"This miserable feeling of loneliness at times becomes unbearable. Share. This drawing by a child at an Italian parish helps illustrate a booklet for Pope Francis' April 2, 2021, commemoration of the Way of the Cross. Share. Only you know what they are and take them seriously. The faithful can now access a virtual Way of the Cross through 13 short videos in which friars offer meditations on each station. By Vatican News staff writer Even children in their daily activities go through difficult or sad moments and need someone to console them. The meditation recounts an episode that happened in a first-grade classroom: a child, Mark, is accused of stealing a classmate's snack. During this period, many children suffered the sudden disappearance of their grandparents. We feel ‘abandoned’ by everyone, no longer able even to smile. Crosses that are no lighter or heavier than those of adults, but are still real crosses, crosses that weigh us down even at night. This Good Friday the Pope will pray a version of the Way of the Cross written by a group of young scouts and by a group of 8- to 19-year-olds from a parish in Rome. “The Way of the Cross” Traditional Devotion of the Stations of the Cross Lent 2021. Members of an Umbrian scout group and a Roman parish (Holy Martyrs of Uganda) wrote the meditations for the Via Crucis led by the Pope on Good Friday … At times some of our actions can judge, mistreat and hurt one of our brother or sisters. The experience that accompanies this moment is that of a child who is always good at school but who, for the first time, receives a failing grade: This unexpected failure was too much for me. Vatican City, Mar 23, 2021 / 12:00 pm MT .- Pope Francis chose a scouting group from central Italy and kids from a Roman parish to prepare the meditations for this year’s Good Friday Stations of the Cross at the Vatican. April 02 2021 The Way of the Cross Pope Francis - YouTube. By the time I went to sleep the box was full of dolls and the shelves were empty." Pope Francis led the Way of the Cross, featuring meditations prepared by children, at the Vatican on Good Friday evening. "One Christmas Day we went to Rome with the scouts, to visit the Missionary Sisters of Charity and to distribute food to the needy, instead of celebrating the day with our families." They took away my grandfather, who had been having difficulty breathing. He comments: " My disappointment had served to help another person. Way of the Cross 2021. The ceremony took place in an empty square, the cross was carried by a small … The ceremony will take place without public participation due to coronavirus restrictions for the second year in a row. Watch later. There are many opportunities for helping someone. Only you know … ", Fifth Station: Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry his cross. The crosses are the fear of the dark, of loneliness and abandonment, also due to the pandemic, the experience of one's own limitations, being teased by others, the feeling of being poorer than one's peers, sorrow for quarrels in the family. How is it possible to forgive such things? But one of the boys confided: "On the way back, I thought of the faces of all the people I had served, their smiles and the stories they told...The thought of having brought those people a little happiness made that Christmas unforgettable." The Covid-19 pandemic enters the scene with all its consequences even for young people. Stations of the Cross from Vatican | Good Friday | Pope Francis. facebook. Info. ", First Station: Pontius Pilate condemns Jesus to death. Shopping. But we have Jesus at our side, always ready to support and help us. But that moment made me grow... Now I realize that we can stumble and fall daily, but Jesus is always there to hold out his hand to us.”, Fourth Station: Jesus meets his Mother. Like Jesus we find ourselves flat on the ground.". Pope Francis is leading the Way of the Cross in front of St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican on Friday, April 2. The Lord is burdened with our … Booklet cover with design by one of the children of Casa Famiglia “Tetto Casal Fattoria”. On Good Friday, this ceremony usually takes place at the Colosseum, in Rome. Maybe it wasn’t our intention to make fun of her, but how much pain we caused by our laughter! The prevailing feeling is loneliness: they no longer visit their grandparents, school is closed, they miss their classmates and friends. Shopping. (Bulletin of the Holy See Press Office) April 2, 2021 Way of the Cross led by Pope Francis The Way of the Cross on Good Friday to be led by Pope Francis will feature meditations and drawings composed by children and young people of Rome belonging to the parish of the Holy Martyrs of Uganda, the Agesci scout group "Foligno I" and the guests of two family