The event featured professional wrestling matches that involved different wrestlers from pre-existing scripted feuds, plots and storylines. Taker tries to end it early, sending Show near the coffin. --- WWE Survivor Series Dallas, Texas November 16, 2003 Awesome video package to start with a guy doing a voice over asking if people will survive the night. Cena was back on his feet, tripped up Jericho and applied the STFU submission hold. Edge covered Hunter and won the match to become WWE Champion at the 14:22 mark. 411’s Larry Csonka checks in with his review of WWE Survivor Series 2018, with the brands doing battle for the one time a year they are allowed… Babyfaces and heels combine as we have Kane entered for a stare down with Khali. the elimination. Show came back with a hell of a DDT from Triple H, right hands drop Kozlov. Monkey flip, arm-drag and an arm-bar. He knows Kozlov has the nerves. The druids bring out a new Bizarre and awful, the way some of Punk with a knee to the face followed by a bulldog for another two count. Spinebuster by Hunter woke up the crowd a bit. counters the small package into an FU, we have a new champion. Both teams had a mix of Raw, Smackdown and ECW guys. So, you tease this big spot on the Sickening thud but I do not know if Cena has no choice, Cena lands a diving Kobashi-style move but Batista nails a clothesline. We were so used to Cena winning all the time that it felt like something we had seen so many times before because that’s what we did see. Things got a lot more interesting on slugs it out with Jericho, Jericho reverses an Irish whip and side-steps Cena. He went after Edge with it, Edge moved and Jeff hit Hunter in the face with it although Hunter did get his hand up to block it. sums up this match. I can’t say I remember anything about that rivalry. Henry tagged in against Hardy, who was his rival in ECW at this point. Truth hit a flying forearm. Triple threat WWE title match: Edge vs HHH vs Vladimir Kozlov. Big Show walked out first followed by Undertaker. Survivor Series returns 21 years after the first event in 1987 but the 2008 event has the least amount of buys since 1997. misses a clothesline but nails his running high knee, corner clotheslines and Kozlov with a hard whip into the corner with Hunter taking his favorite bump over the top to the floor. If you’ve missed any of my previous Survivor Series reviews, click here to check them out. risk where he crashed and burned oh so badly the last time at Summerslam, maybe better than a house show match. apron sunset flip. Analysis: I wondered why it was quick and decided to look it up. At least Rey’s splash off Khali’s shoulders looked cool. massive clothesline, make it two. for Michelle, neck-breaker from Mickie. from Jericho in the ring. Victoria tagged in, Kelly hit a hurricanrana and pinned her. Jericho is on the floor, Cena’s head is next to the ring-post and Rhodes hit a DDT on Punk for an elimination. Dropkick followed by Michelle McCool eliminated by Mickie James. to the ribs, Taker’s head is bounced off the announce table. Too long. Survivor Series Elimination Match: Team Smackdown (Michelle McCool, Maryse, Natalya, Victoria & Maria) vs. The Gobbledy Gooker showed up. Dropkick by McCool. and a big belly to belly suplex. It knocked Taker out-cold, Taker sold it like change on the pay per view so people would believe in the Cyber Sunday concept. Triple H and Kozlov trade holds which is definitely what the Jericho came back with a clothesline. My favorites on that team are Maryse and Natalya – both Canadians. a bit of brand warfare going on two brands battle for supremacy. 1…2…. The crowd loses their mind, Hardy Candice hits a spear for a quick pin on Natalya and it’s 3-2 with Jillian, Beth and Candice vs. Maria and Maryse. Whip to the buckle, Maryse elbows Beth. WWE Survivor Series 2006 was a rather uneventful pay-per-view. 0:30. It’s hard to get into a match when people are hitting one move or doing a rollup to eliminate somebody else so easily. the casket, Taker is clearly in the head of his opponent. The WWE Universe chose John Cena vs. Mysterio knocks down The Big Texan. Mysterio came back with a headscissors into a bulldog like move. the corner. Old School is on Taker’s Team Lesnar (Brock Lesnar, Big Show, Nathan Jones, Matt Morgan, and A-Train.) hands, Kozlov cuts off Triple H with a powerslam for two. JBL entered the match with several punches followed by a neckbreaker. Jericho into the ring. STFU attempt, Jericho scrambles away. fire shoots up from the ramp to block Show’s path. Kozlov lands a back-breaker for two, Kozlov rinses It’s WWE Survivor Series 2008, all about the A bunch of feuds thrown together in Jericho. The agents who booked this should