choose your attitude activities

I’m guessing that is something we all want for our children. 1. So cheer up, put a big smile on your face and know deep down, that positivity will be your new lifestyle. With this in mind I’ve come up with a few ways to help improve your attitude when you are struggling to turn a bad day into a good one. With all the latest technology and findings science has yet to unlock the mysteries of the mind. Regardless of how hard it may seem, just by following these simple, but yet powerful exercises and activities, you will change your life and nothing will be the same like before. We are not our jobs or feelings, our self-worth cannot be measured by money and we don’t have to stay within the confines of other people’s perceptions. Sign up below. Students will view movie clips and discuss how attitudes can change and influence people's lives. So let go of the past, and start a new beginning. It is not the situations and events that take place in our lives that are the problems, it is our perception and interpretation of those circumstances that produces the negative emotions and feelings…. Do we ever blame the negative internal dialogue for keeping happiness at bay? The food becomes part of you so choose wisely what materials you’ll be building your body from. Bonus: All of these activities will provide opportunities for you to get to know your children better. The #1 Law of Attraction Visualization and Meditation – Guided Step by Step Instructions! Two of my boys were natural optimists and didn’t need much encouragement. The library is my gift to subscribers.

Very helpful. Set a timer for five minutes and brainstorm with your child about all the traits and characteristics that you both see in people with a good outlook on life. 6.

I want to make this clear at the beginning…These techniques and exercises will not make you Buddha, they will not make you the king or the queen of the world,   but they will however, improve every aspect of your life if practiced and implemented regularly and consistently. Have everyone make a Slinky Character Trait Person.

Emotions are strong and beautiful elements that give life meaning, so enjoy all of them. Make a point to channel positive affirmations and do it regularly. I can remember back to a time when things were not good in my life and on top of that I had some money worries. The following activities can be a great way to introduce these conversations to your kids. If you feel like you need half a day to sit and sulk then by all means do it.

Just print and frame. 5.

Stepping outside of your comfort zone won’t just open your eyes, but liberate you. Thank you this is quite timely for me and has provided a little boost to change.. A truly dedicated learner in life, always thirsty for new knowledge. Although it’s easier to blame others for placing you under a certain class or type, it’s you that gives power to that label.

We reach a point where it doesn’t matter if the comfort is good or bad. Developing a positive attitude is a skill that can be learned. 7. If you really take them seriously and put your heart and soul into them, you WILL change your attitude! Can you think of a Feisti.flashback where you did the same?

It’s not always easy to see the positive things in life, especially for kids. K-12 and Higher Ed My oldest on the other hand was more like Eyore  and needed more help from me.

Looking back, this little example of ‘choose your attitude’ and ‘be present’ was such a boost for me. You will notice an immediate and positive effect on your body and mind.

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Keep a notebook and write down all the things that make you feel good.

Keep a simple journal of these successes and celebrate them together. It also includes childhood dreams of becoming someone special. 8. Write down the name of someone you think typically has a good attitude. One day I want to be a business women I think that exercise will help to achieve my future anticipate. We can help our children discern those lessons.

In fact, it will take a lot of pressure off your shoulders when you do.

So how can we create time so we arte more ‘present’ and ‘paying attention to the little things’?. This is the natural chain of life so don’t break it with pride. 10 hands on activities to encourage a positive attitude.

Try it for a few months and see if it makes a difference. Just because you stopped living those dreams in your mind doesn’t mean they won’t come true, but if you are unhappy on your journey, then the journey is not worthwhile in the first place. Follow the simple instructions from Overstuffed Life. Go ahead and try one for yourself before your next big change. excellent it can change life from negative in to positive thinking for sure.. Period! ), and that you will start to take care of your health.

It is natural for us to find comfort in things that are familiar and close to us, whether it’s relationships, work situations, living space or the cushions you sleep with at night. Write it down as I have and focus on what positive things you got from this.


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