Northern Red Oak is occasionally a dominant or codominant tree, but it often replaced by Sugar Maple and other trees that are This oak is often cultivated as a landscape tree. The wood from northern red oak trees is commonly used for hardwood lumber to make furniture, veneer, and cabinets. IMMEDIATE FIRE EFFECT ON PLANT: Northern red oak is apparently more susceptible to fire than many other species of oak. For more information contact the Tree Nursery. Northern Red Oak - Quercus rubra - Zone 3a Red Oak is a large, moderately fast growing deciduous tree. Northern red oak generally first bear fruits at 20-25 years but don’t produce acorns in abundance until 40-50 years. Stomach pain, constipation and later bloody diarrhea, excessive thirst and urination. It is believed that Bishop Compton's garden, near Fulham in England, received the first red oak transplant abroad in the late 17th century. The northern red oak is one of the most important oaks for timber production in North America. Hardy to -30°F Maximum Elevation: 6,000 ft. Black oak Quercus velutina and Northern red oak Quercus rubra have similar leaves, bark, and height. White-M Hairstreak (Parrhasius m-album) has three broods in the north from February-October. The Northern Red Oak’s leaves are alternate, tapered, and colored a glossy dark green, with bristly edges, a smooth upper surface, and a downy underside. The acorns are an important food source for squirrels, deer, turkey, mice, and other mammals and birds. On younger trees and branches, it is smooth and greenish-brown or gray. It shows adaptability to a wide variety of soil conditions and ranges farther north than any other oak common to the state. form a strategic partnership called N.C. Read our Commitment to Diversity | Read our Privacy Statement. It can also be used in single-row windbreaks. The wide cap covers the upper 1/4 of the nut. Inner bark is Gray Hairstreak (Strymon melinus), has three to four flights in the south from February-November and two flights in the north from May-September. A to Z | departments | search, Copyright © State of New Jersey, 1996-2018 The northern red oak is the embodiment of a generalist. Northern red oak acorns mature in two years. The northern red oak has been a favorite of both lumbermen and landscapers since colonial times. Trenton, NJ 08625-0402 The introduced species Gypsy moth threatens our state tree. New Jersey’s future forests are in your hands! The acorn requires two growing seasons to reach maturity. Herb: Red Oak Latin name: Quercus rubra Synonyms: Quercus borealis Family: Fagaceae (Beech Family) Medicinal use of Red Oak: The bark and inner bark is antiseptic, astringent, emetic, febrifuge and tonic. The lumber is used for furniture, veneer, interior finishing, cabinets, paneling, and flooring as well as for agricultural implements, posts, and railway ties. In Warren County near the Musconetcong River grows the biggest Northern red oak on record in the state with a circumference of 20 feet, 1 inch. It grows on a great variety of soils and is found in almost any topographic orientation (Sander 1990). Some tribes are known to have used the bark as medicine for heart troubles and bronchial infections. The shallow furrows form a pattern resembling ski tracts. Seedlings, saplings, and small poles of northern red oak can sprout if cut or burned. It sustains the best growth in full sunlight with well-drained, slightly acidic, sandy loam. Drop off acorns at the nursery September 1 - October 30. You get 5 pre bonsai trees with bare roots hight 10-25 cm. Use as a shade tree, street tree and in recreational areas. Northern red oak is frequently planted as an ornamental due to its bright red fall foliage. The red oak is a good choice for a street tree because it resists the salt used on roads and sidewalks. online Although young oaks typically stump sprout readily, older and larger individuals also may sprout. The northern red oak (scientific name Quercus rubra) is one of the sweetest and beautiful trees of its kind. Acorns of the red oak taste bitter, so many animals prefer the more tasty types of acorns to eat, leaving the red oak acorns to germinate. The bark of a Northern Red Oak has shallow furrows and flattened ridges, which are often white in color. Since red and white oaks are only found in North America, the main ways to tell the differences between the two are by examining the leaves, acorns and bark. It is used in the treatment of diarrhoea, chronic dysentery, indigestion, asthma, severe coughs, hoarseness, intermittent fevers, bleeding etc. When mature, the dark gray bark forms flat-topped. The inner bark is reddish. Use Windbreaks - Northern red oak is useful as the large tree component of windbreaks. The tight, solid bark is typically more seriously damaged than the rough, corky bark of species such as white oak [].Mortality is higher for smaller northern red than for larger trees [].Large trees can survive bark scorch on up to 66 percent of their circumference []. Northern Red Oak is a deciduous tree that may grow 60 to 90 feet tall and is found throughout the Piedmont and mountain areas of NC. However, the bark of scarlet oak is often rougher or more blocky near the base of the tree. smooth ridges.. Leaves are 5 to 10 inche s long and 5 to 8 inches wide.. Acorns will be planted and grown into trees to reforest New Jersey. Quercus rubra Linnaeus: Northern red oak is the fastest growing and largest of all the oaks native to New York State. NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to Other related oaks are also cut and marketed as red oak, although their