aria role=text

If aria-labelledby and aria-label are both empty or undefined, and if the element is not marked as presentational (role="presentation"), check for the presence of an equivalent host language attribute or element for associating a label, and use those mechanisms to determine a text alternative. HTML Kopfbereich

Keyboard interaction is completely under the web author's control and can be anything associated with the particular widget being implemented. ARIA States and Properties Debate is open as to whether the role-specific host language labeling mechanism (e.g. Startseite Beschreibungen zu Elementen Also this example: Word (Microsoft Office) Include editorial note about "plaintext" or "statictext" name suggestions from Cyns and Clown. Copyright Bestimmungen Voice Over Applying the application role will cause this and all of the descendant elements of this element to be treated like application content, not web content. Einsprungmenüs Die Bedeutung und Verwendung erarbeite ich im in der obigen Überschrift verlinkten eigenen Webartikel. Um das zu vermeiden, kann role="text" verwendet werden. In a slides application, for example, a widget could be created that uses the arrow keys to position elements on the slide, and uses audio feedback via an ARIA live region to communicate the position and overlap status with other objects. Associated WAI-ARIA roles, states, and properties aria-label Used to provide the name of the timer. The document is streamlined to a single-column view. Escape is the most common way of switching back to browse mode. Mittels des Attributs role="presentation" kann für Screen Reader die natürliche (HTML)-Semantik verborgen werden. Statuserklärung zur Barrierefreiheit Sprachkennzeichnungen SVG erstellen Karuselle barrierefrei The group agreed that the role of "text" should be restricted by the host language to only be used on images for now. Gesetze barrierefrei Rechtliche Bestimmungen in Österreich This is often referred to as virtual document, browse mode, or similar terms. Werkzeuge auf so if you have an image that represents bunch of text then the browser should implement API to navigate the text by lines, words, characters. Menüelemente müssen einem Menü oder einer Menu Bar technisch so zugeordnet werden, dass deren Zuordnung (owned) für Screen Reader klar ist. The application role is designed to provide a means for widgets that are not part of the standard set to be accessible for direct interaction in ATs that use both browse and focus modes for interacting with web content. IT'S ART Projekt einreichen Assistierende Technologien sind darauf noch nicht gefasst (Stand 2016). Ein Menu Item kann mit dem ARIA Attribut aria-disabled deaktiviert werden. 1. The ATs build their own representation of it that makes the most sense for a blind user to consume the content. Evaluation der Barrierefreiheit Sie können aber gerne um die Baustelle herumgehen und den Fortschritt beobachten.

Menüs sind Bedienungselemente in Webanwendungen (Applications). Dateiformate (Webtechnologien) All aspects of interaction, including returning to the regular web content on other parts of the page, must be handled. Erklärung zum Status der Barrierefreiheit A figure is generally considered to be one or more images, code snippets, or other content that puts across information in a different way to a regular flow of text.

I love New York.

Inhalte und Funktionalitäten sind noch nicht gänzlich verfügbar. In HTML etwa sollte. Links barrierefrei Kontrastrechner für die analoge Umwelt (IT'S ART Projekt) If used, the application role should be added to the lowest common container possible, not on the element, for example. Developers should always prefer using the correct semantic HTML element over using ARIA. Für Fälle, in denen dies nicht gewährleistet ist, wurden für mögliche Rollen von Seitenelementen von der WAI die ARIA Roles entwickelt. The
element defines a form landmar… To create a multi-line text box which supports line breaks, as in an HTML