Rom 8:5, 9.239. "277 As a sacrament, the Church is a development from the Paschal Mystery of Christ's "departure," living by his ever new "coming" by the power of the Holy Spirit, within the same mission of the Paraclete- Spirit of truth. In all this it is the Holy Spirit who gives life. 12. In the first discourse of Peter in Jerusalem this "witness" finds its clear beginning: it is the witness to Christ crucified and risen. It is precisely this Spirit of truth whom Jesus calls the Paraclete-and parakletos means "counselor," and also "intercessor," or "advocate." Jn 16:7.91. The "first-born of all creation,"203 becoming incarnate in the individual humanity of Christ, unites himself in some way with the entire reality of man, which is also "flesh" 204-and in this reality with all "flesh," with the whole of creation. 17. Hence a process of thought and historico-sociological practice in which the rejection of God has reached the point of declaring his "death." In principle and in fact, materialism radically excludes the presence and action of God, who is spirit, in the world and above all in man. On the basis of this certainty the Church in the Roman liturgy does not hesitate to repeat every year, at the Easter Vigil, "O happy fault!" Lk 3:6; cf. "15, PART I - THE SPIRIT OF THE FATHER AND OF THE SON, GIVEN TO THE CHURCH, 1. 186. Contenuto. Rom 8:19-22.44. 4, 5, 8.256. Cf. It follows that departure, after the close of Christ's messianic activity on earth, and it occurs in the context of the predicted sending of the Holy Spirit and in a certain sense forms part of his own mission. He receives the Holy Spirit in such a way that afterwards-and he alone with God the Father- can "give him" to the Apostles, to the Church, to humanity. Peace too is the fruit of love: that interior peace, which weary man seeks in his inmost being; that peace besought by humanity, the human family, peoples, nations, continents, anxiously hoping to obtain it in the prospect of the transition from the second to the third Christian Millennium. Cf. Jn 20:22f.158. We can say that in its rich variety of teaching the Second Vatican Council contains precisely all that "the Spirit says to the Churches"97 with regard to the present phase of the history of salvation. Cf. Hence that "rejoicing in the Holy Spirit." This "breath" continues forever, for "the Spirit helps us in our weakness. The Christian reader, who already knows the revelation of this mystery, can discern a reflection of it also in these words. Rom 8:6, 13.240. Lk 1:34f.198. The conscience is "the voice of God," even when man recognizes in it nothing more than the principle of the moral order which it is not humanly possible to doubt, even without any direct reference to the Creator. Praying thus, the Church unceasingly professes her faith that there exists in our created world a Spirit who is an uncreated gift. "245 At the culmination of the Paschal Mystery, the Son of God, made man and crucified for the sins of the world, appeared in the midst of his Apostles after the Resurrection, breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit." The era of the Church began with the "coming," that is to say with the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles gathered in the Upper Room in Jerusalem, together with Mary, the Lord's Mother.95 The time of the Church began at the moment when the promises and predictions that so explicitly referred to the Counselor, the Spirit of truth, began to be fulfilled in complete power and clarity upon the Apostles, thus determining the birth of the Church. "6, In our own age, then, we are called anew by the ever ancient and ever new faith of the Church, to draw near to the Holy Spirit as the giver of life. Many times, through the influence of the Spirit, prayer rises from the human heart in spite of prohibitions and persecutions and even official proclamations regarding the non-religious or even atheistic character of public life. "180, Mark: "All sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin. It seems then that even the words spoken by Jesus in the farewell discourse should be read again in the light of that "beginning," so long ago yet fundamental, which we know from Genesis. At any rate, the context of the Book of Genesis enables us to see in the creation of man the first beginning of God's salvific self-giving commensurate with the "image and likeness" of himself which he has granted to man. And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. His solemn exaltation cannot be reduced to the messianic mission of the "Servant of the Lord." 18. Rom 1:3f.83. All the words uttered by the Redeemer in the Upper Room on the eve of his Passion become part of the era of the Church: first of all, the words about the Holy Spirit as the Paraclete and Spirit of truth. "102 The same Counselor and Spirit of truth who has been promised as the one who "will teach" and "bring to remembrance, " who "will bear witness," and "guide into all the truth," in the words just quoted is foretold as the one who "will convince the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgement. DOMINUM ET VIVIFICANTEM. Jn 16:14.41. 