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Making the most of each olive oil flavor is a delicate task. Our taste buds have specific preferences for certain tastes according to the variety of each label.

Andorinha olive oils are produced from several types of olives, called multivarietal olives, ensuring greater complexity, more elaborate products and unique flavors that enhance the dish to be tasted even more pleasantly. Besides, the ripening stage of the olives also interferes with oil flavor — more bitter and spicier when younger olives are used; and green, fruitier and sweet when we use ripe olives. The most important thing is to know what differentiates one type of oil from another and how to choose the most suitable one for each occasion of use, or according to your particular taste preference.

Best before date
Andorinha olive oils are good for 12 to 18 months. Unlike wine, the characteristics and intensities of flavor and aroma are better preserved and are better perceived when the oil is “new,” that is, when consumed on a date closer to its manufacture.

Bottle types
Andorinha olive oils are 100% bottled in Portugal and get to the consumers with maximum quality and flavor. Olive oil produced and packaged (or bottled) by a producer, in the country of origin, is an indicator of better quality because it is not at risk of being tampered with. The information on whether it is only distributed, or bottled, or produced and bottled by the company that owns the brand is on the label.

Olive oils must be stored in cool places, away from light, high temperatures and humidity. Make sure you keep your bottles and cans closed to prevent the oil from going off due to exposure to oxygen.