homes in Rome. Tap to unmute. meditations and drawings composed by children and young people of Rome. Then all the children of the world are entrusted to the Lord, that they may " grow in wisdom, age and grace", and finally, prayers are said for their parents and educators, "so that they may always feel one with you as givers of life and love.". Copy link. The suffering of children can often be overlooked. The narrator is ashamed of that lack of courage; he acted like Pilate and now regrets having chosen the easier path. " 19/02/2021. Disposing of the superfluous, she concludes, lightens the soul and giving makes one happy. CNA Vatican April 2, 2021 Pope Francis led the Way of the Cross, featuring meditations prepared by children, at the Vatican on Good Friday evening. ", Ninth Station: Jesus falls for the third time. (“Way of the Cross meditations written by children: Jesus calms our fears”, Vatican News, Mar. Easter: Pope Francis celebrates the Way of the Cross procession in the almost empty Vatican. Pope Francis has entrusted the preparation of the meditations for this year's Good Friday Way of the Cross to the Agesci Scout Group “Foligno I” (Umbria) and the Roman Parish of Santi Matiri di Uganda (Holy Martyrs of Uganda). The first request, then, is for help to be like them “little, in need of everything, open to life". 2021-04-02T23:38:41.179Z. Pope Francis presides over the Via Crucis (Way of the Cross) ceremony with children in St. Peter's Square, at the Vatican, Friday, April 2, 2021. Stations of the Cross from Vatican | Good Friday | Pope Francis - YouTube. Instead, the teacher chooses Giovanni, a rather isolated classmate. ", In the final prayer of the Way of the Cross, the adults speak again. April 2, 2021 Way of the Cross led by Pope Francis. Info. But some are suffering because "there are children in our world who have nothing to eat, who cannot go to school, who are being used and forced to become soldiers." Jesus falls for the third time. Children from a Roman parish, a group of Scouts, and young people from two family shelters penned this year’s meditations. Tenth Station: Jesus is stripped of his garments. I want to thank You, she writes, because "You taught me to overcome my troubles by trusting in you, to love others as my brothers and sisters, and to get up every time I fall...Today, thanks to your act of infinite love, I know that death is not the end of everything. Holy Land: Franciscans offer virtual Way of the Cross during Lent The Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land present a virtual Way of the Cross alternative for the faithful during Lent because for the second successive year, pilgrimages are not possible due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Eleventh Station: Jesus is nailed to the cross. The meditation is twelve-year-old Sara's thanksgiving to Jesus. ", Second Station: Jesus takes up his cross. And he also has to bow to the curfew. The images that accompanied the various Stations were drawings produced by children and young people from the “Mater Divini Amoris” and “Tetto Casal Fattoria” foster homes. That way I was able to be there with him during his final journey on this earth.”, Fourteenth Station: Jesus is placed in the tomb. Copy link. (Bulletin of the Holy See Press Office), Activities of the Holy Father Pope Francis, Declaration of the Director of the Holy See Press Office. whatsapp. Info. "Truly I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren you did it to me", the words of Jesus taken from Matthew’s Gospel introduce us to the Sixth Station. 31, 2021) These children’s Way of the Cross begins with the following introductory prayer: Dear Jesus, You know that we children also have crosses to carry. twitter. It is no small sacrifice that is described in the meditation for the Eleventh Station. ...Persecution is not just something that happened two thousand years ago. Then she says: "That evening, however, I felt I had not done enough. The images that accompanied the various Stations were drawings produced by children and young people from the “Mater Divini Amoris” and “Tetto Casal Fattoria” foster homes. Once we finished, we spent the rest of the afternoon playing. It offers an episode for children to think about their own mother and her love that always accompanies them. I suggested that we do our homework right away, and so I helped him catch up on what he missed the day before. CNA Staff, Apr 2, 2021 / 15:00 pm America/Denver (CNA). Walter Rossi, Rector of the Basilica. ", Twelfth Station: Jesus dies on the cross. Watch later. Easter morning Mass will also be celebrated in the Basilica, at 10:00 am on Easter Sunday, which will be followed by the traditional Urbi et Orbi blessing at midday. Since then, Giovanni has become more involved in the class. If I have a problem, a