Even during the war’s final years, “the Allied leaders invited their ground troops to fight the Wehrmacht with equipment inferior in every category save artillery and transport. There would be very little glory in defeating an inferior military. If the american soldier was as outstanding during WW2 as you state, something drastic happened with them between then and when I participated in military winter exercises with them in 1982. 253-254. He was proud of that and said they were as brave and disciplined as any German combat troops. Front-line troops in Vietnam often tossed their M16 in favor of the Soviet AK47, a far more robust and reliable combat weapon, not to mention its better ballistics. German soldiers were even known for showing more initiative than the soldiers of democratic France, Britain, and the United States. http://www.famguardian.org/Publications/MilitaryGovAndMartLaw/MilitaryGovernmentAndMartialLaws.pdf. — British Lt. Gen. Sir Harold Alexander Secondly Hitler did not want to invade Britain he wanted Britain to survive and admired the British Empire, he just wanted territories back that were taken from Germany in WW1 that were in Africa.He even suggested he would have wished to help Britain defend Singapore from invasion with German troops.Thirdly he under estimated the number of troops that Stalin had at his disposal, he stated that had he known before hand the size of the Russian forces he would not have invaded Russia. The M16 was a far cry from the earlier Springfield .30-06 and later M1 and M14 (7.62mm); note the M16 round is 5.56mm. One of General Montgomery’s ablest staff officers, Brig. Looking back, he recalled the German soldiers’ endurance, steadfastness and skill as they slowly retreated from rugged mountainous areas under the most daunting conditions: “The German army left a trail of heroism ... Hungry and half naked, they cleared mountain landslides, stormed the rocky peaks, carved out bypasses. it’s not possible war would continue as the methodology, if the public knew the whole story of how those events are generally contrived and orchestrated by the same small group of globalists, who always play both sides off against each other from the middle… Ergo, the Fugitive Slave Laws would no longer apply. 7. 18. The military action in quelling “the rebellion” brought the US under martial law proper still in force today. They were also much more disciplined, especially compared to US soldiers. “Look mom – no Hitler ! “Unfortunately we are fighting the best soldiers in the world – what men!,” exclaimed Lt. Gen. Sir Harold Alexander, commander of the 15th Army Group in Italy, in a March 1944 report to London. I have heard similar comments from other revisionists. After 30 years of incomplete inactivity, it’s like finding a live dodo. How do you conclude that I’ve DISMISSED all of what you say I have, when I make it clear that such sources can’t HELP but be incomplete? They get paid for it. COMMENT POLICY AND GENERAL GUIDELINES ***, http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?court=us&vol=71&invol=2, http://www.famguardian.org/Publications/MilitaryGovAndMartLaw/MilitaryGovernmentAndMartialLaws.pdf, FN FAL and SCAR-H or the Heckler & Koch G3, Israel on the Brink: ‘Irish MP Humiliates Israeli Ambassador’, Addio, Tesoro Mio! Winston Churchill, The Second World War, volume 1/“The Gathering Storm” (Boston: 1948), pp. Though the events that left the Front Altair burning and the Kokuka with hull damage were not immediately clear early in the day, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo hours later blamed the “unprovoked attacks” on Iran, saying they were the latest in a series of “provocative actions” by the rogue state. Under Hitler their army attained its zenith.”, Moreover, Hastings points out, the German military fought with equipment and weapons that were usually better than those of their adversaries. Encouraged through their own delusions. He recovered after his release and played European handball. Bark One of General Montgomery’s ablest staff officers, Brig. !” We just love to hate those stinkin’ krauts !! 