In their work, those with a judging preference prefer to plan their work and follow the plan; perceivers, however, want to have flexibility in their work. Those who sense use their five senses (what they can see, hear, feel, taste, or smell) in order to understand the world. Prospecting (P) Personality Figuring Things Out as They Go. But you’ll probably favour one over the other. Judging vs. Anyone interested in psychology and identity will no doubt have come across the work of renowned psychoanalyst Carl Jung. Perceiving people desire and seek openness in their lives. However, in the context of personality, judging and perceiving preferences extend far beyond just how you react to things. This is the Perceivers’ approach to life – being laidback and open to changing situations. Copywriters are required to be adaptable and write in many tones and voices, sometimes being highly technical or very casual depending on the audience. 4. Judging versus Perceiving Personality type (also called psychological type) is a construct based on the work of a Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Jung, who wrote the book Psychological Types in the 1920s. The Judging vs. Thinking versus Feeling. The following careers may be more fulfilling for you if you have a perceiving preference. Differences in the Perceiving vs. Judging function may cause more interpersonal tension than any of the other preferences. This article is part of the Myers Briggs in the Workplace Series. Or, if you’re more adaptive and flexible in your lifestyle, you’re more likely a perceiving type. People tend to fall into one of two personality types: Judging vs Perceiving, but why is this important? Perceiving people place a much higher priority on the work itself being enjoyable and get really bored with the pre- and post-work. In this article, we take an analytic look at what it means to be a judging or perceiving type, how that may affect your career and jobs that are better suited for each personality. They are responsible and make great leaders. Some co-workers seem to get their work done ahead of schedule, while others tend to be racing to meet deadlines. Judgers avoid stress and anxiety in their lives by being so organised. Judgers maintain control of their environment by having a set structure. This post follows on from our previous post about working with thinking and feeling personality types. Judgers want to have a clear sense of structure with their organization, whereas perceivers like to be open and flexible and are reluctant to commit themselves to one style. If you’re a P in the workplace, people might describe you as warm, carefree, creative, adaptable, curious and flexible. Judging vs. perceiving: This distinction portrays organizational styles in the workplace. Janey uses the experiences of her own anxiety to offer help and advice to others dealing with mental health issues. Judging types on the other hand tire of what seems like endless information gathering without a decision being made. Before moving on to talk about the hierarchy of functions and examining the 16 types, we need to talk about the second attitude functions of Judging and Perceiving. Perceiving. Actually, they will usually have more than one project on the go at once. Posted on june 15th, 2020 in typing dilemmas by mara. How we live: Judging vs. Ps are spontaneous, flexible, casual and open-ended. Are you a logical person or more intuitive? Perceiving in the Myers-Briggs. Being more of one doesn’t preclude you from being some of the other. So far in this Myers-Briggs Type Indicator series we’ve talked about Introversion and Extraversion, Sensing and Intuiting, and Thinking and Feeling. Thinking vs Feeling: How we process information. Judging vs. According to the Myers-Briggs, all personalities are equal, but each type differs in the workplace. CliftonStrengths Purpose. Learning Mind does not provide medical, psychological, or any other type of professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. But then again, they’ll just suggest a takeout for a weekday treat instead. Judgers will have calendars and diaries so they don’t miss important dates or appointments. Intuition vs Sensing. Judging. The labels judging and perceiving are actually not accurate because they only appear to define how you take in information. These are just terms allocated to the way we interact with the world. The final pair in the MBTI letters is Judging vs. flexible vs. rigid; self-controlled vs. impulsive. Perceiving people don’t like being forced to make decisions. They like to have a lot of choices and won’t be pressurised into making a decision. You can be a mixture, for instance: 30% Judging and 70% Perceiving. Intuition vs Sensing. So, Judging types show their decision making preference to the outside world, and Perceiving types show their information gathering process to the outside world. Perceivers are easy-going and relaxed. The Myers-Briggs test is a self-inventory assessment tool that categorizes personalities based on four important traits that can be helpful in navigating your personal and professional life. Organised; Decisive; Responsible; Structured; Task-orientated; Controlled; Ordered; Prefers closure; Likes lists; Makes plans; Dislikes changes; Perceiving. These are the types that won’t forget a birthday or anniversary. People with a judging preference like to be planned and organised. Regardless of your personality type, you’ll always end up with either a J or P. Understanding the fourth letter in your personality profile can be the motivator that encourages you to find a job that aligns with your core values. Extraversion vs Introversion: