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Cardiovascular events are the result of a long process that develops silently from a range of conditions detected in laboratory tests.

Olive oil, like other oils, is high in fat. However, unlike traditional oils, the type of fat that is abundant in olive oil and its other properties are excellent to fight the common precursors of cardiovascular diseases, such as cholesterol and high triglycerides.

The presence of monounsaturated fats, which help to increase good cholesterol and decrease bad cholesterol, and the concentration of phenolic compounds with antioxidant power, makes olive oil an important food item in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

References: 1. RODRIGUES, Marina et al. Azeite e saúde. Revista Nutrícias, n. 15, p. 14-18, 2012. 2. SANTOS, Raul D. et al. I Diretriz sobre o consumo de gorduras e saúde cardiovascular. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, v. 100, n. 1, p. 1-40, 2013.