2- another to be exercised in time of foreign war without the boundaries of the United States, or in time of rebellion and civil war within states or districts occupied by rebels treated [71 U.S. 2, 142] as belligerents; “On a man for man basis,” Dupuy wrote, “German ground soldiers consistently inflicted casualties at about a 50 percent higher rate than they incurred from the opposing British and American troops under all circumstances [emphasis in original]. The most important rule in warfare imo is that you simply must know who your friends are, and that you simply MUST know who your enemy is. 533, xiii. February 2018. Lincoln never referred to the military action as a “war” and always referred to it as “the rebellion” which gave him the constitutional authority to abandon Habeas Corpus and use military forces to put down “the rebellion” by using any force available. For brevity here, Judge Advocate General Birkhimer noted in his book…page vii Preface…. And we are unwilling to give our assent by silence to expressions of opinion which seem to us calculated, though not intended, to cripple the constitutional powers of the government, and to augment the public dangers in times of invasion and rebellion. SISTER MONICA German soldiers, wearing captured British and U.S. Army uniforms and using captured Allied vehicles, were to cause confusion in the rear of the Allied lines. German soldiers were even known for showing more initiative than the soldiers of democratic France, Britain, and the United States. Their fuel ran out … In the end they got through, leaving a memory of their martial manhood.” / 17. –Initiative: HAWK that much right there is a big step toward the enlightenment… In a recent detailed work, Hitler’s Soldiers: The German Army in the Third Reich, Shepherd dismantles the image of “zombie-like obedience popularly ascribed to the German military.” In fact, the Wehrmacht “stressed qualities such as flexibility, daring and independent thinking,” and “Nazi ideology placed great importance upon qualities such as courage, endurance, resourcefulness and strength of character, as well as upon comradeship.” He also takes note of “the stress that the German army placed on superior organization. “The Supreme Court of the United States sustained these energetic measures (Martial Law) in the amplest manner.”, Customs, regulations, rules and laws mentioned in it ARE still applied in laws today: “…I put my heart into something I want to prove, and then I use facts to support it.”, Because I use facts… your “we” includes you and NOT me!! Loyal to his oath, the German soldier’s performance in a supreme effort for his people can never be forgotten. Children growing up in Germany after WW1 were doing it tough while the “Fatherland” was bled to death through the treason of Versailles. B. H. Liddel Hart, History of the Second World War (New York: 1971), pp. One especially exhaustive study of the [German] Westheer in Normandy concludes that, all other things being equal, a hundred Germans soldiers would have made an even fight against 150 Allied soldiers.” / 7, “As a result of all this,” says Shepherd, “German army units exhibited great staying power in defense [that is, especially during the final year of the war]. 586-587. “…How was I to know…”. What makes a soldier? This point was underscored in the somber final German armed forces communique, issued on May 9, 1945: / 19   “In the end the German armed forces succumbed with honor to enormous superiority. The quality of the Germans’ weapons – above all tanks – was of immense importance. Where the hell is it? Ben H. Shepherd, Hitler’s Soldiers (2016), pp. The German immigrants were so decidedly against the enslavement of their dark-skinned fellow human beings that they were willing to fight to the death in an effort to end the peculiar institution of slavery. The reasons why Germany lost were not the above.Firstly with the Enigma transcripts Britain knew what the Germans were doing , where troop movements, shipping nearly everything Hitler, the German navy, army and airforce were doing.Without the Ultra transcipts Churchill would have lost early in the War he would have been removed as Prime Minister for incompetence. ‘Put-On’ did it. in the case of ww2, i think both hitler and stalin used it to kill off large portions of their domestic populations on purpose, because those people, young men, were enemies of the zionistas…. OK, I accept that. Source cited: Milovan Djilas, Wartime (1980), p. 446. Hollywood movies and popular U.S. television shows have for years contrasted confident, able and “cool” American GIs with slow-witted, cynical and cruel Germans. One especially exhaustive study of the [German] Westheer in Normandy concludes that, all other things being equal, a hundred Germans soldiers would have made an even fight against 150 Allied soldiers.” / 7, “As a result of all this,” says Shepherd, “German army units exhibited great staying power in defense [that is, especially during the final year of the war]. Like soldiers of every army of every period of history, as soon as the Germans got comfortable, they started scouting around for women. His book stands as a complete legal masterpiece on Martial Law and Military Rule of conquered people’s lands. Goodbye, My Precious: A Paraphrase in Simple English, BREAKING: Putin Hosts Spectacular Display of Power in Victory Day Parade in Moscow, An Empire in Love with Its Afghan Cemetery. 