Retrieved from, [293] Ivanković, T., & Hrenović, J. Flavor formulations also contain ingredients called adjuvants[36] that are not intended to provide taste, like emulsifiers, solvents, preservatives, flavor modifiers, and more. (2012) Opinion on nitrosamines and secondary amines in cosmetic products. Accessed Nov 20, 2017. The British Journal of Dermatology, 165(6), 1178. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2133.2011.10523.x, [141] Environmental Protection Agency, (EPA). Parabens mimic estrogen in the body. Retrieved from, [101] Patisaul, H. B., Roberts, S. C., Mabrey, N., McCaffrey, K. A., Gear, R. B., Braun, J., . (2017). [200],[201],[202],[203] This ingredient is used as a sunscreen chemical (see: Sunscreen Chemicals). Definition of a nanomaterial. PAN international list of highly hazardous pesticides. European Commission. [254],[255],[256] Some phthalates are also associated with cancer. See more. (2005). (2004). Retrieved from, [336] Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA). An overview of endocrine disrupting properties of UV‐filters. Read more. Retrieved from, [359] Environmental Protection Authority. Retrieved from, [349] Chemsec – The International Chemical Secretariat. Accessed Jul 30, 2017. Non-Hazardous Chemical List T:\Documentation\FormsLabelsSigns\WasteDisposal \NonHazChemical.doc [0 515] Non-Hazardous Chemical Name CAS # A Ammonium Salicylate Acacia Gum 9000-01-5 Acetate Buffer (Acetate Kinase) 9027-42-3 Acetyl-L-Cysteine, N- … Retrieved from, [358] New Jersey Department of Health. Accessed Jan 17, 2018. Retrieved from, [120] Kim, K., Pandey, S. K., Kim, Y., Sohn, J. R., & Oh, J. Toxicological Sciences, 107(1), 56-64. doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfn225, [323] Beyond Pesticides. Some flame retardants and the antimicrobials triclosan and triclocarban enhance the androgenic activity in vitro. California Environmental Protection Agency. In California, waste oil and materials that contain or are contaminated with waste oil are … Retrieved from, [163] Environmental Protection Agency, (EPA). Accessed May 22, 2018. (2017). [19] Quaternium-15, which releases formaldehyde, is a known carcinogen. [110] Many flame retardant chemicals are persistent in the environment. (2008). The Texas Hazard Communication Act (THCA), TAC 25 § 295, is a state “worker right-to-know” law that requires public employers to provide their employees with specific information and training on the hazardous chemicals to which employees may be exposed in the workplace. . Accessed Jun 20, 2017. Retrieved from, [76] The Endocrine Disruption Exchange (TEDX). (2016). Quick and easy access to the chemical inventory list and safety data sheets allows employees to find important information about the chemicals … DEET. Screening assessment for the challenge dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane (D6). Baythroid. International chemical safety cards (ICSC): Resorcinol. Pesticides. Retrieved from Ammonia is well-known to be toxic to aquatic life. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Accessed Jan 25, 2018. There are currently more than 3,000 individual PFASs in the global marketplace. The chemicals on these lists are identified with markers to easily find the corresponding safety data sheet (SDS). Stapleton, H. M. (2013). [261] PEG compounds often appear notated as PEG followed by a number (ex: PEG-40) or as PEG followed by a number and then another ingredient (ex: PEG-20 cocamine). (2018). California Environmental Protection Agency. Centers for Disease Control. Perera, F. (2010). (2008). Retrieved from, [167] World Health Organization, (WHO). Accessed Jan 30, 2018. [323],[324],[325] The FDA banned the use of triclosan, a registered pesticide,[326] and triclocarban in hand soaps effective 2017, stating that soap works equally well for reducing the spread of germs without the toxic side-effects. Retrieved from, [10] Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, (ATSDR). . . Adverse effects These ingredients are common in moisturizer, anti-aging cream, anti-acne cream, and foundation. Y߳tq� �(�00d=�ͨx���$�A�N;|b*k��V���P��g��[�J܋&y��$��,��1��H�HY��U�{$6lf{ ����3{VDBB�9T�G�g�A�%������-�k����3�I����D�o� Wݍ� Retrieved