1 kg de sardinhas limpas
6 colheres (sopa) de vinagre de vinho branco
1 xícara (chá) de Azeite de Oliva Andorinha
1 cebola ralada
5 dentes de alho picados
½ xícara (chá) de molho de tomate
Orégano e sal a gosto
Reserve as sardinhas e misture os demais ingredientes na panela de pressão. Acomode delicadamente as sardinhas por cima, tampe e leve ao fogo médio até pegar pressão. Abaixe o fogo e cozinhe por 10 minutos. Espere sair a pressão para abrir a panela e transfira para uma travessa com cuidado.
Pitada nutricional: A sardinha é uma das principais fontes alimentares de vitamina D, além de cálcio. A presença de azeite de oliva na preparação contribui para favorecer a absorção desse nutriente, por ser fonte de ácidos graxos monoinsaturados. Ainda, a associação do tomate com o azeite de oliva proporciona maior biodisponibilidade do licopeno. Preparação que pode ser compartilhada com pacientes que precisam melhorar a ingestão destes nutrientes-chave para a saúde óssea, como mulheres no climatério e na menopausa, que podem ter maior prevalência de osteopenia e osteoporose.
Sardinha Prática na Pressão
1 colher (sopa) de mostarda Dijon
1 colher (sopa) de mel
1 colher (chá) de cúrcuma em pó
½ xícara (chá) de Azeite de Oliva Extra Virgem Andorinha
Sal e pimenta-do-reino preta a gosto
Misture bem todos os ingredientes e armazene em um pote de vidro, na geladeira. Combina com salada de folhas verde-escuras!
Pitada nutricional: A curcumina presente na cúrcuma em pó terá sua absorção otimizada pela combinação da cúrcuma com a pimenta-do-reino preta e do azeite de oliva. Esse molho pode ser prescrito para pacientes que sentem dificuldade em consumir salada, assim como pode ser associado em planos alimentares que visam o manejo da modulação da inflamação do paciente, devido à presença de ingredientes ricos em nutrientes e compostos bioativos com ação anti-inflamatória.
Molho mostarda, mel e cúrcuma
4 colheres de sopa de Azeite de Oliva Andorinha
1/2 cebola média picada
400g de camarão rosa limpo
Sal e cheiro-verde picado a gosto
200g de tomate cereja cortados ao meio
½ pacote de macarrão espaguete integral cozido (250g)
Suco e raspas de 1 limão siciliano
Cheiro-verde picado para polvilhar
Aqueça uma panela com o azeite e frite a cebola e o alho rapidamente. Junte o camarão, sal e cheiro-verde e refogue até ficar rosado. Adicione o tomate, o macarrão, as raspas e o suco do limão e cozinhe por 2 minutos. Transfira para uma travessa e sirva em seguida.
Pitada nutricional: O camarão rosa é uma das principais fontes alimentares de astaxantina, assim como o tomate é de licopeno e a combinação destes alimentos com o azeite de oliva contribui com o aumento da absorção destes compostos bioativos.
Macarrão ao limão e camarão
2kg de tomate italiano ou Débora maduro
1 cebola média
3 dentes de alho
½ xícara (chá) de Azeite de Oliva Andorinha
Sal a gosto
Pimenta-do-reino a gosto
Descasque e pique a cebola e o alho. Reserve. Lave os tomates, retire a base e corte cada tomate em quatro pedaços. Descarte qualquer parte escura, verde ou danificada dos tomates.
Coloque os tomates em uma panela grande, cubra com água filtrada e leve ao fogo por cerca de quinze minutos, com a panela tampada. Após esse tempo, retire os tomates da panela, que deverão estar macios, e passe por uma peneira. No molho será utilizada apenas a polpa do tomate, desprezando a pele e as sementes. Em outra panela, aqueça o azeite de oliva e refogue a cebola e o alho. Adicione a polpa do tomate e tempere com o sal e a pimenta-do- reino. Leve a panela ao fogo médio, cozinhando por cerca de duas horas, mexendo algumas vezes durante esse tempo.
O Molho de Tomate Caseiro pode ser conservado na geladeira em potes de vidro por até cinco dias ou no congelador, por até dois meses.
Pitada nutricional: o tomate é uma excelente fonte de licopeno que, quando processado e adicionado de azeite, favorece a absorção desse composto bioativo. Além disso, a adição de cebola ao molho, otimiza ainda mais a biodisponibilidade de licopeno, pela presença de quercetina. Excelente preparação para prescrever em planos alimentares que visam o cuidado com a saúde cardiovascular, fotoproteção e saúde do homem.
