betrayal in hamlet

...The Role of Women in Hamlet

Please join StudyMode to read the full document. In the beginning of the play we find a mournful Hamlet brooding over his mother Gertrude’s betrayal of his father’s memory and the love they shared. It also confirms to the audience that Hamlet’s madness is still a performance, because he can respond quickly and with wit. These themes, along with dramatic devices and the characters in the plot, add to the textual integrity of the play. This is an act of betrayal on Gertrude’s part, because she should be in mourning of the her first husband’s death, but she immediately enters another marriage, with the kings brother. Hamlet’s feelings for Ophelia shifted from passionate love, to resentful hatred. Claudius’s slick nature somewhat surfaces when he is speaking to Hamlet also. She betrays her son and her late-husband, the king by immediately marrying Claudius, the king's own brother. The average student has to read dozens of books per year. There is a duality to the character of Hamlet, as his madness changes from a performance to true insanity throughout the play. "I am but mad north-northwest: when the wind is southerly I know a hawk from a handsaw" (Foakes 213).

Hamlet showed no affection towards his mother throughout the entire play. The fact that she married his uncle rankles him even more, as he sees her as having also betrayed the law and ‘acceptable social norms’ or codes of moral ethics by marrying ‘incestuously’. The world to him was weary, stale, flat and unprofitable. Although she expresses herself, she does so in an highly laden manner. Those who say keep friends close, but enemies closer should watch out for family members. Act 3 Scene 4 is the main turning point for Hamlet’s madness. Hamlet was the only son of the late King that was named too as Hamlet. Claudius, of course, seems to say this with a face full of smiles as if politely correcting Hamlet, but it seems obvious that he is downright afraid of what Hamlet could do if he discovered the truth. That night, the Ghost appears to Hamlet and tells him that Claudius murdered him by pouring poison in his ears. Hamlet’s consistent betrayal by the women in his life has added to the growing hatred of women through his eyes. From the beginning of the play to the end, Hamlet experiences a development of character through the betrayals of Gertrude, Ophelia, Rosencrantz and Gildernstern.

Hamlet felt embarrassment and frustration in the failure of persuading Ophelia to care about him. Hamlet’s feelings of rage against his mother were directed toward Ophelia, who was, in his estimation, disguised her true nature behind a veil of impeccability. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Both the Queen and Ophelia are weak, insecure and dependent. Hamlet reached his lowest point. Hamlet demonstrates the betrayal between family, friends, and lovers. Claudius betrays his brother by murdering him, taking his crown, and marrying his wife.

He feels betrayed, and also feels that they have betrayed his father by marrying. The play Hamlet tells the story of how the main character, Hamlet, is approached by the Ghost of his father, the late king of Denmark, telling him the events of his murder committed by his own brother (Claudius) in order to claim the throne. Nonetheless, after his mother married his uncle only two months after his father’s death, Hamlet suspected that she was involved in the plot to murder his father. Although, Queen Gertrude and Ophelia are different in age, both show some similar traits.

He complains that a beast ‘would have mourned longer’. The character of Gertrude and Ophelia help to reveal Hamlet’s true personality. Claudius’ envy eventually gets the better of him and compels him to butcher his brother, Lord Hamlet.

It is said that “To be betrayed by ones own blood is unforgivable and one must get revenge. Gertrude, the Queen of Denmark and Hamlet's mother, is an exception. Claudius finds himself in the shadow of his brother.

Set in the Kingdom of Denmark, the play dramatizes the revenge Prince Hamlet exacts on his uncle Claudius for murdering King Hamlet, Claudius's brother and Prince Hamlet's father, and then succeeding to the throne and taking as his wife Gertrude, the old king's widow and Prince Hamlet's mother.


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