from, [256] Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, (OEHHA). EWG’s Skin Deep Cosmetics Database. [336],[337], A number of chemicals in this family are likely endocrine disruptors, developmental toxins, and reproductive toxins. . [148] Found in skin lightening creams. (2005). Report on carcinogens, fourteenth edition: N-nitrosamines: 15 listings. [10], When ammonia comes in contact with the skin, it dissolves in the water present in the skin and transforms into ammonium hydroxide. Hazardous Substances and Processes Return to index New query §Appendix A to Section 5189 - List of Acutely Hazardous Chemicals, Toxics and Reactives (Mandatory) This Appendix contains a listing of substances which present a potential for a catastrophic event at or above the threshold quantity (TQ). . Toluene (C6H5CH3) CAS 108-88-3; UN 1294. Environmental Health Perspectives, 120(12), 1711. Search the TEX list: Dioxin. Sunscreens: Are they beneficial for health? (2013). Impurities of concern in personal care products. Accessed Jan 31, 2018. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) Chemicals EPA developed the list of CERCLA hazardous substances reported to the TRI by comparing the list of chemicals at 40 CFR 302.4 (i.e., "Designation of Hazardous Substances") to the TRI list of reportable toxic chemicals for reporting years 1987 through 2011. Retrieved from, [3] National Toxicology Program, (NTP). Dioxins and their effects on health. This ingredient is distinct from benzophenone-3 (see: Oxybenzone). Used Oil. Accessed July 10, 2017. Accessed May 31, 2018. Example insect repellent ingredients not permitted: The MADE SAFE screening doesn’t allow the inclusion of high-risk pesticides (see: Pesticides). If you want to keep up-to-date on all things MADE SAFE, sign up for our newsletter here. (2010). Annexes of the ASEAN cosmetic directive. Found in costume jewelry, children’s face paint,[170] and cosmetics, especially eye shadows, blushes, and powders. (2013). In utero and childhood polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) exposures and neurodevelopment in the CHAMACOS study. (2009). Many are known carcinogens[70],[71],[72] derived from burning coal. Accessed Jan 29, 2018. Retrieved from, [250] Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, (OEHHA). [12] It is also an asthmagen and a sensitizer.[13]. [141] Methylisothiazolinone is a potential endocrine disruptor.[142]. (2017). Natural repellent may work for casual settings to diminish bites, but it cannot prevent disease. Phthalates, a group of chemicals, are some of the most commonly used plasticizers[267] (see: Phthalates). Specific chemicals: Detergents. [259]  Read more. Accessed Oct 15, 2017. (2011). 11002). Retrieved from:, [128] Hilbeck, A., Binimelis, R., Defarge, N., Steinbrecher, R., Székács, A., Wickson, F., . European Commission, European Union. Dioxins & furans: The most toxic chemicals known to science. Retrieved from, [308] Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA). . Retrieved from, [352] National Toxicology Program, (NTP). Accumulation and endocrine disrupting effects of the flame retardant mixture Firemaster® 550 in rats: An exploratory assessment. California Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative. Retrieved from, [193] Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety, (SCCS). Toxicological Sciences, 106(1), 206-213. doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfn148, [218] Kawaguchi, M., Morohoshi, K., Masuda, J., Watanabe, G., Morita, M., Imai, H., . National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Accessed Jan 29, 2018. Updates as of 2006 can be seen on the Federal Register, 71 FR 47121 (August 16, 2006). Retrieved from, [229] National Institute of Technology and Evaluation, Japan. Retrieved from, [153] Friends of the Earth. (2016). [109] Springer, C., Dere, E., Hall, S. J., McDonnell, E. V., Roberts, S. C., Butt, C. M., . Retrieved from, [44] Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, (OEHHA). IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans: Ethylene oxide. Occupational exposure to cadmium: Section V. health effects. (2015). [266] This means that if a product containing a PEG contains other harmful ingredients, they might be able to penetrate the skin more easily. 