166 Precisely in this sense the conscience is the "secret sanctuary" in which "God's voice echoes." It is the Holy Spirit who is the personal expression of this self-giving, of this being-love.38 He is Person- Love. Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Gaudium et Spes, n. 24.260. Cf. 43, aa. 22. Rom 8:14.213. We read in the Pastoral Constitution: "For theirs (i.e., of the disciples of Christ) is a community composed of men. Since God "wishes all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth,"279 the Redemption includes all humanity and in a certain way all of creation. We know that the result of such a purification is the forgiveness of sins. St. Bonaventure, De Septem Donis Spiritus Sancti, Collatio II, 3: Ad Claras Aquas, V, 463.163. "178 Thus there are continuously fulfilled the words about the Holy Spirit as "another Counselor," the words spoken in the Upper Room to the Apostles and indirectly spoken to everyone: "You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you."179. Find. Mt 1:20f.200. Rather, he is concerned with the morally good or bad works, or better the permanent dispositions-virtues and vices-which are the fruit of submission to (in the first case) or of resistance to (in the second case) the saving action of the Holy Spirit. Jn. Cf. ○   Wildcard, crossword "221, But as we follow this reason for the Jubilee, we cannot limit ourselves to the two thousand years which have passed since the birth of Christ. 53-59.265. Cf. AN INITIAL OVERVIEW In his introduction to Dominum et vivificantem, the pope indicates further motives that prompted the composition of his third en-cyclical. Cf. In a previous section of the Encyclical, building on an earlier teaching which he had given in Dominum et Vivificantem, a Letter explicitly dedicated to the Holy Spirit, John Paul II had referred to the universal action of the Spirit, affecting "not only individuals but also society and history, peoples, cultures and religions". 284 Prayer through the power of the Holy Spirit becomes the ever more mature expression of the new man, who by means of this prayer participates in the divine life. Apostles were the direct eyewitnesses. But on the other hand, when Jesus explains that this sin consists in the fact that "they do not believe in him," this meaning seems to apply only to those who rejected the messianic mission of the Son of Man and condemned him to death on the Cross. Of course, we unfortunately have to acknowledge the fact that the Millennium which is about to end is the one in which there have occurred the great separations between Christians. It is precisely the conscience in particular which determines this dignity. The words "he will teach" and "bring to remembrance" mean not only that he, in his own particular way, will continue to inspire the spreading of the Gospel of salvation but also that he will help people to understand the correct meaning of the content of Christ's message; they mean that he will ensure continuity and identity of understanding in the midst of changing conditions and circumstances. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Jn 3:8.160. 113. I will pray the Father, and he will give you another Counselor, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth."17. Jesus' Promise and Revelation at the Last Supper, 3. And on the day of Pentecost this prediction is fulfilled with total accuracy. On the one hand there is the rhythm of the mission of the Son, who came into the world and was born of the Virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit; and on the other hand there is also the rhythm of the mission of the Holy Spirit, as he was revealed definitively by Christ. The Church, taking her inspiration from Revelation, believes and professes that sin is an offense against God. 1 Jn 2:1.19. These passages quoted from the Conciliar Constitution Lumen Gentium tell us that the era of the Church began with the coming of the Holy Spirit. Jesus of Nazareth too comes to the Jordan to receive the baptism of repentance. Cf. Ia, q. The latter, the son of Zechariah and Elizabeth, foretells at the Jordan the coming of the Messiah and administers the baptism of repentance. "40 The words of the text of John indicate that, according to the divine plan, Christ's "departure" is an indispensable condition for the "sending" and the coming of the Holy Spirit, but these words also say that what begins now is the new salvific self-giving of God, in the Holy Spirit. In him is the source and the beginning of every giving of gifts to creatures. Source: RitualSong (2nd ed.) Contact Us The Church with her heart which embraces all human hearts implores from the Holy Spirit that happiness which only in God has its complete realization: the joy "that no one will be able to take away,"296 the joy which is the fruit of love, and therefore of God who is love; she implores "the righteousness, the peace and the joy of the Holy Spirit" in which, in the words of St. Paul, consists the Kingdom of God.297. Col 1:15.204. A windows (pop-into) of information (full-content of Sensagent) triggered by double-clicking any word on your webpage. "39, 3. Choose the design that fits your site. It reaches its clearest expression in materialism, both in its theoretical form: as a system of thought, and in its practical form: as a method of interpreting and evaluating facts, and likewise as a program of corresponding conduct. The Holy Spirit, in fact, is the Person-Love, the Person-Gift of the blessed Trinity (Dominum et Vivificantem, 10). Rom 8:29.211. The mission of the Holy Spirit "draws from" the Redemption: "He will take what is mine and declare it to you. Moreover, they are a supreme dishonor to the Creator"168, By calling by their proper name the sins that most dishonor man, and by showing that they are a moral evil that weighs negatively on any balance- sheet of human progress, the Council also describes all this as a stage in "a dramatic struggle between good and evil, between light and darkness," which characterizes "all of human life, whether individual or collective. "121 Faced with the mystery of sin, we have to search "the depths of God" to their very depth. Cf. Cf. The one who welcomes the gift. And this Redemption is, at the same time, constantly carried out in human hearts and minds-in the history of the world-by the Holy Spirit, who is the "other Counselor. Revealing the pain, unimaginable and inexpressible, which on account of sin the Book of Genesis in its anthropomorphic vision seems to glimpse in the "depths of God" and in a certain sense in the very heart of the ineffable Trinity? 14. Rom 5:5.40. Only the spirit can be so permanent in man and in the world, while remaining inviolable and immutable in his absolute transcendence. Gal 5:25.238. 47. I ad Serapionem, 24: PG 26, 586f. 64. ; Didymus the Blind, De Trinitate, II, 6-7: PG 39, 523-530; St. John Chrysostom, In Epist. For God the Creator is the one definitive source of the moral order in the world created by him. V, 1: PL 79, 602; Didymus the Blind, De Trinitate, II, 1: PG 39, 449f. It is precisely this that the Holy Spirit worked in them and this is continually at work in the Church, through their successors. When, under the influence of the Paraclete, people discover this divine dimension of their being and life, both as individuals and as a community, they are able to free themselves from the various determinisms which derive mainly from the materialistic bases of thought, practice and related modes of action. 13.201. Cf. Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Gaudium et Spes, n. 24.273. Here we wish to concentrate our attention principally on this mission of the Holy Spirit, which is "to convince the world concerning sin," but at the same time respecting the general context of Jesus' words in the Upper Room. For the Spirit is given to the Church in order that through his power the whole community of the People of God, however widely scattered and diverse, may persevere in hope: that hope in which "we have been saved. At the same time, she proclaims him who gives this life: the Spirit, the Giver of Life; she proclaims him and cooperates with him in giving life. 5. In this way there is definitively brought about that new beginning of the self-communication of the Triune God in the Holy Spirit through the work of Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of man and of the world. His words (especially in the Letters to the Romans and Galatians) enable us to know and feel vividly the strength of the tension and struggle going on in man between openness to the action of the Holy Spirit and resistance and opposition to him, to his saving gift. All rights reserved. The mystery of the resurrection and of Pentecost is proclaimed and lived by the Church, which has inherited and which carries on the witness of the Apostles about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The action of the Spirit of truth, which works toward salvific "convincing concerning sin," encounters in a person in this condition an interior resistance, as it were an impenetrability of conscience, a state of mind which could be described as fixed by reason of a free choice. Jn 14:17.180. Cf. The web service Alexandria is granted from Memodata for the Ebay search. Therefore he "searches even the depths of God,"37 as uncreated Love-Gift. ; St. Bonaventure Comment. 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