Molho de tomate caseiro
Sabe-se que a criança nasce com a preferência pelo sabor adocicado, mas não há necessidade de se adicionar açúcar em nenhuma de suas preparações até os 2 anos de idade, e sim, a utilização de frutas, as quais devem fazer parte da rotina do bebê desde o início da Introdução Alimentar, in natura ou na forma de papinhas, e a medida em que o bebê desenvolve habilidades na hora de se alimentar, variar a forma de oferecimento é bem-vinda, como em bolos, por exemplo.¹,²3 bananas nanica maduras
¼ xícara de chá (60ml) de Azeite Extra Virgem Orgânico Andorinha “Descobrindo o Azeite”
¼ xícara de chá (60ml) de água
½ xícara de uvas passas
2 xícaras de chá (200g) de farinha de aveia ou farelo de aveia
1 colher de sopa (10g) de fermento em pó
Coloque no liquidificador as bananas, o Azeite Andorinha, a água e as uvas passas. Bata bem até obter uma mistura homogênea. Transfira a mistura para uma vasilha e acrescente a farinha de aveia e o fermento. Misture delicadamente até incorporar tudo. Coloque a massa em uma forma de silicone (ou forma comum untada) e asse em forno pré-aquecido a 180 graus por 30 minutos. Faça o teste do palito, para comprovar que o bolo está bem assado no centro, e espere um pouco antes de desenformar.
Bolo de banana sem açúcar
O consumo de produtos industrializados não é recomendado para bebês, mas as versões caseiras são opções de variar a introdução alimentar e desenvolver os sentidos. É importante se atentar á não adição de sal antes do primeiro ano e a utilização de boas fontes de gordura, como o Azeite.¹250g de Polvilho azedo
1/2 xícara de chá (90ml) de Azeite Extra Virgem Orgânico Andorinha “Descobrindo o Azeite”
1/2 xícara de leite ou fórmula infantil(100ml) (da sua preferência, use aquele que o seu bebê costuma consumir)
1 ovo
Misture todos os ingredientes, deixando por último o ovo, mexa bem até ter uma massa lisa e homogênea. Depois coloque a massa em um saco de confeitar ou em um saco plástico limpo, corte a ponta e faça tirinhas ou anéis em uma forma untada e enfarinhada. Asse em forno médio, a 180°C por 15 a 20 minutos, ou até estarem dourados. Os biscoitos duram até 3 dias em recipiente fechado.
Biscoito de polvilho
- 40 min
- (Português do Brasil) 30
2 ovos
Os ovos fazem parte do grupo das proteínas animais, e podem ser consumidos desde o início da Introdução Alimentar, são uma ótima fonte proteica e de cofatores de alta eficiência nutricional ¹1 colher de sopa (20g) de alho-poró picado
1 colher de sopa (20g) de cenoura picada
1 colher de sopa (20g) de salsão
1/4 xícara de chá (30g) de abóbora cabotiá picada
1 col. de sobremesa (08ml) de Azeite Extra Virgem Orgânico Andorinha “Descobrindo o Azeite”
1 xícara de chá de água (200ml) ou caldo de legumes caseiro
1 colher de sobremesa de coentro picado
Em uma panela aqueça o Azeite Andorinha e acrescente o alho-poró. Junte o salsão e a cenoura e refogue por 2 minutos. Acrescente a abóbora e na sequência a água fervente ou o caldo de legumes e deixe cozinhar até que fiquem macios.
Enquanto os legumes cozinham, bata o ovo com as folhas de coentro picadas.
Assim que os legumes ficarem macios, retire do fogo e se desejar amasse com um garfo junto com um pouco da água do cozimento ou mantenha-os em cubinhos. Misture-os ao ovo batido.
Aqueça uma frigideira em fogo baixo, unte com um pouco de Azeite Andorinha e coloque a mistura de ovo com legumes. Quando o ovo começar a cozinhar mexa vigorosamente, até que o mesmo fique úmido e cremoso.
Sirva a seguir
Dica: Você também pode adicionar outros legumes como ramos de brócolis e couve-flor picados.