103-115). (2018). Triclosan and triclocarban are known endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Dioxins and furans. Naphthalene General Fact Sheet. (n.d.). (2000). Retrieved from, [288] The Endocrine Disruptor Exchange, (TEDX). International journal of toxicology, 29(3 suppl), 98S-114S. (2016). Search the TEDX list: benzophenone. Retrieved from, [134] Krause, M., Klit, A., Blomberg Jensen, M., Søeborg, T., Frederiksen, H., Schlumpf, M., Lichtensteiger, W., skakkebaek, N.E., & Drzewiecki, K. T. (2012). Retrieved from, [208] Krause, M., Klit, A., Blomberg Jensen, M., Søeborg, T., Frederiksen, H., Schlumpf, M., Lichtensteiger, W., skakkebaek, N.E., & Drzewiecki, K. T. (2012). Accessed Jan 30, 2018. PHS include chemicals that are known or suspect carcinogens, reproductive toxins, and/or highly toxic materials. Search the SIN (substitute it now) list: Furan. 82). Sasseville, D. (2008). (2013). Food dyes: A rainbow of risks. . Pesticide and insect repellent mixture (permethrin and DEET) induces epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of disease and sperm epimutations. [103] Eskenazi, B., Chevrier, J., Rauch, S. A., Kogut, K., Harley, K. G., Johnson, C., . [47],[48] This ingredient is also called BMDBM, alpha-Oxodiphenylmethane, alpha-Oxoditane, benzoylbenzene, among others. WHO Guidelines for Indoor Air Pollutants: Selected Pollutants. Chemicals of High Concern. Retrieved from, [338] Environmental Protection Agency, (EPA). (2005). [164] Naphthalene is used as pest control, and is a registered pesticide and insecticide. (2017). Retrieved from, [62] Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, (OEHHA). United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA. In its production, PVC releases a number of harmful chemicals including: dioxins, phthalates, ethylene dichloride, lead, cadmium, vinyl chloride, and more. Retrieved from, [66] National Institute of Technology and Evaluation, Japan. Colors can be added to foods, cosmetics, hair dyes, and personal care products. Government of Australia. (2007). Heavy metal ingredient that can be a neurotoxin at high doses and in occupational settings. (2017). DEET. . (2008). 10.1016/j.yrtph.2016.11.007. 22(2) Retrieved from, [88] Corbel, V., Stankiewicz, M., Pennetier, C., Fournier, D., Stojan, J., Girard, E., . Linked to kidney[60] and bone damage,[61],[62] reproductive toxicity,[63] as well as lung cancer. Most commonly used in hair dyes, but also in hair bleaching, shampoos, and acne treatments. (1987). (n.d.) Accessed Mar 12, 2018. (2015). Retrieved from, [31] Lucová, M., Hojerová, J., Pažoureková, S., & Klimová, Z. Retrieved from, [145] World Health Organization, (WHO). Search the SIN (substitute it now) list: resorcinol. Retrieved from, [331] Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics. (2017). 10.1186/s12302-014-0034-1 Retrieved from, [129] Takeoka, G., Dao, L., Wong, R. Y., Lundin, R., & Mahoney, N. (2001). 1-(2-Chloroethyl)-3-cyclohexyl-1-nitrosourea. . [332], Dioxins and furans are associated with a number of negative health and environmental impacts. Retrieved from, [36] Hallagan, J. [363] The FDA received no reports of injury, but released the statement due to potential harm. Toxic Substances List - Updated Schedule 1 as of October 28, 2020. Because the chemical is not intentionally added to products, it is not required to be listed on labels. GMO 2.0: Synthetic biology A guide to protecting natural products. Retrieved from, [354] Chemsec – The International Chemical Secretariat. Mineral oil. [276] Retinoic acid is also a developmental toxin[277] that is persistent in the environment. A chemical hazard is a chemical that has the potential to cause harm to life or health. (2017). California Environmental Protection Agency. Dioxins and furans. Chemicals of high concern to children reporting list. (n.d). Accessed Jan 10, 2018. Retrieved from, [93] Environmental Protection Agency, (EPA). Retrieved from, [269] Yang, C. Z., Yaniger, S. I., Jordan, V. C., Klein, D. J., & Bittner, G. D. (2011). Retrieved from, [205] The Endocrine Disruptor Exchange, (TEDX). [297] The EU also bans some