10. In 1776, slavery was legal in all 13 colonies, while sodomy was punishable by death. A moment he never would forget in his life and also drove him to enlist – under age and with false papers later on. 7. 524, 87, 396, 525. Remember Grasshoppers . Entertainment and recreation programs, considered important to morale during the war, were continued after the German surrender. Weapons development reflected the change in the quality of American soldiery that came soon after WWII. Stalingrad as early as September a battalion was decimated to 160 soldiers; a lieutenant was command the Feldwebel or Gefreiten were platoon and company commanders. 443-444 (note 48); 4. He had to become his own publisher as the book burners refused to print his books. but when they ventured too far eastward, they made their fatal mistake, the siege of stalingrad compounding it, grossly against the advice of the german generals… Japanese soldiers were taught that to die was better than to dishonour your family, and your country. Oh, well, who needs a little thing like a book? But during that same period, the Soviet Union and the United States harnessed their much more abundant natural resources and manpower reserves to turn out far greater quantities of weapons, ships, bombers, fighter planes, tanks and artillery. German soldiers of both world wars were generally better trained than American troops. Among other things, they profited from an imaginative and daring operational plan. M. Hastings, Inferno, pp. June 16, 2019 at 3:40 am After 30 years of complete inactivity! “…Lincoln’s unconstitutional war against the South…”. One can bet there won’t be a return to that era’s more effective light weaponry. What’s more, the M16 had a serious tendency to jam, especially in wet/muddy/dusty environments, like those never found in combat. Source cited: Milovan Djilas, Wartime (1980), p. 446. (“To Hell And Back” is the movie where he portrayed himself.). Then there is the paltry, 9mm Beretta sidearm that replaced the highly effective Colt 45. Or ANY Germanophile revisionist! “Few Allied soldiers saw themselves for a moment as other than civilians temporarily in uniform, while their German counterparts possessed an uncanny ability to transform themselves from butchers and bank clerks into natural tacticians. I have no doubt that ye geniuses will be able to explain this apparent paradox. Yet there is no sign of a collapse in enemy morale. I was reluctantly forced to admit that alone, we Italians would have ended up in enemy hands … I … thanked heaven that they were with us there in the column … Without a shadow of a doubt, as soldiers they have no equal.” / 14   A US Army officer who fought in Belgium in late 1944, Lt. Tony Moody, later spoke about how he and other American GIs had regarded their adversaries: “We felt the Germans were much better trained, better equipped, a better fighting machine than us.” / 15, Even during the final weeks of the war, when the outlook was gloomy indeed, Hitler’s men continued to battle with astonishing verve — as a Soviet intelligence report of March 1945, acknowledged: “Most German soldiers realize the hopelessness of their country’s situation after the January advances, though a few still express faith in German victory. No to "man for man" the best. And if so, you have a right to feel indignant about Weber’s moral turpitude. Above all, Germany possessed better tanks.” / 10, Throughout the war, the German soldiers’ performance remained unequaled. The German soldiers of World War II have often been portrayed, both during the war and in the decades since, as simple-minded, unimaginative and brutish. Soldiers on the ground reacted strongly to even a hint of subterfuge: In June 1945 two German teenagers, Heinz Petry and Josef Schroner, were … However, the average The Marine Corps long eschewed the wasteful aspect of full-auto fire. The German Army was the land forces component of the Wehrmacht, the regular German Armed Forces, from 1935 until it ceased to exist in 1945 and then was formally dissolved in August 1946. Mark Weber 87, xi. . They could love Vaterland and VOlk without the oppression and persecution we allow the same today . You’ll never put ALL the pieces of this story together from what is gleaned through words that have seen the light of day and should be taken with a grain of salt. In this Norwegian encounter, some of our finest troops, the Scots and Irish Guards, were baffled by the vigour, enterprise and training of Hitler’s young men.” / 12, High-ranking British military figures were similarly impressed with the skill, tenacity and daring of their adversaries. As specialists of military history who have looked into the matter agree, the men of Germany’s armed forces -- the Wehrmacht -- performed with unmatched ability and resourcefulness throughout the nearly six years of conflict. He first saw action in the 1943 Allied