question or just some unpleasant thoughts, she is always ready to listen to me with a smile. March 23, 2021 World News. "Since then”, he writes, “Walid has become one of my best friends and the goalkeeper for our team as well." It is noted that due to the coronavirus pandemic, the pontiff did not go to the walls of the Colosseum. In their simplicity and concreteness, the meditations written by the children have the power to deeply touch the heart, to make us think and work for a better and more just world. This was experienced by two brothers who had lied to their mother assuring her that they had done their homework that afternoon, when in fact they had been playing the whole time. “With this service, we offered many young people”, … She chooses among the dolls some of the oldest ones she is less fond of and prepares a box. Only when we recognize a brother in a person "do we open our hearts to Jesus.”, Sixth Station: A woman wipes the face of Jesus. [ Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Malayalam, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish] Booklet for the Celebration [pdf] Way of the Cross … Suddenly I felt alone, with no one to comfort me. One of them recounts: "People jumped out of the ambulance dressed like astronauts, wearing protective suits, gloves, masks and face shields. He came not to call the righteous, but sinners who have the humility and the courage to be converted. The cross … They write: "Dying on the cross, Jesus offered salvation to everyone. If you want to know more click here. Third Station: Jesus falls for the first time. The experience of failure. That was the last time that I saw my grandfather." Pope Francis led the ceremony of the Way of the Cross at St. Peter's Square in the Vatican, RIA Novosti reports. Mockery taking place among children is not uncommon, even to the extreme of bullying, as in the case of Martina who has difficulty reading aloud in class. " The Gospel passage is that of the grain of wheat that dies and thus produces much fruit. April 02 2021 The Way of the Cross Pope Francis. Francis will lead the Way of the Cross … ", Thirteenth Station: Jesus is taken down from the cross. Share. Watch later. The third … Crosses that are no lighter or heavier than those of adults, but are still real crosses, crosses that weigh us down even at night. One day she heard that the parish was collecting toys for the refugee children of Kosovo. Together they will form a large luminous cross that stretches over the empty square. Serving others with love " is the teaching that Jesus gives us from the cross. [ Arabic, English, French, German , Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish] Booklet fot the Celebration [pdf] Way of the Cross 2020. The Vatican announced Tuesday that the Agesci “Foligno I” Scout Group in Umbria, made up of 145 young people between the ages of eight and 19, … A child in the group saw him and was the first to meet him and invite him to join them. Laudato si' Way of the Cross in preparation for Easter. Meditations. Particularly significant this year is the choice of placing candles that trace the path from one Station to another. The meditation relates the experience of a fourth grader. Discouraged after the game, “there was my friend, holding a soft drink and waiting for me.” In his company, “losing the game became less of a bad memory.”, Seventh Station: Jesus falls for the second time. The portal Vatican News uses technical or similar cookies to make navigation easier and guarantee the use of the services. Scouts and parish kids write meditations for this year’s Vatican Way of the Cross. You, Jesus, are always close to us and you never abandon us, the children conclude, "help us to carry our daily crosses as you carried yours. The example of Jesus forgiving the evil received makes the children reflect on the evil present in the world, for example, the mafias that kill even children. Meditations. The end-of-year play is being prepared and he wants the lead role at all costs. Furthermore, technical and analysis cookies from third parties may be used. Here, too, a little girl tells the story: she has a collection of dolls in her room that she treasures. Meditation speaks to the little ones' need for love and perhaps helps parents be better. " The reading chosen is that of the wedding at Cana with the relationship between the Son and his mother as the focus. Even concretely, taking them "to football practice, to language classes and to catechism on Sunday mornings." But for me that fall was death”. The other went to school, but when he returned home he talked to his brother: "It was wrong for us to lie to our mother and for my brother to pretend to have a stomach ache. Sometimes we only listen to the voices of those who think and do evil, while doing what is right