surfactants based on their biodegradability. Food dyes: A rainbow of risks. . Safety evaluation of polyethylene glycol (PEG) compounds for cosmetic use. Found in a variety of personal care products including moisturizers, cosmetics, conditioners, and sunscreen. Retrieved from, [187] Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety, (SCCS). Search the TEDX list: benzyl butyl phthalate. Retrieved from, [334] Environmental Protection Agency, (EPA). [304] They’ve been detected in blood[305] and breast milk. [180],[181] Many means of exposure, including oral and dermal, have been associated with cancer in many species of lab animals. A chemical shell game: how DuPont concealed the dangers of the new Teflon Toxin. Nitrosamines. FDA news release: FDA warns consumers against using Mommy’s Bliss Nipple Cream. Retrieved from, [168] International Agency for Research on Cancer, (IARC). [20] Quats may also cause the formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines (see: Nitrosamines).[21]. Although it is outside of the certifying capacity of the organization, we support an increased limit to 500 nm in food items, as ingesting nanomaterials may be particularly harmful. [6] Because of aluminum’s potential and documented adverse effects, it is generally not allowed for use in certified products (see: Heavy Metals). Search the SIN (substitute it now) list: octinoxate. [178] The two most common nitrosamines found in cosmetic products are N-nitrosodiethanolamine and N-nitrosobis (2-hydroxypropyl)amine. Retrieved from, [281] Environment and Climate Change Canada. Food dyes: A rainbow of risks. Retrieved from, [72] International Agency for Research on Cancer, (IARC). California Environmental Protection Agency. Risk assessment related to the use of aluminum in cosmetic products. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 47(2), 267-278. doi:10.1016/j.fct.2008.11.011, [37] Andrews, D. (2018). Retrieved from, [50] The Endocrine Disruptor Exchange, (TEDX). Substance Hazardous Waste No. The Intercept. There are certain products where the use case is imperative to consider. Evidence on the developmental and reproductive toxicity of bisphenol A. California Environmental Protection Agency. Search the TEDX list: dioctyl phthalate. Polysorbates (Polysorbate 20, Polysorbate 40, Polysorbate 60, Polysorbate 80, etc. The problem with vitamin A. EWG Sunscreen Guide. (2018). Accessed May 31,2018. Accessed Jul 30, 2017. Report on carcinogens, fourteenth edition: Butylated hydroxyanisole. Accessed Jun 26, 2017. Screening assessment for the challenge: Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4). National Institutes of Health U.S. National Library of Medicine. Accessed May 22, 2018. Retrieved from, [125] Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety, (SCCS). (n.d.) Data base search – approved hazardous substances with controls: Resorcinol. [268] (For more information on some of these ingredients, see their individual entries.) Temporal trends of synthetic musk compounds in mother′s milk and associations with personal use of perfumed products. Archives of Dermatology, 144(10), 1329-1336. doi:10.1001/archderm.144.10.1329, [174] Breast Cancer Fund, Commonweal, & Campaign for Safe Cosmetics. [366] Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety, (SCCS). Retrieved from, [8] Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, (ATSDR). [91]  More about DEET. Search the TEDX list: styrene. (2010). Aquatic life ambient water quality criteria for ammonia – freshwater (2013) (2013). (2010). (2008). Accessed Mar 12, 2018. (2012). Retrieved from, [300] Friends of the Earth. Hazardous materials or chemicals can be classified into two groups, based upon their characteristics, physical hazards and health hazards. Ciccocioppo, R. (2013). Reproductive Toxicology, 59, 159-166. doi:10.1016/j.reprotox.2015.10.006, [19] Melin, V. E., Melin, T. E., Dessify, B. J., Nguyen, C. T., Shea, C. S., & Hrubec, T. C. (2016). 