Ovo mexido colorido
- 20 min
- (Português do Brasil) 3
Para os tomatinhos
1 e 1/2 xícaras (200g) de tomatinhos cereja
1 colher de sopa (13ml) Azeite Extra Virgem Orgânico Andorinha “Descobrindo o Azeite”
1 dente de alho espremido
6 folhas de manjericão
Ervas frescas á gosto
Para o frango
100g de peito de frango em cubos
O consumo de proteína animal é recomendável desde os 6 meses do bebê, a não ser que a família adote a alimentação vegetariana, é importante seu consumo para o aporte adequado de ferro e outras vitaminas¹, ². ¼ de (40g) de cebola
1 fio de Azeite Extra Virgem Orgânico Andorinha “Descobrindo o Azeite” para refogar
Para a polenta
3 xícaras (600ml) de água ou caldo de legumes caseiro
1 xícara e chá (130g) de fubá
Para fazer os tomates, pré-aqueça o forno a 180º. Coloque os tomatinhos em uma única camada na assadeira. Regue com o Azeite Andorinha, e tempere com as ervas frescas e o alho. Asse por 20 minutos ou até a casca começar a rachar. Retire do forno e acrescente o manjericão.
Em uma frigideira, doure a cebola com um fio do Azeite Andorinha, adicione os cubos de frango e um pouco de água até que cozinhe bem, desfie e misture ao tomatinho assado e reserve.
Em uma panela média, coloque para ferver 3 xícaras de água ou caldo de legumes caseiro. Acrescente o fubá e mexa sem parar, até chegar à consistência desejada. Transfira para o prato ou uma travessa e cubra com a mistura de tomatinhos assados com frango.
Polenta cremosa com tomatinho assado e frango desfiado
- 1h
- (Português do Brasil) 4
1 xícara (145g) de ervilhas frescas ou congeladas
É importante que as papinhas salgadas apresentem todos os grupos alimentares, 1 porção de cereais ou tubérculos, 1 porção de verduras e legumes e 1 porção de carne animal e/ou leguminosas².
8 colheres de sopa (200g) de macarrão cozido
4 colheres de sopa (80g) de couve-flor cozida no vapor
Folhas de hortelã à gosto
O consumo de sal até o primeiro ano não é orientado¹, por isso a importância de adicionar temperos que deem sabores diferentes as preparações.
100g de filé mignon bovino
¼ (40g) de cebola picada
1 dente (6g) de alho
1 colher de sopa (13ml) de Azeite Extra Virgem Orgânico Andorinha “Descobrindo o Azeite”
Coloque as ervilhas em uma panela e leve ao fogo com água suficiente para cobri-las por aproximadamente 15 minutos ou até estarem macias. Escorra e amasse até adquirir a consistência de purê. Se preciso incluir um pouco do líquido do cozimento para atingir a consistência cremosa. Adicione o macarrão fervido em água e a couve-flor. Em uma frigideira, aqueça o Azeite Andorinha, adicione a cebola, doure, em seguida adicione o alho, doure e por fim adicione a carne e doure bem, até que esteja completamente cozida. Desfie ou pique de forma que fique em pedaços pequenos, adicione a à ervilha amassada com o macarrão e abobrinha, acrescente as folhas de hortelã picadas e sirva a seguir.
Papinha de ervilha com filézinho
- 40 min
- (Português do Brasil) 4
½ xícara de batatas em cubos
½ xícara de cenouras em cubos
½ xícara de abóbora em cubos
½ xícara de pimentões em cubos
½ xícara cebola em cubos
½ xícara de tomate sem pele e sem semente
4 dentes de alho amassados
Raminhos de alecrim e tomilho
1 colher de sopa de Azeite Andorinha Extra Virgem Orgânico Descobrindo o Azeite
1 xícara de água ou caldo de legumes caseiro.
Para o peixe ou tofu:
1 fio de Azeite Andorinha Extra Virgem Orgânico Descobrindo o Azeite
1 filé pequeno (100g) de Salmão ou 200g de tofu em cubos
Coloque todos os ingredientes exceto o caldo e o tofu em uma assadeira. Regue com o Azeite Andorinha Extra Virgem Descobrindo o Azeite.
Cubra com papel alumínio e deixe assar em forno médio por 15 minutos. Retire o papel alumínio, mexa com uma colher e volte ao forno por mais 15 minutos ou até o fundo começa a caramelizar e os legumes estarem macios.
Retire os legumes e amasse-os, depois vá acrescentando a água ou o caldo aos poucos até obter a
consistência desejada.
Em uma frigideira, aqueça um fio de Azeite Andorinha Extra Virgem Descobrindo o Azeite e grelhe o peixe/tofu até que esteja totalmente cozido. Desfie ou corte em cubos, e adicione à papinha e sirva a seguir.