How we direct our focus. Working with judging and perceiving types. They are also not necessarily in opposition to one another. A "P" on the other hand, is pretty loose and free wheeling. They like to be able to control their environment. They are about how we approach life: in a structured way or an open, flexible way. By continuing to use this website, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Judging implies applying evaluation methods to external data and making decisions while perceiving suggests a more natural and sensory approach to receiving information and taking their time before making decisions. These types are impulsive, spontaneous, and flexible. That phenomenon is sometimes linked to a personality preference regarding one’s orientation to the outer world: judging or perceiving. Because Perceivers struggle to make a decision and they procrastinate, they also have trouble finishing a project. Judgers prefer tasks that can be completed so that they can have a sense of closure and then move onto the next task. Applying Jungian Approach in the Workplace A showroom designer is usually customer-facing and may need to combine interior design with sales and marketing skills for a workday where managing customer expectations, closing sales and multitasking are all prioritized. Judging vs Perceiving: What’s the Difference & Which of the Two Do You Use? The Judging function includes words like: Plan the work and work the plan; Get things decided, settled, and finished Primary duties: An IT administrator provides network, configuration and other IT support throughout an organization. This person must be highly motivated, organized and task-oriented. They are responsible for developing and maintaining the IT infrastructure of a business unit and sometimes report to a chief information officer or chief technology officer. A person whose style is "J" will schedule things in advance, organize their work with attention to deadlines and keep their eyes firmly on the goal. Instead, they are about how you operate in the world and navigate obstacles in life. # 5 - Judging and Perceiving Organized or Adaptable This column, written by Jack Falt, is the fifth article on personality types and a regular feature of Energy Medicine. These four letters are the initials of each of the preferred styles. If you’d like to learn more about the different functions, see the links below: Introversion vs Extroversion. Here are the eight Myers-Briggs P personality types: Recently, some have begun using the Myers-Briggs P to refer to the term “prospecting” rather than “perceiving.” If you look up this preference, you’ll see the two words used interchangeably, as perceiving types are often autonomous creatives who generate new ideas. In their work, those with a judging preference prefer to plan their work and follow the plan; perceivers, however, want to have flexibility in their work. It can be tempting for Perceiving leaders to imitate the Thinker-Judger style … In a previous post, we discussed the differences between sensing and intuition. Judging and Perceiving are opposite preferences. Perceiving dimension of the MBTI measures how a person relates to the outside world. Extraverts gravitate towards to outside world and as such, focus on people and objects. Judging vs. Perceivers are the opposite of Judgers in that they won’t feel anxious if they have fun when there is still work to complete. IT administrators usually work with a team to ensure end-user needs are met, including troubleshooting and user access. Now let’s get onto the personality types of Judging vs Perceiving. They have high emotional intelligence and tend to be warm and empathetic people who are attuned to the feelings of those working around them. Perceiving personalities are creative thinkers who are more comfortable outlining a project in its entirety than working on specific details of how it will be implemented. You can be 50/50, 20/80, 30/70. They operate best in controlled settings with clear goals and expected outcomes. They are very specific about what they need to get done, and they expect others to do as they say. closure-oriented/judging vs. open/perceiving. The 8 styles are Extraversion (E), Introversion (I), Sensing (S), iNtuition (N), Judging (J), Perceiving (P), Thinking (T) and Feeling (F). This is, however, about Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality profiling preferences in discussion of the J/P preference. Thinking versus Feeling. (Hons), © Learning Mind 2012-2021 | All Rights Reserved |. They are often happier learning a new skill or researching a topic than making a firm decision. It’s the fourth and final in a series of posts about the use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) in the workplace. The J-P dichotomy is about how we prefer to live our lives and is the one scale that can change through choice (although we will each have a natural predilection for one or the other). Two of the common conflicts related to this dichotomy are (1) the need for structure versus the need for flexibility and (2) the desire for closure versus the desire for openness. Understanding your personality type can direct you toward a fulfilling career with long-term job growth. Some may call judgers ‘set in their ways’, but this is just how they feel comfortable dealing with life. These core differences can lead to real problems in the workplace. This article is part of the Myers Briggs in the Workplace Series. Perceiving. It was first published June 1999, Volume 1, Issue 5. They like to plan in advance and will often make lists so they can organise their life in a structured way. Or, what is