live sound signal flow

This is all about matching up your Ins and Outs. I have been looking for some dumbed down ways of understanding signal flow before I get into more intense readings of signal flow.

Trust me, it’s going to happen this is live sound we’re talking about gear fails all the time. Hey guys. The most important skill you can have as a live sound engineer is a solid understanding of signal flow. Where are you sending the signal? But this is a very broad overview. Core Principles of Live Sound and Mixing- Part 1- Signal Flow. So I can raise or lower the level of all 8 drum mics on one fader – VERY USEFUL. I have created a few Signal Flows for study. To achieve proper gain structure and gain staging you need to know signal flow. Signal Flow is a Live Sound workshop by Sus.Media in collaboration with Female Frequency and Soundgirls with the aim of removing gender stigmas from technical professions in the arts. When should you use Groups instead of VCAs and VCAs instead of Groups? Starting with the microphones through to the mixing desk, outboard equipment, amps & speakers (and anything I've left out). Here is the signal flow of a Mackie 1604 VLZ. If, for example, I assign all 32 channels of a console to SubGroup 1, and the console I’m driving doesn’t have Group Meters, and I keep the Group 1 fader low enough that I don’t get overloads on the Master Mix Meters, then it would be possible to overload the Group 1 buss, creating distortion, that would not show up on any meters. Knowing this signal path, you can quickly find the problem and remedy it.

Signal flow is the list of steps that sound goes through in order for you to hear it. Lots of audio here!---------- *** ---------, my transition from Indy to Nashville would be ever so much easier if Peyton were to become a Titan.---------- *** ---------. Audio Training for Live Sound. Using this information, the engineer can quickly TROUBLESHOOT the likely causes of common problems, and can even narrow down the possibilities of unexpected major problems.

It’s also recommended that you make it in linear, vertical orientation so that it helps you visualize the flow better. This is an extreme example to make a point – but I think you get it. It also gives the audio tech CONFIDENCE as he sits behind the console. GENERALITIES: No- the correct answer is not -‘PANIC’.

Then it's out to the pa. A typical pa will have a processor that splits the signal into high, mid, low and sub as well as some eq and time alignment specific to the pa in question. One of the most important things to understand when doing live sound is signal flow. If you are mixing a live show and suddenly the vocal drops out of the PA, what do you do first? Audio Training for Live Sound. Sound Systems are comprised of many different pieces of equipment, including but not limited to loudspeakers, crossovers, amplifiers, signal processors, audio consoles, microphones, DI boxes, sub snakes, splitters, etc. Say you’re trying to get downtown. Been busy with the new job as a Sr. Tech with PSAV at Gaylord Opryland. It can also prevent mistakes because you know what the audio is doing at each stage of the console. (This means you can have the entire band on one VCA fader, even if they all are routed to different mixes and subgroups!). Read more about live sound and mixing HERE. Instead, the VCA acts exactly like a remote control to channels which are assigned to it. HPF: High-Pass Filter.

Both are necessary for getting good sounds and the best performance from the sound system.

The difference is where everything is located on the surface. Signal Flow. Why? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account.


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