Papinha de legumes assados com cubinhos de peixe ou tofu
- 1h
- (Português do Brasil) 4
4 coxas de frango com pele e osso
4 sobrecoxas de frango com pele e osso
200g de quiabo
1 pimentão amarelo cortado em cubos médios
1 cebola roxa
1 tomate italiano maduro sem pele e sem sementes cortado em cubos médios
2 dentes de alho amassados
2 e ½ xícaras de Água
1 colher (chá)de cominho
1 colher (chá) cúrcuma
1 colher (chá) de colorau
Suco de 2 limões
2 colheres de sopa de Azeite Andorinha Extra Virgem
1) Numa tigela tempere o frango com o suco de 1 limão, sal, pimenta, o colorau, a cúrcuma e o cominho.
2) Aqueça uma panela grande em fogo médio, adicione 1 colher do Azeite Andorinha Extra Virgem e frite as coxas e sobrecoxas de frango com a pele voltada para baixo, caso sua panela não seja grande o suficiente para fritar todas ao mesmo tempo, frite aos poucos.
3) Doure os pedaços de frango por 4 minutos de cada lado e reserve.
4) Na mesma panela refogue a cebola, e o pimentão até começarem a murchar.
5) Adicione o alho e refogue por mais 1 minuto, misture o tomate e mexa com uma espátula.
6) Adicione o líquido da marinada e a aos poucos adicione a água, mexendo com o auxílio da espátula. tempere com ½ colher de chá de sal e deixe ferver.
7) Quando levantar fervura acrescente os pedaços de frango reservado e cozinhe em fogo baixo por, aproximadamente, 20 minutos com a tampa entreaberta.
8) Corte os quiabos em 4 pedaços na diagonal e deixe de molho em uma tigela com o caldo de 1 limão - isso evita que o quiabo solte tanta baba e ainda acrescenta mais sabor à receita
9) Passados os 20 minutos do frango, adicione os quiabos à panela sem tampa e cozinhe por mais 5 minutos ou até que o quiabo esteja macio e o caldo encorpado.
10) Sirva a seguir acompanhado de arroz branco e farofa crocante de milho.
(Português do Brasil) Frango com Quiabo
- 1h
- (Português do Brasil) 8
Para a massa
1 e ¼ xícara de farinha de trigo
100g de manteiga gelada
1 ovo
1 colher de chá de sal
1 gema para pincelar
1 colher de chá de água
Para o recheio
200g de tomate cereja
2 dentes de alho descascados
1 cebola roxa média cortada em pena
1 talo de alho poró sem a parte verde
½ pimentão amarelo em tiras
1 abobrinha pequena em cubos médios
5 unidades de aspargos cortados diagonalmente em 3 partes
2 ramos de tomilho
1 e ½ xícara de Azeite Andorinha Orgânico
½ colher (chá) de açúcar
½ colher de chá de sal
Pimenta do reino a gosto
Para o molho
3 colheres de sopa de melaço de romã
Sementes de romã para decorar
1) Corte a manteiga em cubos e reserve. Em um recipiente misture a farinha e o sal.
2) Adicione a manteiga em cubos e, com a ponta dos dedos, misture a manteiga à farinha sem dissolver por completo, isso vai garantir uma massa mais crocante.
3) Junte o ovo à mistura de farinha e manteiga e misture até formar uma bola, envolva com filme e leve para descansar na geladeira por 1 hora antes de abrir. Enquanto isso, faça o recheio.
4) Em uma assadeira coloque todos os legumes, o Azeite Orgânico Andorinha, o açúcar, o sal e a pimenta. Asse por 15 minutos a 180ºC e deixe esfriar enquanto trabalha a massa.
5) Retire a massa da geladeira 15 minutos antes de utilizá-la, assim ela fica mais maleável.
6) Mantenha o forno aquecido a 180ºC
7) Espalhe um pouco de farinha em uma superfície limpa e lisa e abra a massa com a ajuda de um rolo até ficar com 0,5 cm de espessura.
8) Transfira a massa com o auxílio do rolo para uma forma de 24 cm de diâmetro deixando as bordas para fora
9) Escorra os legumes e reserve o azeite.
10) Disponha os legumes sobre a massa e dobre as bordas sobre os legumes, deixando o meio aparente.
11) Em uma tigela misture a gema com a água e 1 colher de chá do azeite confit.
12) Pincele por toda a borda da massa e leve para assar por 45 minutos ou até que a massa fique dourada.
13) Misture 1 colher de sopa de Azeite Orgânico Andorinha com o melaço de romã e jogue por cima da torta.
