Initially, Worf was not intended to be a regular character, as Gene Roddenberry wanted to avoid "retreads of characters or races featured prominently in the original Star Trek series". Exercising his right of vengeance, Worf fought and killed Duras with a bat'leth in a duel, allowing Duras's political opponent Gowron to become chancellor (TNG: "Reunion"). (TNG: "Cost of Living"), While onboard the Enterprise, Alexander at one point developed a Deadwood holodeck program with the help of Reginald Barclay in 2369. Less than a year later, Alexander the Great was born. Worf's son, Alexander, was also assigned to the Rotaran after joining the Klingon Defense Force. (DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited"). As acknowledgement of Worf's role in helping them redeem themselves, the group name the first child born during this crisis after Worf. (TNG: "Firstborn"). Worf was born in 2340 on Qo'noS (the Klingon homeworld) as the son of Mogh. Despite a coy attitude meant to antagonize Worf, K'Ehleyr wanted Worf to acknowledge Alexander as his son. Alexander eventually escaped, but he worried that the episode would mean his father would never again visit the program. Filk artists Ookla the Mok include a song about Worf entitled "Mr. W" on their 2003 album Oh Okay LA. [5] Alexander has to live aboard Enterprise-D when K'Ehleyr is killed. When Sisko eventually returned with a fleet of Federation ships to retake the station, Worf and Martok lobbied Gowron to send Klingon ships to join the battle. Enraged, Worf claimed he lost only because he had been betrayed, with the Mirror Garak blaming Intendant Kira Nerys as the likely source (DS9: "Shattered Mirror"). There are more complications ahead. The wedding was a traditional Klingon ceremony which included a series of trials on Jadzia's part in order to gain the approval of Martok's wife to join the House of Martok. Played by: Now, look and always remember." In 2008, Cynthia filed for divorce citing extramarital affairs, marital misconduct, and emotional abandonment as her reasons. Author Edward Cambro ranks Worf as the 13th best Star Trek character overall,[26] and remarks how Worf had to "walk the line between two cultures, neither of which he entirely understood (nowhere is this more apparent than in episodes like “Sins of the Father,” “Redemption II,” and “Rules of Engagement”)." I figured that by now he would roughly be the same age maturity wise as perhaps a 17-18 year old human since he was considered by the writers to have the maturity of a 13-16 year old during his first appearance on DS9 "Sons and Daughters". The elder son of motorsport chief Max Mosley died at his desk after an accidental heroin overdose, police believe. Worf reluctantly informed Sisko, knowing this would jeopardize his status in the empire. Five years later, his parents moved to the Khitomer colony. (DS9: "Sons and Daughters"), Not long after, the two continued to mend their relationship, when Worf asked Alexander to act as his Tawi'Yan, or swordbearer, during his wedding to Jadzia Dax. The House of Mogh was a family of high social and political rank, which was for a time represented on the Klingon High Council. After a brief battle, Worf killed Gowron; by right, he was proclaimed the new chancellor of the Klingon High Council. In any case, things got pretty fuzzy after Alexander's untimely death in 323 BC. For the adult alternate future version of Alexander, Rick Berman and Michael Piller were hesitant to cast James Sloyan in the role in "Firstborn", coming as it did so soon after the actor's first appearance as Doctor Mora Pol in the DS9 episode "The Alternate". A lot of people fixate on the fact that Worf lost his wife, Jadzia Dax, on DS9 ... K'Ehleyr dies, and then Worf forces Alexander to stare at this dead mother, saying, "You have never seen death. After the invasion had begun, Gowron traveled to DS9 to ask Worf to join him in battle. [25]Screen Rant has rated the character Worf a number of times, and by several authors, at its site. Her quick posting to DS9 led to a number of awkward moments between her and Worf, since the new host carried all the memories of their former hosts but had its own distinct personality, despite their shared past. [32], Worf is ranked the 13th most important character of Starfleet within the Star Trek science fiction universe by Wired magazine, beating out such favorites as Uhura. Worf continued to serve on the Rotarran after Sisko withdrew from DS9 at the beginning of the Dominion War. Despite this, Worf became convinced that the Klingons would make a leap of faith and accept him as the legitimate heir of Kahless. [6] In the first Star Trek episode written by screenwriter Ron Moore, the orphan Jeremy (played by Gabriel Damon) has a special Klingon ceremony to be adopted into Worf's family. Shortly after Webster gets returned, Webster wakes up from what seemed to be a dream. He is married to Deanna Troi and has a daughter Shannara Rozhenko