is like an uphill road, full of obstacles and difficulties. With … The Vatican announced Tuesday that the Agesci “Foligno I” Scout Group in Umbria, made up of 145 young people between the ages of eight and 19, has composed the meditations for the 2021 edition of the Way of the Cross with Pope Francis. The Stations of the Cross, also known as the way of the cross, it a beautiful meditation to honour the passion of Christ. This year as well the Way of the Cross will take place in St. Peter's Square: the Stations will be placed around the obelisk and along the path leading to the raised area in front of the Basilica. The Lord is burdened with our sins; he appears beaten and humiliated. From the Sagrato of St Peter's Basilica-The Way of the Cross presided over by Pope Francis Jesus pointed to children as an example when he described the qualities necessary to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Someone knows that he is innocent but does not intervene to defend him. ", Eighth Station: Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem. Vatican City, Mar 25, 2021 / 15:00 pm America/Denver (CNA). April 2, 2021 Way of the Cross led by Pope Francis - YouTube. Home Vatican News Pope Francis presides at Way of the Cross in a near-empty St Peter’s Square (Vatican News) Pope Francis presides at Way of the Cross in a near-empty St Peter’s Square (Vatican News) April 5, 2021 Vatican News. Cube Radio, the official radio station of the Salesian University Institute of Venice and Verona (IUSVE), collaborated with the GCCM in creating a unique digital edition of the Way of the Cross for Lent 2021. The texts invite us to ask questions about our lives and the need to change ourselves and our world. The Good Friday events scheduled in the Vatican on 2 April 2021 are: the Celebration of the Passion of the Lord and the Way of the Cross. Usually thousands of believers gather in front of St. Peter's Basilica on Good Friday - this time it was quite lonely for Pope Francis. In the introduction to the booklet, the children when turning to Jesus emphasize: "Dear Jesus, You know that we children also have crosses to carry. In the Gospel of Luke, we read that when Jesus saw them, he said: "Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children.” This is the starting point for saying that "Correcting a brother or sister is difficult but necessary." An example is after losing an important soccer match where they hoped to be at their best. Enlarge image. To the meditations and texts of the fourteen stations, they added a series of graphics, adapted to being shared on social networks. “It was the first time I fell. Copyright © 2017-2021 Dicasterium pro Communicatione - All rights reserved. Only you." Tap to unmute. Shopping. The texts of the meditation and the prayers proposed this year for the Stations of the Good Friday Via Crucis were entrusted to the “Foligno I” (Umbria) Agesci Scout Group, and to the Roman parish of Santi Martiri di Uganda. By closing this banner you consent to the use of cookies. The passage in Luke’s gospel describes Jesus being mocked and beaten by those who held him in custody. Pope Francis led the Way of the Cross ceremony at the Vatican. The Vatican has published Pope Francis’ schedule for Holy Week at the Vatican this year. Join us from the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception every Friday during this season of Lent, for the “The Way of the Cross”, the traditional devotion of the Stations of the Cross, led by Msgr. One of the two the next day said he did not feel well so he did not go to school. They will also read them during the ceremony in St. Peter's Square presided over by Pope Francis. Pope Francis in the almost empty St. Peter's Square. (Meditation by a prisoner) It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in … ", Third Station: Jesus falls for the first time. The teacher’s choice had given an opportunity to someone who really needed it. He watches the other kids play football but does not have the courage to introduce himself. 2021-04-03T05:52:27.798Z. Afterwards, the Way of the Cross will take place at 9:00 pm at St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican; - Easter Vigil celebrations on Holy Saturday will be held at 7:30 pm in St. Peter’s Basilica. After some initial anger, the child understands and is happy. 2021-05-10T12:58:13-04002021-05-10T12:50:11-04002021-05-10T12:45:39-04002021-05-10T12:40:36-04002021 ... Children write meditations for Pope's Way of the Cross; Vatican … Copy link. Suffering also stems from the impossibility of being close to his grandfather and giving him courage: "I prayed for him every day. The testimony described here is concern shown to a foreign peer who recently arrived in the neighborhood. 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