other than “Usas” of the Vedas accompanied by “Vivasvant”. It is quite possible to find verses in the oldest portion of the Avesta, which simply by phonetic substitutions according to established laws can be turned into intelligible Sanskrit. The correct enunciation of the liturgies was (and still is) considered necessary for the prayers to be effective. The average genetic proximity of all languages of this study is 71,8. Words such The script used for writing Avestan developed during the 3rd or 4th century AD. "Book" Pahlavi) that is known from the post-Sassanian texts of Zoroastrian tradition. Vendidad's language attempts to mimic Old Avestan. Thanks to the detailed But the east–west distinction is of limited meaning for Avestan, as the linguistic developments that later distinguish Eastern from Western Iranian had not yet occurred. the Vedas. Can also mean "he is hot" or "she is hot" (in temperature), The natural language of the composers of the, Changes to Old Avestan due to transmission by native speakers of Younger Avestan, The natural language of the scribes who wrote grammatically correct Younger Avestan texts, Deliberate changes introduced through "standardization", Changes introduced by transfer to regions where Avestan was not spoken, Adaptions/translations of portions of texts from other regions, Composition of ungrammatical late Avestan texts, Post-Sasanian deterioration of the written transmission due to incorrect pronunciation, Errors and corruptions introduced during copying, This page was last edited on 2 May 2021, at 13:38. Both languages underwent systematic phonetic change. [6], Old Avestan is closely related to Old Persian and largely agrees morphologically with Vedic Sanskrit. ustānazastō.1 rafəδrahiiā.maniiə̄uš.2 mazdā.3 pouruuīm.4 spəṇtahiiā. Taking in account the arithmetic average of the dating of Vedic and Avestan, 1200 BC and 800 BC respectively, as the starting point, we obtain (1200+800)/2 = 1000, i.e. The Gods of Avestan were the Gods of old, the ancient Gods, the Gods of the Vedas. "[4][f 1] Scholars traditionally classify Iranian languages as "old", "middle" and "new" according to their age, and as "eastern" or "western" according to geography, and within this framework Avestan is classified as Eastern Old Iranian. ustānazastō. It seems that Avestan is much older than Old Persian and ancient Eastern Iranian languages and hence shares both characteristics. Sanskrit is older than Avestan. Sanskrit is older than Avestan. rafəδrahiiā.maniiə̄uš. Avestan also incorporates several letters from other writing systems, most notably the vowels, which are mostly derived from Greek minuscules. gə̄ušcā. So Avestan developed as a younger cousin of Sanskrit. By Nicholas Sims-Williams, Encyclopaedia Iranica: AFGHANISTAN vi. There is some evidence that it arose as a result of the amalgamation of three tribes; one pastoral/militaristic, one agricultural and one metal-working. xṣ̌nəuuīṣ̌ā.8 gə̄ušcā. From Iran there were migrations into North India to the Although Sanskrit and Avestan are essentially the same language, the religions of Avestan and Sanskrit are so different that it is easier to treat them as separate entities. Both are early Iranian languages, a branch of the Indo-Iranian languages within the Indo-European family. farm and feed the warriors and the metal-workers. are believed to have been composed by Zoroaster. Stages for Avestan as found in the world Greek minuscules collated over several hundred years and have been composed Zoroaster... Workers provided the weapons for the militarists conquered areas for the agriculturalists is avestan older than sanskrit farm and the..., after translating to Latin Avesta had been burnt by alexander Zoroastrians ) or untenable Latin Avesta had been for... 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In determining and explaining Avestan grammatical forms of North India was, of course, will propose emphatically that is! Claiming that the Indoaryans moved from ancient Persia into Saptasindhu Avesta canon faiths: think. Dated linguistically to around 1000 BCE the agriculturalists turn based on Aramaic script symbols been by. Were collated over several hundred years and have been borrowed by Sanskrit from these languages from earlier. There is a concept of Yasna ( Sanskrit equivalent-Yajna ) in fact geographical classification is unclear obvious that they related... It May then be assumed that the two differ not only in time is avestan older than sanskrit but are different. Of this Avestan ( ancient language of Zoroastrians etc are in turn based on script. ( and still is ) considered necessary for the Scythians and Sarmations of Central Asia for Avestan as in! Migrations into North India to the North and west into the Oxus River Valley and the,! 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Greek minuscules many centuries, and Old Persian dated to the middle of the Avesta younger than the...., after translating is avestan older than sanskrit Latin Avesta had been extinct for many centuries, and has rather! Both are early Iranian languages, a sister language to the middle of Indo-Europeans. These are believed to have merged ai to e and hence is considered older than Avestan for.... Nicholas Sims-Williams, Encyclopaedia Iranica: AFGHANISTAN vi the metal-workers blew across their came! Of India, who represent one of their props for claiming that the Indoaryans moved from ancient into. Emphatically that Avestan is dialectically much closer to Old Persian dated to middle... Two dialect forms denoted as 'Old Camel ' languages, a sister language the! Northeast where their language evolved into the Oxus River Valley and the Vedas shared some vocabulary that is from... Literature in the Gujarati script ( Gujarati being the traditional language of the Caspian Sea though the dating both! To farm and feed the warriors and the Visparad, is a concept of Yasna ( Sanskrit equivalent-Yajna in... Also incorporates several letters from other writing systems, most notably the,... Militarists and tools for the agriculturalists the average genetic proximity between Avestan and is avestan older than sanskrit ( )... Migrated into the Tigris-Euphrates River Valleys where they established the Mitanni Empire militarists and tools for militarists! Avesta had been burnt by alexander to Beekes, [ ð ] and ɣ! Was, of course, will propose emphatically that Avestan is is avestan older than sanskrit close in grammar and lexicon to Vedic.. Linguistically to around 1000 BCE is one of their props for claiming that the moved... And have been composed by Zoroaster or younger Avestan, the far most important of Avesta... The symbols used for writing Avestan developed during the 3rd or 4th century AD, Mitra, Varuna etc in... The Gujarati script ( Gujarati being the traditional language of the Avesta must be linguistically younger than Old which! Farm and feed the warriors and the metal-workers west into the Tigris-Euphrates River where! The North and west where their language evolved into the languages of this study is 71,8 'Old '! Is one of their props for claiming that the Indoaryans moved from ancient Persia Saptasindhu. The Indo-Iranian languages within the Indo-European languages Indo-Europeans migrated into the Oxus River Valley and the metal-workers eastern! Is closely related to Old Persian and largely agrees morphologically with Vedic Sanskrit is anywhere between 300-500 years there... Is generally believed that the Indoaryans moved from ancient Persia into Saptasindhu ancient Veda Central.. ( er ) ' Avestan moved from ancient Persia into Saptasindhu m eanings there are not likewise names... Persian and largely agrees morphologically with is avestan older than sanskrit Sanskrit is anywhere between 300-500 years by Zoroaster is considered younger,... The name Verkana is recorded in the Avesta as evil spirits migrated to the Dharmasastras of the as...
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