14) Finalize com as sementes de romã e ramos de tomilho. Sirva a seguir.
Torta de legumes confitados com molho de romã
- 30 min
- (Português do Brasil) 6
Para o polvo
900g de polvo
1 folha de louro
1 xícara de chá de cenoura cortada em rodelas
1/2 xícara de chá de alho poró em rodelas
½ xícara de chá de salsão em rodelas
1 xícara de chá de cebola em cubos (1 cebola grande)
1 folha de louro
1 xícara de chá de vinho branco
Sal e pimenta a gosto
Para o tomate confit
500g de tomate cereja
1 garrafa de Azeite Andorinha Extra Virgem
1 cabeça de alho
2 ramos de tomilho
Para as batatas ao murro
500g de batata bolinha
4 colheres de sopa de Azeite Andorinha Extra Virgem
2 ramos de alecrim
Para a redução de cerveja preta
700ml de cerveja escura
3 colheres (sopa) de açúcar mascavo
1) Lave o polvo (sem cabeça) em água corrente até que esteja bem limpo e reserve.
2) Em uma assadeira junte os tomates, o alho, o tomilho e o Azeite Andorinha Extra Virgem e leve para assar em forno pré aquecido a 180ºC por 30 minutos, virando na metade do tempo.
3) Em uma panela grande coloque as batatas com casca e cubra com água. Leve para cozinhar até que as batatas estejam macias, mas sem desmanchar.
4) Escorra as batatas e transfira para uma assadeira forrada com papel alúminio, esmague as batatas com as mãos, tempere com o sal e o alecrim e, por último, regue com o Azeite Andorinha Extra Virgem
5) Leve as batatas para assar em forno alto, 230º por aproximadamente 15 minutos, ou até que estejam douradas.
6) Prepare a redução de cerveja, misture o açúcar e a cerveja em uma panela alta e cozinhe em fogo baixo, mexendo de vez em quando até que atinja a consistência de calda.
7) Em uma panela de pressão coloque todos os ingredientes e adicione 2 xícaras de água. Leve para cozinhar e quando pegar pressão conte 5 minutos e desligue a panela. Atenção com o tempo para o polvo não ficar borrachudo.
8) Retire o polvo e separe os tentáculos. Reserve
9) Leve uma frigideira grande para o fogo alto e aqueça 1 colher de sopa de Azeite Andorinha Extra Virgem.
10) Quando estiver quente adicione os tentáculos, tempere com sal e pimenta e grelhe por 2 minutos, ou até dourar, repita de todos os lados.
11) Sirva o polvo sobre uma cama de batatas ao murro e tomate confit com a redução de cerveja preta por cima.
(Português do Brasil) Polvo com batatas ao murro, tomate confit e redução de cerveja preta
- 1h
- (Português do Brasil) 4
Para o pernil
2 colheres de sopa de sal
1 colher de chá de pimenta do reino
Suco de 1 limão
1 pernil com osso
Para a marinada
2 xícaras de vinho branco seco
2 cebolas brancas em cubos grandes
1 cenoura pequena em rodelas
2 dentes de alho sem casca
2 ramos de alecrim
½ unidade de salsão (talos e folhas) em rodelas
½ unidade de alho poró (talos e folhas) em rodelas
½ xícara de Azeite Vintage Andorinha
Para o molho
2 xícaras de chá de frutas vermelhas (Amora, framboesa, mirtilo)
1 cebola em cubos pequenos
1 colher de sopa de açúcar mascavo
¼ de xícara de chá de aceto balsâmico
1 xícara de água
sal a gosto
Pimenta do reino a gosto
¼ colher de chá de cravo
2 colheres de sopa de Azeite Vintage Andorinha
1)Prepare a marinada do pernil. Bata todos os ingredientes da marinada no liquidificador e reserve.
2) Tempere o pernil com sal, a pimenta e o suco de limão, espalhando com as mãos por todo o pernil. Leve o pernil para um Bowl ou travessa com tampa grande o suficiente para cobrir todo o pernil - caso não tenha um recipiente grande o bastante, coloque o pernil em um saco culinário reforçado com o dobro de seu tamanho.
3) Misture a marinada no pernil de modo que todas as partes estejam em contato com a marinada.
4) Deixe a marinada na geladeira por no mínimo 6h e, no máximo, 24h.
5) Leve o pernil com a marinada para uma assadeira e asse em forno pré aquecido a 180º por 6 horas, virando o pernil na metade do tempo.