your overall orientation to the external world? In fact, I took a test to find out my percentage (although I kind of already knew I would be more Judging than Perceiving), and the results were 66% Judging and 34% Perceiving. Prospecting (P) individuals are much more flexible when it … Perceivers are very good at brainstorming and finding new concepts and ideas, but ask them to commit to one idea, and that is a problem. Judging and Perceiving. All content published on this website is intended for informational purposes only. Remember, no one is saying that either category of Judging vs Perceiving is better than the other. Judging vs perceiving. If you have a judging preference in your personality profile, others may see you as decisive, responsive, scheduled, fastidious, organized and someone who finishes tasks quickly and completely. What influences your decisions? Learn more about these orientations, take a look at the lesson titled Judging vs. They cope with challenges by keeping an open schedule that allows them the flexibility to work at their own pace and change tasks as needed. Those who are classed as ‘judgers’ prefer a set routine and schedule. This continuum is heavily influenced by our sensing and/or intuitive natures, because we are either judging or perceiving the information obtained through those perceptions. Perceiving; Analyzing and Applying Results. If you are a Judging type you will prefer to drive for closure and a clear plan of action so that you can tick off tasks when you have completed them. So, what is Judging vs Perceiving and where does it come from? Judgers and Perceivers each make up roughly half of the population, with there being slightly fewer Perceivers. Judging vs perceiving is all about the need to plan and drive for closure vs the need stay flexible and keep options open. There are some that call Perceivers blasé and nonchalant, but they simply prefer to be flexible rather than structured. Likewise, Perceivers are not lazy, irresponsible types who cannot be trusted to stick to a project. These two categories are often confused and misunderstood. Perceivers may see them as rigid and opinionated. National average salary: $58,819 per year. Judging vs Perceiving If you have seen someone organized, structured, following schedules then you already have come across the person dominant on judging. Learn about analyzing a competitive landscape and how this can provide you with information that may help you succeed in your market. The naming is, unfortunately, a bit archaic as judging is more than evaluation and perceiving is not about looking at a thing. For the most up-to-date salary information from Indeed, click on the national average salary link for each job title below. All 16 Myers-Briggs personality types are characterized by a combination of letters that represent four categories of core values: introversion vs. extroversion, sensing vs. intuition, feeling vs. thinking and judging vs. perceiving. Js seek order and are systematic, methodical and organized. Perceivers maintain control of their environment by having more options. In Myers and Briggs' personality typology, the Judging/Perceiving dichotomy describes how a person organizes their world. Judging vs. They don’t like open-ended plans that change at the last minute. They may conceptualize and design digital creative media projects, including copywriting, A/V content and graphic design, usually supported by a team of creative professionals or vendors. They may feel that the perceivers are pulling the team down and ruining its reputation. People with the Judging preference want things to … Judgers maintain control of their environment by having a set structure. People with the Judging preference want things to be neat, orderly and established. They prefer to keep their choices open so they can cope with many problems that … Judging (J) vs. National average salary: $59,794 per year. This professional plans the layout of furnishings and utilization of overall space and executes those plans meticulously. Judging in this case should not be confused with judgmental, which has a negative implication. Although each of these scales and their interactions influence our personal time zones, the (J) and the (P) preference can strongly impact how we perceive and manage time. This allows them to create plans, structures and time frames to achieve them. You like to have plans and do not like to have a lot of things left up in the air. They are not good at dealing with unexpected problems that occur out of the blue. Perceivers perceive structure as being more limiting than enabling. They are proactive and can be left on their own to finish a task without supervision. While this process is different that the one used by most Judging types, it does not make the Perceiving type incompetent, untrustworthy, or lazy. Moreover, it is equally important not to stereotype people because they fall into either category. “FOCUS AND ATTENTION SPAN” SURVEY. The Perceiving preference wants things to be flexible and spontaneous. That person n must be a perceiver. Judging Versus Perceiving – in the Workplace Disclaimer: This is not about ‘judging’ people. People with dominant "irrational" or Perceiving preference thinking see the world as a structure that can take various forms and outcomes. Judging implies applying evaluation methods to external data and making decisions while perceiving suggests a more natural and sensory approach to receiving information and taking their time before making decisions. On their own to finish a task without supervision neat, orderly established! 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