wood is not always of as high a quality. The bark is dark gray or black which is shallowly furrowed into Pick up acorns and store them in a gallon milk jug with the cap off. Shiny green, leathery foliage turns bronze to wine-red in autumn. Governor Alfred E. Driscoll and the State Assembly selected Quercus rubra, Northern Red Oak, as the state tree on June 13, 1950. However, the latter sometimes resprout from their sites| A single caterpillar can defoliate one square foot of leaf area per day. parks and forestry: find Best planted in the spring from the field (spring, summer, or fall from containers) in full sun or part shade, red oak does best in well-drained soil with a pH less than 7.5. N.C. This plant is tolerant of urban conditions including dry and acidic soil and air pollution. Cooperative Extension, which staffs local offices in all 100 counties and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. Named for both its dark reddish brown bark and the breathtaking red its leaves turn in the fall, these trees are gorgeous to behold and a boon for the environment wherever they're planted. Quercus rubra is distributed from the east of Collect acorns, including those of the Northern Red Oak, for the NJ Tree Nursery. The tree produces a 3/4- to 1-inch acorn with a flat, thick cap that covers about 1/4 the nut. home, index Northern red oak is native to the Midwest and is one of the faster growing oaks for the home landscape. Fall color is usually brick red to scarlet and very attractive. Oak Diseases & Insect Pests | Home & Garden Information Center historic preservation This plant is tolerant of urban conditions including dry and acidic soil and air pollution. Box 402 Adult Imperial Moths do not feed. northern red oak Fagaceae Quercus rubra L. symbol: QURU Leaf: Alternate, simple, 5 to 8 inches long, oblong in shape with 7 to 11 bristle-tipped lobes, sinuses extend 1/3 to 1/2 of the way to midvein, generally very uniform in shape, dull green to blue-green above and paler below. Displays from August to October. The tree may reach 40 years of age before producing acorns. lands | education | historic Northern Red Oak Quercus rubra. You may see Imperial Moth (Eacles imperialis) larvae which have one brood per season and appear from April-October in the south. Juvenal’s Duskywing (Erynnis juvenalis) has one brood from April-June, appearing as early as January in Florida. Most commonly on N- and E- facing slopes, and on clay, loam, and sandy or gravelly soils. Dark grey to blackish; inner bark is reddish in color; Rough to … It grows on sandy land, gravelly ridges and moist bottomland, but makes the best growth on rich, heavy, upland soils. Red Oak is capable of growing in a wide variety of soils and is widely used for landscaping purposes. Northern red oak have lobed leaf margins, and the tips of the leaf are pointed. Find and examine some acorns. Produces 1-inch long acorns singly or in pairs on a very short stem. Grooved bark is ash-gray and sometimes black. home | about dep | index However, red oak trees mainly exist in the western states alongside the blue oak, California black oak, canyon live oak, interior live oak, Silverleaf oak, Engelmann oak and Emory oak. Oak trees support a wide variety of Lepidopteran. Front and back of leaves (Greensboro, NC)-Mid Fall, Side view of acorns (Greensboro, NC)-Mid Fall, Bottom view of acorn (Greensboro, NC)-Mid Fall, The acorns of red oak (and other oak species) were an important food source for Native Americans. by topic, dep The official tree of PEI is highly tolerant of urban conditions and high winds. It was also used as an astringent, disinfectant, and cleanser. Only with age does the main stem develop dark reddish brown to black bark with shallow fissures in broad flat ridges. Cooperative Extension prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex (including pregnancy), disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, and veteran status. by topic | programs/units | dep Last Updated: forest fire | natural The tree has also found favor when transplanted in Europe. Red oak (Quercus rubra) is a member of the broad red oak group (black, blackjack, pin, northern pin, and shingle).This group is characterized by having bristles or points on the leaf lobes and acorns which mature in two growing seasons and sprout in the spring after maturity. Although these species sometimes look blatantly different, significant variation in individual leaf shape and other characteristics can make these species challenging to tell apart in some cases. Northern red oak generally first bear fruits at 20-25 years but don’t produce acorns in abundance until 40-50 years. Department of Environmental Protection hite oak, which gets its name from the color of the bark, occurs naturally in southern and cen- tral Maine as far north as Oakland in northern Kennebec County. It commonly grows on mesic slopes and well-drained uplands, on lower and middle slopes, in coves, ravines or valley floors. The Northern red oak grows up to 100 feet tall, making it one of the largest tree species in New Jersey. Northern Red Oak (Quercus rubra L.) Description Northern r ed oak (beech family, Fagaceae) reaches heights of 100 feet and diameter s of 36 inches on good sites¹. Twigs are reddish brown, often glossy. The bark on the trunks of old trees is dark gray or nearly black, and is divided into rounded ridges. The bark is smooth on young trees but as it ages wide, flat-topped ridges and shallow furrows develop. Bur Oak bark has thin vertical ridges and is gray or brown in color. riverbanks. NORTHERN RED OAK. A stately