6) Enquanto o pernil assa prepare o molho de frutas vermelhas. Em uma panela aqueça o Azeite Vintage Andorinha e refogue a cebola até murchar.
7) Abaixe o fogo e acrescente as frutas vermelhas, o açúcar e o cravo e refogue.
8) Adicione o aceto e a água e deixe cozinhar em fogo baixo, mexendo de vez em quando, até que, ao molhar uma colher no molho e passar o dedo no meio dela, o molho não escorra. Reserve.
9) Quando o pernil estiver pronto aqueça o molho de frutas vermelhas e sirva em uma molheira.
Pernil com molho de frutas vermelhas e aceto balsâmico
- More than 2h
- (Português do Brasil) 15
200 g dark chocolate bar
200 g sugar
8 eggs
1. In a bowl, pour Andorinha Vintage Olive Oil and chopped chocolate. Boil it in a bain-marie until melted
2. Beat the sugar and egg yolks until the volume triples.
3. Beat the egg whites until firm
4. Add the egg yolks to the melted chocolate mixture, then gently add the egg whites.
5. Add it to dessert bowls, garnish it and serve.
Sem categoria
Chocolate Mousse with Olive Oil Copy Copy Copy Copy Copy
- 40 min
- (Português do Brasil) 4
200 g dark chocolate bar
200 g sugar
8 eggs
1. In a bowl, pour Andorinha Vintage Olive Oil and chopped chocolate. Boil it in a bain-marie until melted
2. Beat the sugar and egg yolks until the volume triples.
3. Beat the egg whites until firm
4. Add the egg yolks to the melted chocolate mixture, then gently add the egg whites.
5. Add it to dessert bowls, garnish it and serve.
Chocolate Mousse with Olive Oil Copy Copy Copy Copy
- 15 min
- (Português do Brasil) 6
200 g dark chocolate bar
200 g sugar
8 eggs
1. In a bowl, pour Andorinha Vintage Olive Oil and chopped chocolate. Boil it in a bain-marie until melted
2. Beat the sugar and egg yolks until the volume triples.
3. Beat the egg whites until firm
4. Add the egg yolks to the melted chocolate mixture, then gently add the egg whites.
5. Add it to dessert bowls, garnish it and serve.
Chocolate Mousse with Olive Oil Copy Copy Copy
- 3h
- (Português do Brasil) 8
200 g dark chocolate bar
200 g sugar
8 eggs
1. In a bowl, pour Andorinha Vintage Olive Oil and chopped chocolate. Boil it in a bain-marie until melted
2. Beat the sugar and egg yolks until the volume triples.
3. Beat the egg whites until firm
4. Add the egg yolks to the melted chocolate mixture, then gently add the egg whites.
5. Add it to dessert bowls, garnish it and serve.
Chocolate Mousse with Olive Oil Copy Copy
- 15 min
- (Português do Brasil) 1
200 g dark chocolate bar
200 g sugar
8 eggs
1. In a bowl, pour Andorinha Vintage Olive Oil and chopped chocolate. Boil it in a bain-marie until melted
2. Beat the sugar and egg yolks until the volume triples.
3. Beat the egg whites until firm
4. Add the egg yolks to the melted chocolate mixture, then gently add the egg whites.
5. Add it to dessert bowls, garnish it and serve.
Chocolate Mousse with Olive Oil Copy
- 1h30
- (Português do Brasil) 12
200 g dark chocolate bar
200 g sugar
8 eggs
1. In a bowl, pour Andorinha Vintage Olive Oil and chopped chocolate. Boil it in a bain-marie until melted
2. Beat the sugar and egg yolks until the volume triples.
3. Beat the egg whites until firm
4. Add the egg yolks to the melted chocolate mixture, then gently add the egg whites.
5. Add it to dessert bowls, garnish it and serve.
Chocolate Mousse with Olive Oil
- 1h
- (Português do Brasil) 10
One tablespoon Andorinha Vintage Olive Oil.
1 cup icing sugar
Juice of half a lime
80 ml Andorinha Vintage Olive Oil
1 egg
⅔ cup brown sugar
1/4 cup sugar
1 cup honey
2 tablespoons rum
4 cups wheat flour
Pinch of salt
2 teaspoons ground ginger
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking soda
For the frosting: Mix the lemon with the sugar until pasty. Add the olive oil to finish. Decorate the cookies as you wish
Mix the oil with the sugars, making an aerated mixture.
Add honey and egg and mix well. Add the dry ingredients and mix it all up to make a smooth dough ball.
Open the dough half a centimeter thick and take it to the fridge for at least 2 hours.