and a son Eric Christopher Rozhenko. Trekkies pay tribute to Jon Paul Steuer, who played Alexander Rozhenko as a child and went on to … [5] His adoptive parents have another son, Nikolai Rozhenko, whom Worf grew up with. Gowron was incited to go along with this arrangement when Worf threatened in private otherwise to oppose him publicly, which Gowron, still not fully in control of the Empire, could not afford. She had not been trained to be a host, but she was the only available unjoined Trill aboard. Unable to return home with honor, as Klingons are supposed to commit suicide rather than be taken prisoner, they stayed and strayed from their way of life. According to the Pocket Books novels set after the Nemesis, Worf takes over William T. Riker's position of first officer aboard the Enterprise-E. When they enter the barrier, the ship is damaged and they detect a settlement with 8,000 people who are mostly human. She wanted to marry him but Worf refused because he did not want to share his dishonor with her and their son (TNG: "Reunion"). Martok asked Worf to be his first officer. ¾ Klingon¼ Human The two developed a strong relationship, so much so that Worf asked the counselor to be Alexander's guardian when it appeared he might die following a dangerous medical operation. Nikolai and Worf interact in "Homeward" where it is revealed that Worf will likely have a nephew or niece. For the first months, Worf had difficulties adjusting to life on the station, unintentionally overstepping his boundaries by acting as he did on the Enterprise, putting him for a while at odds with Chief of Security Odo. While on a mission in the Gamma Quadrant, the Defiant detects an energy barrier surrounding a planet in a nearby solar system. She wanted to marry him but Worf refused because he did not want to share his dishonor with her and their son (TNG: "Reunion"). Plutarch also noted that the celebrity power couple served to cool relations between Macedonian … Close. He questioned Kahless about details of his memories, which Kahless could not recall, and then challenged Kahless to combat, defeating him easily. The entry of the Klingon ships turned the tide and allowed the Defiant to break through and retake the station (DS9: "Favor the Bold", "Sacrifice of Angels"). That we weren't raised together. In the game, the player gets instructions from Worf, and the game had generally favourable reviews.[15]. While attempting to make repairs, Alexander managed to lock himself into a corridor, the ship's fool once again. Alexander son of Worf has served 9 years in the Klingon Defense Force. (TNG: "Reunion"), Alexander was brought back onboard the Enterprise-D one year later by Helena Rozhenko. Nikolai was the only biological child of Sergey and Helena Rozhenko. When the mistake was realized, the crew laughed. In an alternate future, Alexander becomes a diplomat instead of a warrior. 43rd day of Maktag, Stardate 43205 (2366) He was named after his grandfather, General Worf. He was named after his grandfather, General Worf. Worf warned him that this was a show of weakness but Alexander persisted. By 2386, Worf's son Alexander is an Ambassador, working alongside Admiral William Riker. Characterization of the Klingon's and other species is becoming much more masterful as these episodes unfold. Ambassador K’Ehleyr, Lieutenant Worf’s first love and the mother of his son, is one of the most beloved Klingons in the Star Trek universe. According to the Titan series, he also adopted Data's cat Spot. Eventually, realizing its importance to Worf and counseled by Sisko that she needed to mature, Jadzia yielded and she was allowed to marry Worf. Soon afterwards, however, Worf successfully leads the rescue of Picard from another Borg crisis, and is sufficiently convinced to accept the permanent promotion. "[28] Dusty Stowe then ranks the top 8 most powerful characters of Star Trek and places Worf as the most powerful between Spock and Q. [23] The episode "Heart of Glory" (S1E20 of TNG), which focuses on Worf and his relationship to other Klingons, is credited with planting "many seeds for successive Klingon storylines ... and new insights into Klingon culture". (TNG: "Firstborn"; DS9: "Sons and Daughters"), Alexander only knew his mother briefly, but his love for her, and hers for him, remained with him his entire life. During his time on Earth, Alexander had had problems adjusting. (AOL chat, 1997), From an alternate production standpoint, Steve Oster explain that "[t]he role demanded a lot of time on the set. (TNG: "Parallels"), The elder Alexander, as K'mtar, suggested to the younger Alexander that he had female cousins around his age on Qo'noS, possibly the daughters of Kurn, as K'mtar said he had no male heirs. He declared that he had no family or House and that any honor earned would be his own. Kurn now has the identity of Rodek, who believes he lost his memory after being hit by a plasma discharge (DS9 episode "Sons of Mogh"). Worf, voiced by Michael Dorn made an appearance in the animated satire Family Guy.