invasion of Sicily. Anyone growing up with firearms knows that, with rare exception, this is an impossible task. Quetion: Why did the USA endeavor to wage war against Germany during the first “go round” (WWI) sans the excuse of having a boogey man like Hitler to serve as a bogus justification ? Bark [71 U.S. 2, 4] THIS case came before the court upon a certificate of division from the judges of the Circuit Court for Indiana, on a petition for discharge from unlawful imprisonment. The art of good writing is clarity. Murphy received – EVERY – military combat award for valor available from the U.S. Army, as well as French and Belgian awards for heroism. You may want to read what General Birkhimer wrote in 1892. I don’t know which show this was. 238, 553. More to the point however was the inner city conscript of that era that could not be trained to hit the broad side of a barn they had never seen in the first place. http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?court=us&vol=71&invol=2. After the war, Winston Churchill commented on the conflict more truthfully then he had while it still raged. The First Rule of War is DECEPTION. They are still fighting with dogged persistence and unbroken discipline.” / 16, Milovan Djilas was a senior figure in Tito’s anti-German partisan army, and after the war served in high-level posts in Yugoslavia. At the end of World War II, the U.S. opened camps of its own, where perhaps a million German prisoners died in secret. Above all, the major Allied powers had vastly larger numbers of men to send into battle, and many more people to deploy at home to support the war effort. On this occasion you were not. Are We Being Set Up For An “Alien Invasion” Psyop? — An Italian Translation, Moscow Celebrates Victory Day: How Stalin Defeated Hitler. He does offer hard back books that can be purchased on his site, I recommend them having bought them myself. Sure, sure! He would still hold the same view in 2029 — just as you are likely to hold the same views about the Holocaust or Nuremberg in 2029. – apparently – and we don’t seem to really give a damn if they were “our kind of guys” during the so-called “civil war.”, You mentioned: Oh What a Lovely New War! . The enemy, too, will not deny his respect for the achievements and sacrifices of German soldiers on land, at sea, and in the air.”. As your comment så clearly shows, we put our heart into something we want to believe, and then we create our truth around it. “…I don’t think the date of the article is at all relevant….”. O ne morning in the spring of 1943, years before the end of World War II, Huntsville, Texas woke up to a startling sound: the clip-clapping boots of Nazi soldiers in formation, singing German marching songs as they made their way through the dusty streets of the small town.. Those soldiers were among the first prisoners of war sent to POW camps in the United States. Source cited: Eugenio Conti, Few Returned: 28 Days on the Russian Front, Winter 1942-1945 (1997), p. 138. Frank Richardson, later said of the German soldiers he and his comrades faced: “I have often wondered how we ever beat them.” / 13, Similar views were shared by front-line soldiers on both sides of the conflict. The Germans was allowed to participate that year, which was a rather big event, as it was the first time since the war. Prejudicial, no. You wrote: . This quotation of Dupuy is given in: Max Hastings, Overlord: D-Day and the Battle for Normandy (New York: 1984), pp. Despite limited resources, and especially a persistent shortage of petroleum, as well as other formidable challenges, the German nation and their leaders showed extraordinary organizational ability, inventiveness and adaptability in 1942, 1943 and 1944 in utilizing the available human and materiel resources to dramatically increase production of high-quality weapons and equipment. The Training of A German Soldier During the Second World War After the Germans lost World War I, the Treaty of Versailles, signed June 28, 1919, set the terms and conditions of peace. Throughout the Second World War, wherever British or American troops met the Germans in anything like equal strength, the Germans prevailed. He (Hitler) would trust Heinz Guderian to the end and then relieve him. His advice was unacceptable. –The first of these may be called jurisdiction under MILITARY LAW, and is found in acts of Congress prescribing rules and articles of war, or otherwise providing for the government of the national forces; Met uncle Emil and aunt Hilla several times were plain, ” Churchill wrote punch at long.... Of ammunition! who ever worked with the British, never matched the extraordinary professionalism the! One ever accidentally bent anything on an M1, M14 or AK47 won ’ t know which Show was. 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