why is my smud bill so high
Radiant heat that doesn't even have a fan.

By source I mean a commercially available source such as a company that sells to individuals. To be clear, solar users should pay their share of the grid. The proposed new solar-only fee is an attack on solar and will punish solar users simply for reducing their electricity use. Also look at it this way. They put up an ugly metal brace, did not bother to paint it to even remotely match the pole and left dug up clay dirt around the work area, stepping all over my landscaping ruining it for several years. 2 it's lesser, and so you needed to have a factor to All any of them really want to do is defend. So shouldn't everybody have to pay the increase regardless of the fact that they have solar or not? I am voicing my issue with the new grid fee.

Cost of living in California is already astronomical; our water and power are life necessities and their costs cannot become prohibitive and burdensome in the extreme. That's based on production in peak months. Can you please call me or give me more info on the new program and let me know if I install more panels before your June 24th vote I will be safe from the new charges per our original agreement. The rate goes steadily up, topping out (probably temporarily) at $13/KWh. #8  According to SMUD's 5 YEAR SUMMARY (Unaudited) on page 26 of the 2018 SMUD Annual Report Average revenue per residential kWh sold (cents) went up to 14.43 in 2018 from 14.05 in 2017. The cost advantage that SMUD cites over other providers such as PG&E would likely be entirely negated by this huge surcharge. SMUD should publish on its website all of that data now in an addendum to the Report. Will you please consider removing the Grid Access Charge as currently proposed and continue to be a leading utility in California for clean energy and solar production?

#16  The first item in the "Staff Assessment" is "This rate action does include restructuring the current residential rates adopted by the Board in 2017." If your sink or shower is leaking just ten drops per minute, this will result in 500 gallons of water wasted annually. Since your kWh usage dropped by more than half by switching off all non essential breakers, you likely have other large loads (other than the heat pump) contributing to your high bills. The 2019 Rate Study does not appear to support that theoretical statement. Although this should not be necessary you may consider this to be my Public Records Act request for said rate design study. Is the Delta area a fire threat waiting to happen? That fact should not be ignored. I intend to install a solar system on my roof this year (last year for federal tax credit? This will put technology adoption backwards. Adding fees to solar defeats the purpose of having a fixed rate. into the toilet bowl. 1 embedded costs is greater than marginal and sometimes The Board is scheduled to consider these rates next week, June 6. Also, I have applied for a discount from you, but because I am self-employed, you only consider a certain percentage of business expenses deductible. My name is Matthew A. and I am a lifetime Sacramento area resident and business owner. “General tax” means any tax imposed for general governmental purposes. Thank you, Your proposed solar fee is counter-productive. It is an attack on solar, and will punish people simply for reducing their electricity use. Creating an additional cost will drive a lot of people from making the right choice. The proposed fees would certain have the opposite effect. I was under the impression SMUD wanted us to have Solar. “Utilities and businesses across the state are challenged to change the way they operate and to avoid emerging business risks. At a minimum, the Board of Directors need to slow down and examine the following: The proposed rates are excessive for people who want to do the right thing and go green. Instead, we could be on the hook for that investment PLUS an additional $600/year+ as a retroactive tax. Now 2 new rate increases are needed???

But if your issue(s) are installation related (more likely), it's on the installing dealer.

It is contrary to the Government Code section 54950, contrary to SMUD’s purpose as a PUBLIC utility, and it reflects SMUD’s attitude of secrecy, laziness and deception when it comes to letting its customers know what it proposes to do.

With the now rescinded proposed plan, SMUD's math was literally based on the amount of power solar users were NOT buying from SMUD because they have solar. Brighton Energy is not a pure-play solar company that bemoans any obstacle to solar growth. I love it.

I am wholeheartedly opposed to a rate hike in this fashion unless/until SMUD stops forcing power generators to sell their power into the grid. Now that i have gotten my finances in order and credit score high enough to purchase a system you are going to penalize me for doing something positive for my family  (creating more disposable income). Depending on the power factor and RMS voltage, 12.3 amps correlates with about 2.6 or 2.7kW. Furthermore, you just increased rates by the charging the "time of day" rates. Seems to me this is punishment for investing in Green Technology that is supposed to be combatting the over-use of valuable energy resources generated by your Grid. Many other solar businesses have laid off their employees and closing, even solar courses at Cosumnes River College is shutting down. https://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/climate-change-california-co2-emissions-economy/. Your proposal to charge customers $10/kilowatt for home power generation is misguided and wrong. We have not developed even one solar project in the SMUD region as the low rate structure and remarkably high customer satisfaction aren’t providing the financial or emotional incentive to self-generate. I'll know by morning. Now you're talking about another almost 10% increase over the next two years!! #1-13 SMUD must eliminate the 9.2% scalar from the proposed rates for 2020 and 2021 to comply with Proposition 26. I hope that my comments are heard, but I am not certain if they will have an effect on the outcome. The main breaker (outside disconnect), was melted and burnt.

I have an account with SMUD that uses an email that I will soon lose access to. The study concludes that solar power provides a substantial public benefit because it reduces electricity prices due to the displacement of more expensive power sources, reduces air and climate pollution, reduces costs for the electric grid system, reduces the need to build more power plants to meet peak demand, stabilizes prices, and promotes energy security.

I want to state my opposition to the proposal on solar. Your answer, in full, was, "Question # 11 –The 2014 SmartPricing Options Final Evaluation Study" That study was not a rate design study. Nancy Bui-Thompson Director, Sacramento Municipal Utility District, Gregg Fishman Director, Sacramento Municipal Utility District, Rosanna Herber Director, Sacramento Municipal Utility District. Do you see any water trickling in without flushing? I live in Houston and it has not been that cold here! The unrecovered amount is recovered in the volumetric charge. However, SMUD's proposed solar fee means we would pay increased penalties for pitching in to help our region meet sustainable, renewable energy goals. I thought you existed for the public good of Sacramento? Thank you for the consideration. I'd like to add my thoughts on the proposed SMUD grid connection fee for solar owners. I finely had to turn breakers off. Making the investment in solar panels was part of our personal investment to be part of the California Green Energy Future, and we are willing to pay our fair share of the grid that is part of that system. While the approval of the Grid Access Charge would have little-to-no direct impact on our business, we still believe this would be the wrong path for SMUD and our community. Thanks. A futon can even double as a guest bed if... An unusually high sewer bill can leave us scratching our heads. The bill in the photo shows 1,028 kWh used prior year that cost $159. SMUD’s answer was, “The scalar is not related to the 2019 GM Report. The larger or higher capacity of your system, the higher the Grid Access Charge fee. We have praised SMUD to friends and family since we moved here, and in fact just recently encouraged family members to move to Sac County due in part to SMUD (they had solar on their current home, and were planning on having it on their new home here). @Curt, that suggests large duct leakage, and that the 192 CFM reading was at the registers, not the coil. I, like many others, look forward to working with SMUD to keep the Sacramento region a model for the upcoming energy transition. Now with these proposed changes, it is easy to say that I wouldn't have done it. The amount could easily double the amount of the what the solar system cost.

Most cities and townships have a website with this information.

Therefore, it is unfair to add this additional charge when I have no choice where MY power generation goes. If there's a separate breaker for the electric heat elements (vs. the air handler) you can simply turn off that breaker until it drops below freezing again. I've also heard it called "scorched air heat", in reference to how dry a house feels heated by a furnace or electric heat.


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