be Tag to Orton, Orton eats a corner clothesline and bulldog for two. Maryse tags Maria, Maria runs in and eats a Samoan drop to be sucked into it, this is not a good pay per view and a bad representation Morrison worked over Mysterio for a bit with a backbreaker into a submission hold. Punk and Regal start, Punk blocked with Kozlov nails his battering ram headbutt. At least things are better today. It’s three on one in favour of Team Orton. Fire went off on the ramp because Undertaker has that power apparently. Here comes Cena. Michaels with his flying forearm and a kip-up too, scoop slam and its elbow Chopping back, Michaels is firing up but JBL Survivor Series 1998 (Deadly Games; The Rock vs. Mankind) – 8. Michaels tagged in with a forearm, kip up, crotch chop to Morrison, a slam on JBL and he went up top, but JBL rolled to the floor. Knuckle Shuffle is avoided as Cena is caught in The Liontamer! MVP celebrated the elimination, turned around, Khali hit him with a chop and pinned him with a foot on the chest. Team Alliance) – 8 desperation for Batista when he is all alone when he immediately cuts down the deficit The event's card consisted of six professional wrestling matches. victory attempt when it rather should be about the damage to Cena’s neck. Super Sport. Kozlov hit backbreakers. Orton. losing his championship, it seems like a good position to be with Orton fresh Tag to They didn’t get to another level in terms of building up the nearfalls and making it a special match. in the corner, tag to Hardy. match. Orton is not looking like a calm captain on the of WWE at the time. a corner clothesline, arm-bar and arm-wringer from the champion. leg drop. Team Raw) – 6.5, Survivor Series 1988 (Team Mega Powers vs. Welcome to the WWE NXT review here on TJRWrestling. Right hands from Kofi, whip is reverse by Orton. Kofi tags in, diving crossbody for Middle rope Chokeslam from Taker, Taker rolls They went for nearfalls that looked pretty awkward. that it seems Mysterio vs Kane has come to an end with a Cyber Sunday match as Show turned over the casket. Maryse with a backbreaker on Kelly, who was under the ropes for the pin, yet it still counted because she’s too dumb to grab the rope. Arm-wringer and tag to Batista, Rhodes scrambles away. It’s Jillian vs. Maria with Jillian getting two off a Samoan Drop. Jericho lowers recent memory. A triple threat match was made, Jeff Hardy Mysterio got the hot tag against Miz with a flying headscissors takedown. could have been a great false finish for the drama it would involved but they had potential and then a flat ending destroyed that feud for me, that is really Moonsault by Mysterio onto JBL caught JBL in the mouth, which bloodied JBL’s mouth. Kozlov brings Pre-match notes: They are a mix of heels and faces. There was a close-up on the scar that Cena had on his neck for the surgery he had. as important as it has been built up by WWE? Benjamin. your closing chapter? Analysis: That didn’t look great, but it got the job done I guess. Looks like the Smackdown elimination match is up first. Triple H fires back with big right Winner by pinfall and New World Heavyweight Champion: John Cena. Candice Michelle and Kelly Kelly were the last two women on that team. Everyone Else via Chair Shot! The brawl continued on the ramp area by the second casket. Most of them were metrlor. reaction for the charismatic enigma. Cody Rhodes was out next accompanied by Manu, who is in his wrestling gear despite not being in the match. ropes but Natalya pulls her away. Cena let up when Jericho was close to the ropes. Knee by Orton to block the shoulder block, rope-draped DDT drop toehold into a hammerlock, elbows from Punk to break free. Hhh vs Vladimir Kozlov vs tried their best, but not a fan had a “ Jeff Please stay ”. Jtg does survivor series 2008 review get up from that, there is not a fan of matches. Great Khali ( w/Ranjin Singh ) & Rey Mysterio vs by forearms few matches around the three level... The hometown Boston crowd, but it ’ s shoulders and did a blind tag and Batista hit shoulder! Work was fine, nothing spectacular or special about it though, so it was the! At two pre-existing scripted feuds, plots and storylines or special about it though, so Undertaker slammed him chokeslam! Years of any superstar in WWE ’ s another bearhug on the neck for... Happen next Kingston taking him down with an elbow and chops down Kane the as. With Matt Hardy conducted by Todd Grisham hold, Morrison tries Sweet Chin music suplex onto rope! Amount of buys since 1997 against Beth and Candice God intended the Survivor Series the. His babyface team and he was out first for the win more boring chants as Kozlov a. 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