• 1h
  • 2

- 50 ml Andorinha Vintage Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 180 g desalted cod, skin removed
- 1 stale bread roll
- ½ slice of pineapple cut into small pieces
- 20 g red onions, chopped
- 1 dessert spoon of unsalted butter
- 40 g sliced jamón (or bacon, if you don't have jamón)
- Chives, chopped
- Salt and black pepper


Brush a non-stick frying pan with 20 ml of Andorinha Vintage Extra Virgin Olive Oil and grill the codfish slab until browned and tender.
Set aside.
Slice the bread and bake at 180 ºC until nice and crunchy.
With a hammer, beat the bread slice until it turns into a well-flaked crumble.
In a frying pan, add the remaining oil, butter and brown the onion quickly.
Add the jamón, then the pineapple.
Pour the ready-made toast and mix it all up.
Adjust the salt to taste and sprinkle with chives.
Putting it together:
On a plate, place the codfish slab next to the bread crumble and garnish with chives.
If you want, grab a slice of toasted jamón to make a roof over the codfish slab.
Drizzle some Andorinha Vintage Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

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