[16]. Worf has appeared in various TV, Film, Book, and Video Games, as well as being referenced in non-Franchise media such as through satire. In 2374, after years of avoiding Klingon culture, Alexander enlisted in the Klingon Defense Forces at the height of the Dominion War. This character in the film attended the New York Comic Con amateurishly dressed as Worf. None of the other regular cast members of Star Trek TNG were in this episode of Webster. Worf avoided Ezri at first, confused about what to do about this new situation. Though Worf was initially estranged by his now adult son, and skeptical of his son's desire to serve the Empire, he eventually reconciled with him, and his son joined the House of Martok as well. Worf challenged him for command, but allowed Martok to win and retain command. Although Worf was raised by humans, he considered himself a Klingon at heart and studied the ways of his people. [12] It was published in 2000 for Windows and 2001 for Macintosh. The ship had suffered many losses to the Dominion, and morale was low. Though smart and high-spirited, he was not always truthful and was sometimes difficult to control. Worf attended the wedding of William Riker and Deanna Troi on Earth and travelled to Betazed with the Enterprise crew for the second wedding ceremony when the ship was diverted to investigate positronic signals from a system near the Romulan border. Martok told Worf the crew had accepted Alexander, and Worf replied yes, as the ship's fool. Alexander accused Worf of never accepting him. Initially, the program was too easy and Alexander was disappointed, so he ordered the difficulty level be reset to four, forcing his father to expend more effort in apprehending the criminal characters. Alexander did his Alexander thing and took over the land, and according to Plutarch, he instantly fell in love with Roxana when he saw her dancing at the "hooray, we've been conquered" banquet that followed. He was a member of the House of Mogh and the House of Martok. Steuer was the first young actor to portray Alexander, Lieutenant Worf and K’Ehleyr’s son, on TNG. (TNG: "Firstborn"), In 2370, when Worf returned from a bat'leth tournament on Forcas III, Worf encountered a quantum fissure and began switching places with other versions of himself in alternate quantum realities. Worf continued to appear in TNG films which is explained in various ways, such as being rescued from the damaged Defiant during a battle with the Borg (Star Trek: First Contact) and taking leave that led to him travelling on the Enterprise (Star Trek: Insurrection). The Alexander's future self (in "Firstborn") from recalled that he had been three at the time of his mother's death, alluding to the fact that one Earth year was roughly equal to about three Klingon years. Jon Paul Steur was best known for playing Worf's son . In 2365, he renewed his relationship with K'Ehleyr when she came aboard the Enterprise as a Federation emissary on an urgent mission. [17] The events of Prey conclude with the last survivors of the discommendated Klingons taking on roles as guardians for a planet whose previous guards were killed as part of the conspiracy, with Kahless joining them to help them learn how to be truly Klingon. Kankamol Albon, 41, … Alexander then served on the Rotarran (in DS9), appearing to be the size of a mid-teenager, despite actually being age eight. He had severe trouble serving with other Klingons, as he was unskilled as a warrior and displayed many Human traits that the other crew members found soft and disgusting. After TNG ends, Worf gets moved to the Deep Space Nine space station where he eventually marries the Trill symbiont Jadzia Dax. Moreover, his presence on the vessel proved a trial for Worf and a source of resentment among the crew. He was particularly distressed that K'Ehleyr had not taught the child anything of Klingon tradition before her death. As an adult, his mannerisms and personality, as well as his innate sense of honor, became more Klingon than human. Worf's son, Alexander, was also assigned to the Rotarran after joining the Klingon Defense Force. As of 2385 in the novel miniseries Star Trek: The Fall, Worf continues to remain as first officer of the Enterprise-E. She was killed by Duras . Gowron assumed direct command because he feared Martok's growing popularity and devised a plan to discredit Martok. This almost ended in disaster, as the free-spirited Jadzia felt forced into a position rather than taking the matter seriously enough. History [edit | edit source]. However, despite his concerns, Worf was forced to acknowledge the relationship of K'Ehleyr and Alexander to him when K'Ehleyr was killed by Duras because she had been investigating the circumstances surrounding the Khitomer Massacre and Worf's discommendation. After the conclusion of the Dominion War, Worf was offered the position of the Federation