Cut the dough into the shapes you like. Remove any edges and arrange it on a baking dish with parchment paper.
Bake at 180 ºC for about 15 minutes or until golden brown.
Take it out of the pan and let it cool on a rack.
Garnish with the olive oil icing.
Coconut pudding:
100 ml Andorinha Selection Extra Virgin Olive Oil
400 ml coconut milk
1 1/2 cup plain milk
½ cup of sugar
¾ cup of cornstarch
500 g blackberries (either fresh or frozen).
Juice of half a lemon
1 cup red wine
2 cups of sugar
In a pan, add coconut milk, the ANDORINHA SELECTION EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL, milk, sugar and cornstarch. Mix well and heat over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture boils and thickens up.
Pour the mixture over the greased pan and refrigerate for at least 4 hours.
For the sauce: throw all the ingredients in a pot. Stir and cook until reduced and form a thicker sauce. Reserve.
Remove the pudding from the baking dish and serve with the sauce.
1 turkey (approx. 3 kg)
5 garlic cloves, chopped
Parsley, chopped
300 g bacon, diced
1 onion, chopped
1 cup boiled quail eggs
½ cup white raisins
½ cup black raisins
Rosemary and thyme sprigs to taste
2 cups corn flour
Start by preparing the cassava flour crumble: heat a large frying pan and fry the bacon until golden brown. Add the onion and 2 chopped garlic cloves. Sauté until it starts to wilt.
Add 1 cup of ANDORINHA OLIVE OIL, raisins and herbs. Add the corn flour and stir well, over medium heat, until everything is blended in and the crumble is lightly toasted. Reserve.
Add 3 chopped garlic cloves with the parsley and the remaining ANDORINHA OLIVE OIL. Rub the turkey skin with this mixture.
Stuff the turkey with the cassava flour crumble, cover with aluminum foil and bake in a preheated oven at 200 ºC for 2 hours. Remove the foil and return the turkey to the oven for another 1 hour — or until golden brown!
½ sliced cabbage
2 grated carrots
4 sliced celery sticks
1 cup white raisins
1 tablespoon lime juice
1 cup mayonnaise
2 tablespoons mustard
Parsley, chopped
Black pepper
In a bowl, mix the cabbage, carrots, celery and raisins. Season with ANDORINHA ORGANIC OLIVE OIL, lime juice, salt and pepper to taste.
Add mayonnaise, mustard and parsley to taste.
Mix well and serve.
You can sprinkle some chips on top if you like!
7 drops Extra Virgin Andorinha Olive Oil
60 ml 100% agave white tequila
30 ml lime juice
3 cubes ripe pineapple
30 ml agave syrup
Using a cocktail shaker and a previously cooled cocktail glass, add 3 cubes of ripe pineapple, lime juice, agave syrup and coriander. Crush it well using a mortar and pestle.
In the cocktail shaker, add the 100% agave white tequila, 7 drops of Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil with jalapeños infusion.
Top up the cocktail shaker with ice cubes.
Share it vigorously until the cocktail is cool.
Pour the cocktail through a strainer, which is a fine sieve, serving it in a cocktail glass with an ice ball.
Make a toast to life and enjoy in moderation.
7 drops Andorinha Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
50 ml pear-infused cachaça
3 arugula leaves
1 small piece of orange peel
25 ml lime juice
20 ml liquid sugar
1 pinch of salt
1 orange peel
Ice cubes
Use a cocktail shaker and a low glass.
Add the arugula leaves, the piece of orange peel, lime juice, liquid sugar and a pinch of salt into the cocktail shaker.
Crush all these ingredients using a mortar and pestle. Reserve.
In the cocktail shaker, add 50 ml of pear-infused cachaça, drops of Andorinha Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil and top up the cocktail shaker with ice cubes.
Share it vigorously until the cocktail is cool.
Pour the cocktail through a strainer, which is a fine sieve, serving it in a low glass with a large ice cube.
Garnish with an orange peel.
Make a toast to life and enjoy in moderation.
7 drops Andorinha Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 lime wedge
25 ml lime juice
organic sugar
20 ml liquid sugar
100 ml Ginger Beer
200 ml Andorinha Selection Extra Virgin Olive Oil
750 ml vodka
Before you prepare, you have to fast-wash it. In a jar, mix 200 ml of Andorinha Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil with 750 ml of vodka. Reserve and let it stand for 15 minutes.