shade tree with well balanced branches forming an oval canopy. The acorns are eaten by woodpeckers, blue jays small mammals, wild turkeys white-tailed deer and black bears. Acorns (nuts) are edible after tannins are leached or boiled out. Its tolerance of salt and air pollution makes it a good tree for more exposed areas. Northern red oak (Quercus rubra), also known as common red oak, eastern red oak, mountain red oak, and gray oak, is widespread in the East and grows on a variety of … Native Americans ground the acorns of the red oak with other types of acorns to make a flour used for food. Blooms from April to May. The bark is gray, medium to coarse textured, very hard, with flattened, plate like ridges but is nearly smooth on the branches. Full sun (6 or more hours of direct sunlight a day), Partial Shade (Direct sunlight only part of the day, 2-6 hours). The leaves are glabrous and dull green above and light dull green below with tufts of hairs in the vein angles. Oak Tree Identification. The acorn requires two growing seasons to reach maturity. However, the inner bark of the Black oak is orange, and Northern red oak’s inner bark is white. Fire Risk: This plant has a low flammability rating. The Northern red oak has a broad range extending from Nova Scotia to North Carolina. The 7-inch leaves are divided less than halfway to the mid-vein into 7–11 shallow wavy lobes with a few irregular bristle- tipped teeth. However, the inner bark of the Black oak is orange, and Northern red oak’s inner bark is white. Look for “ski trails” that run up and down the trunk of the tree. November 21, 2006, njdep Resistant to fire and moderately resistant to damage from deer. It produces pollen flowers in drooping, elongated clusters. Bark on young branches is brown and smooth. broad hard scaly ridges. Scarlet Oak - Bark is very similar, often identical. This stately tree was chosen to represent New Jersey for its strength, dignity, structural beauty, and long life. The bark remains smooth and steel gray to gray-brown of the young branches for several years. Under optimal conditions, northern red oak is fast growing and trees may live up to 500 years. A few other oaks have bark with this kind of appearance in the upper tree, but the northern red oak is the only tree with the striping all the way down the trunk. statewide: njhome | citizen | business | government | services The leaves vary in shape,are 5–8 inches long, alternate, are dull, dark green above Northern red oak is the most common species of oak in Maine. The leaves of the northern red oak are lobed, the lobes have multiple points, but the lobes are not as long as those of other red oak group members (like the scarlet oak). Insects, Diseases, or Other Plant Problems:  Susceptible to oak wilt and chlorosis (yellowing of the leaves while the veins remain green) which can occur when soil is not sufficiently acidic. Look for pointed leaf tips to tell the difference between red and white oak species. The bark of a red oak looks as if someone went cross-country skiing on the bark. Acorns of scarlet oak have larger caps covering up to 1/2 of the acorn, while caps of northern red oak acorns only cover about 1/4 of the nut. Throughout central and eastern USA and into Canada. a park | forestry | In spring, yellow-green, cylindrical, male flowers and small, green, female spikes mature. This is a very large tree, growing 70 to 150 feet tall with trunk diameters easily reaching 4 feet. The leaves are alternate with 7 to 11 bristle-tipped lobes. Moderately drought-tolerant in most soils, red oak is well-suited as a street tree and other areas with at least fair soil. Management The tight, relatively thin bark of northern red oak Edward's Hairstreak (Satyrium edwardsii), has one flight from May-July in the south and June-July in the north. usually top-killed. To identify oak trees, look for bark that has deep fissures and ridges, giving … The Northern red oak has a broad range extending from Nova Scotia to North Carolina. The Red oak belongs to the genus of oaks and is native to North America. online. The inner bark is reddish to pink. Horace’s Duskywing (Erynnis horatius) has three broods in Texas and the deep south from January-November, and two broods in the north from April-September. There is some overlap in habitat, with black oak preferring slightly drier sites and northern red oak being more shade-tolerant. P. O. Quality red oak is of high value as lumber and veneer, while defective logs are used as firewood. Found found north to Minnesota, west to Nebraska, south to Alabama, and east to coast. Family: Fagaceae; Large tree with rounded crown; Height ranges between 18-27m (60-90') Leaves: Twigs & Fruiting Structures: Bark: Distribution and Uses: ... Bark. The red oak’s acorn is larger with a flat cap, while Black oak’s acorn has a “helmet” cap. Black Oak acorns are between 1/2 and 3/4 inches long and will be half-enclosed in a bowl-shaped cap. Northern red oak is easy to recognize by its bark, which feature bark ridges that appear to have shiny stripes down the center. Banded Hairstreak (Satyrium calanus), which have one flight from June-August everywhere but Florida where they emerge April-May. The red oak’s acorn is larger with a flat cap, while Black oak’s acorn has a “helmet” cap. The leaves are handsome throughout the year, emerging pinkish-red, turning lustrous dark green in summer, and changing to russet-red to bright red in autumn. department: njdep The Northern red oak is nicknamed the “mighty” oak for its strong, deep root system. 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