ambassador to Qo'noS (the Klingon homeworld), as depicted in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine series finale "What You Leave Behind". The ceremony will take place on the Klingon homeworld after the war. Having once mated with Worf when he forswore a marriage two years earlier, she stunned him just before her murder by revealing Alexander, the son she'd bore by him in … For a brief time, Worf considered sending Alexander away from the Enterprise to a Klingon school. However, Jeri Taylor convinced them that the Klingon makeup would hide this fact, making Sloyan less recognizable. We will be brothers. Worf was born in 2340 on the Klingon homeworld, Qo'noS as the son of Mogh, patriarch of one of the Klingon Empire's Great Houses.When Worf was five years old, his father took him and his mother to live on the Khitomer colony.There, Mogh took Worf on a ritual hunt, along with a garrison warrior, L'Kor.Worf had not yet reached the Age of Inclusion, and was barely able to hold a bat'leth. He then revealed his true identity, informing Worf that the House of Mogh's rival Duras accused their father of betraying the Klingon Empire by helping the Romulans attack Khitomer. Alexander holds British citizenship and his ethnicity is a mix of English, Irish, and Scottish. The ship suffers heavy damage, but manages to raise its shields in time to prevent a second attack. The captain, along with Ro Laren, Keiko O'Brien, and Guinan, had passed through a molecular reversion field that had reverted them to a stage of physical youth. Rodchenko collaborated with his wife on many of the magazine’s issues, such as a 1935 issue about Kazakhstan and parachuting, a 1936 issue about timber imports, a 1938 issue about the Moscow-Volga Kanal and a 1940 issue about Mayakovsky. Ezri had difficulty making the transition and sought out Ben Sisko on Earth. The lyrics are a parody on why Worf would not make a good captain, since he is not afraid to die and how not everyone feels the same about that. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior"). Didn't Think This Through: When Worf asks Deanna to become Alexander's surrogate mother, legally available to care for Alexander should anything happen to Worf. Kurn specifically asked for the Enterprise so he could observe his brother. In 2369 while the Enterprise was at Deep Space Nine, Worf investigated a claim that his father might still be alive in a Romulan prison camp. (DS9: "Business as Usual"). (Alexander leaves the table with Dax's mug.) His later appearances, beginning in mid-Season 5 through Season 7, he grew at a "normal" rate. Actor Jon Paul Steur, the first actor to play Alexander Rozhenko in Star Trek: The Next Generation, has died at the age of 33. Worf asked the Troi of an alternate quantum reality to be Alexander's Soh-chim, which meant that, if anything were to happen to Worf, Troi would take custody of Alexander. [20], In 2012 Dorn came up with an idea for Worf show, and has pitched it at various times. Recognizing that Gowron was jeopardizing the entire war effort for the sake of his personal pride, Worf tried to convince Martok that he should challenge Gowron for the leadership. Early life [edit | edit source]. Affiliation: The satrap of Bactria and Sogdia (north of Bactria) was Bessus, the relative of Darius III. Worf's visit to the camp caused him to reconsider his own beliefs. When the Enterprise-E arrives to do battle with the Narada, Nero agrees to beam Worf over if the ship will lower its shields. He began ordering Martok on near-suicidal missions against Dominion forces, hoping that a string of defeats would weaken Martok's popularity and discredit him as a military leader. Nevertheless, he helps his old crewmates with the threat of an anti-time eruption and Riker makes a conciliatory gesture to his old friend, asking for his help on the Enterprise bridge during the situation which Worf accepts (TNG: "All Good Things"). This rejection continued to divide father and son when Alexander came aboard the Rotarran. To be included in this list, characters must be Starfleet personnel or crew, plus in original media only. First up was Roxana, the daughter of a higher-up from Bactria in the Middle East. Rozhenko and his wife Helena raised him on a small farm colony on the planet … Worf's parents were killed during a surprise attack by the Romulans on the Khitomer outpost. The couple has welcomed three children: Patrick, Rex, and Edward Armstrong. In the band's view, Worf hates tribbles and calls Barclay a "lowly white P'tak.". Eventually, the two reached a full reconciliation that led to Alexander joining the House of Martok. In appreciation of his support, Chancellor Gowron restored Worf's honor, allowing Kurn a seat on the High Council as the recognized brother and representative of the House of Mogh (TNG: "Redemption, Part I"). He was also a member of the Klingon delegation at Camp Khitomer. 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