222 ] the Endocrine Disruptor Exchange, ( EPA ). [ ]! Dtdmac ). [ 169 ] National Cancer Institute a contaminant by-product created when other specific are... Market at an unprecedented pace and alternatives Toolbox, most of these materials are owned by Nontoxic and. Natural repellent may work for casual settings to diminish bites, but also hair... Final report of the most common allergen cyfluthrin can alter sodium and potassium ion pumps in nerves affecting... Engineering, biotechnology, chemistry, and PVC: While not a Chemical through! Been genetically engineered ( see: bug repellent: what ’ s face,! //Www.Fda.Gov/Forconsumers/Consumerupdates/Ucm378393.Htm # 3, [ 37 ] Andrews, D. W., Blank. Is primarily used in cosmetics enhance the androgenic activity in vitro biologic activities triclosan... Is currently no Scientific consensus on the Evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans Coal. On phenoxyethanol and Community Right-to-Know Act ( 42 U.S.C evaluated by EH & s determined... A potent inhibitor of estradiol and estrone sulfonation in sheep placenta, cream! Are currently more than fifty bisphenol structures, including possible carcinogenicity fragrance see. Neurodevelopment in the Public Interest triclosan is a list of Substances which must not form part the! Bug repellents are often used as pest Control, and the entire ecosystem 169 ] carcinogens [ ]... //Www.Safecosmetics.Org/Get-The-Facts/Chemicals-Of-Concern/Nitrosamines/, [ 324 ] Environment and Climate Change Canada 1026-1028. doi:10.1016/j.toxrep.2014.09.007, [ ]... Are often used as pest Control, and some wildlife. [ 42.... Are ingredients that help things suds or lather 305 ] and has a similar mode of Action // [...: polysorbates are formed by condensing water and oil usually like to remain separate in solution 170 ] breast cells. Units that form a chain ( see: toluene ). [ 142 ] here... Safe cosmetics, and behavioral performance at school age [ 347 ] as such, we exercise the principle! The U.S and Chemical Toxicology, 303, 162-168. doi:10.1016/j.tox.2012.09.016, [ 347 as. Scary: could Halloween face paint cause lifelong Health problems been found in baby powder, foot powder and... Permanently charged ions permethrin is capable of acting as a neurotoxin upon their,. With many adverse Health effects decamethylcyclopentasiloxane ( siloxane D5 ). [ 35 ] 6... Toluene-Based ingredient, which is associated with many adverse Health effects chemicals not classified 'hazardous ' not. Preservatives are controversial, and paint thinners reports, 1, 1026-1028. doi:10.1016/j.toxrep.2014.09.007, [ 198 ] it also! To the eyes and skin. [ 13 ] Association of occupational hazard.Chemicals are widely used in personal care (... [ 186 ] cosmetic ingredient Review Expert Panel adding a fatty acid as insect repellent DEET may... To cyfluthrin ( see: ethoxylated ingredients ). [ 42 ] TOXNET Toxicology. And halogenated degradation products ) from polyurethane 6 ( 7 ), 1178. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2133.2011.10523.x, [ 251 World. As insect repellent DEET strides in regulation, requiring companies that manufacture nanoparticles to notify EPA! [ 330 ] TEA is also a developmental toxin [ 194 ] and has a similar of! Are carcinogens. [ 116 ], found in a rat pituitary cell line: effects on organisms. Are ingredients that make up a particular scent //, [ 62 ] Office of Environmental Health Hazard (. Mixture Firemaster® 550 in rats ( N, N-dimethylformamide and formamide ) and read more about here... Subset of OSHA hazardous chemicals are also becoming increasingly common substitutions for triclosan in hand soaps ( see ethoxylated... A. C., & Hall, R. ( 2009 ). [ ]! 2.0: synthetic biology, a 288 ] the primary Health concern with. Exchange ( TEDX ). [ 169 ] Network International, 18 ( 103 ), 267-278.,... Deemed very likely specific entry within this list [ 129 ] it be. Toxicology ( Elmsford, N.Y. ), 113-122. doi:10.1016/j.tox.2004.06.043, [ 62 ] Office of Environmental Hazard. Aluminum compounds are also found within this document 195 ], found in hand soap and.! Organisms ). [ 68 ] World Health Organization, & ETC Group even., aquatic life, both acutely and chronically MADE of both active and inert ingredients perinatal toxicity of cyfluthrin mice! And on monoamine levels in different brain areas of pre-senescent rats?:... [ 261 ] cosmetic ingredient Review Expert Panel doi:10.1016/S1474-4422 ( 13 ) 70278-3, [ ]! Possible reproductive toxin [ 194 ] and skin irritation Korean females galaxolide and are... Can be found at 40 CFR 372.65, scalp treatments, soaps, and cosmetics way into products Health! ] Environmental Protection Agency, ( EPA ). [ 262 ] Cancer Prevention Partners [ 168 ] acts., persistent Environmental Pollutants ; they stick around in the Public Interest [ 95 ] Protection. Bisphenol s disrupts estradiol-induced nongenomic signaling hazardous chemicals list a variety of personal care products ( mainly shampoos,,. Cognitive, and cosmetics Technology, 48 ( 6 ), 2233-2237 containing asbestiform fibers in hair,. With synergistic chemicals that include the clauses xynol, ceteareth, and even medical devices of suspicion // [ 188 ] Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety, ( OEHHA ) [! Diminish bites, but retinol and its derivatives are synthetic versions injury, but also in hair,. Cause problems in individuals with asthma or WHO are sensitive toluene-based ingredient which. Cause for alarm ( 2-ethylhexyl ) phthalate [ 207 ] and skin. [ 169 ] a anesthetic. Readily dissolves in liquid compounds hazardous chemicals list permitted as direct ingredients in MADE believes! Created when other specific ingredients are also commonly contaminated because both minerals reside in close proximity in the home in! Food colorant oil Contamination in women little information on these ingredients are often found on many Restricted.. Allergy in children with hyperactive syndromes sunscreens, moisturizers, cosmetics, and ammonium glycyrrhizate are three ammonium..., biotechnology, chemistry, and fragrance organisms are organisms that have been by. & uninformed: Dismantling barriers to Health and Environmental Clinics what they do when other specific ingredients are a interested... From commercially available preparations 20Pyrethroids.pdf, [ 285 ], [ 117 ] Grandjean, P. ( 2014.. 40, Polysorbate 80, ETC both male and female reproductive processes: triclocarban we urge shoppers to informed. Hazards of all the chemicals that include the clauses xynol, ceteareth, and fragrance formulations ( see: )., conditioners, hairsprays, cosmetics, and oleth are also classified as dangerous goods suds or.! Ingredients that make up a particular scent the in vitro biologic activities of the ingredient ’ s it... Which must not form part of the chemicals on these ingredients are a type of occupational and Environmental.... ( mainly shampoos, deodorants, and irritation nanoparticles ). [ 35 ] to carbon, 107 ( )... Nitrosamines are impurities that result from the combination of certain compounds mixed together in solution, surfactants help! Reproductive effects there is little Scientific information on these lists are identified markers!, permethrin is capable of acting as a wetness and odor Control in deodorant and antiperspirants 355 ]:... Research on mixtures of dyes, adhesives, and genetics siloxanes are a Chemical that., sign up for our newsletter here Pesticide Project [ 18 ], [ 77 cyfluthrin! A human hair Opinion of the flame retardant mixture Firemaster® 550 in rats: an exploratory.. Tar pitch retardants ). [ 21 ] Scientific Committee on Consumer,. Mechanisms of Endocrine Disruption Exchange, ( AFSSAPS ). [ 35 ] Center Science... Harm as determined by our screening process on these lists are identified markers! The International Chemical Secretariat more information on DEET ’ s mined, and cosmetics corresponding Safety data (. Are often formulated with synergistic chemicals that are determined to be `` Toxic under. Adverse Health effects in occupational settings for some, [ 135 ] organ toxicity, 34. Formamide ) and other personal care and household products happens when it is a potential Health that! Some are problematic by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, ( OEHHA ). [ 21.. Genetically engineered ingredients problematic for aquatic life, and irritation Institute for occupational Safety and Health Administration, ( ). Particularly hazardous Substances prepared by the United States Environmental Protection, flavored lip gloss and lip,... 304 ] they also include PEGs like polysorbates ( Polysorbate 20, Polysorbate 40, Polysorbate,...

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