After that, leave it in the freezer for 24 hours. During this period, the oil will freeze and add flavors, aromas and texture to the distilled drink that will not freeze. After 24 hours, strain it through a paper filter or very fine cloth while the oil is frozen.
Fill a long glass with ice cubes then add lime juice, liquid sugar, 50 ml of vodka with Andorinha Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil (fast washing), ginger beer and mix everything very well with a spoon.
Garnish with 1 lime wedge. To finish, add 2 drops of Andorinha Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil over the cocktail.
Make a toast to life and enjoy in moderation.
2 drops Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil
50 ml extra dry vermouth
5 g green tea
Sweet lime peel
1 olive
200 ml Andorinha Selection Extra Virgin Olive Oil
750 ml gin
Before you prepare, you have to fast-wash it. In a jar, mix 200 ml of Andorinha Selection Extra Virgin Olive Oil with 750 ml of gin. Reserve and let it stand for 15 minutes.
After that, leave it in the freezer for 24 hours. During this period, the oil will freeze and add flavors, aromas and texture to the distilled drink that will not freeze. After 24 hours, strain it through a paper filter or very fine cloth while the oil is frozen.
After straining, the structure of the distilled drink will have been modified with characteristics of Andorinha Selection Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
The drink
Make an infusion for 15 minutes with 5 grams of green tea for 750 ml of gin. Wait for it to cool then strain.
Wash the gin infused with green tea and Andorinha Selection Extra Virgin Olive Oil (fast washing). Pour this mixture into a mixing glass then in a previously cooled cocktail glass.
Add 50 ml of gin infused with green tea and Andorinha Selection Extra Virgin Olive Oil* then 50 ml of extra dry vermouth.
Stir well with a cocktail spoon.
Once chilled, serve in a previously chilled cocktail glass, add the olive and garnish with a sweet lime peel.
To finish, add 2 drops of Andorinha Selection Extra Virgin Olive Oil over the cocktail.
Make a toast to life and enjoy in moderation.
2 drops of Andorinha Vintage Extra Virgin Olive Oil
50 ml gin
200 ml tonic
1 basil sprig
1 lemon peel
1 bay leaf
1 olive
Ice cubes
200 ml Andorinha Selection Extra Virgin Olive Oil
750 ml gin
Before you prepare, you have to fast-wash it. In a jar, mix 200 ml of Andorinha Selection Extra Virgin Olive Oil with 750 ml of gin. Reserve and let it stand for 15 minutes.
After that, leave it in the freezer for 24 hours. During this period, the oil will freeze and add flavors, aromas and texture to the distilled drink that will not freeze. After 24 hours, strain it through a paper filter or very fine cloth while the oil is frozen.
After straining, the structure of the distilled drink will have been modified with characteristics of Andorinha Selection Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Fill a large wine glass with ice cubes then add 50 ml of gin with Andorinha Vintage Extra Virgin Olive oil, tonic, and stir well.
Garnish with a basil sprig, lemon peel, bay and the olive.
And finish with 2 drops of Andorinha Vintage Extra Virgin olive oil over the cocktail.
Make a toast to life and enjoy in moderation.
500 grams of fish slabs
1 yellow pepper cut into thin slices
1 red pepper cut into thin slices
2 large onions cut into slices
2 large tomatoes cut into slices
1 green pepper cut into thin slices
1 cup of coconut milk
Brazilian palm oil to taste
Grease a pot with a little olive oil (just enough to pan-fry the fish slabs in a healthy way).
Place the horizontally sliced fish slabs (about 1 cm thick).
On top, add yellow, red and green pepper layers, onions, tomatoes, sprinkle with coriander, parsley, spring onions and add a dash of Brazilian palm oil.
Repeat the procedure until all the ingredients have been added to the pot.
Finally, pour all the coconut milk over the fish.
Cover the pot and cook until the fish is cooked through.
Done! Serve with rice and whole boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes.
1 kg chicken breast fillet
300 g mushrooms
1 packet tomato sauce
1 large onion
1 garlic clove
2 tablespoons ketchup
1 tablespoon mustard
200 g table cream
Black pepper
Andorinha Selection Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Cut the chicken into cubes and season with salt and pepper to taste.
Heat up some Andorinha Selection Extra Virgin Olive Oil and sauté the onion and garlic.
With the onion and garlic sautéed, add the chicken until golden brown, then add a little water to help cooking it, and the mushrooms.
Add the tomato sauce, ketchup and mustard and stir well.
Then add table cream.
Drizzle some Andorinha Selection Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
200 g small pastry dough
200 g chopped mortadella
300 g cream cheese
50 g fresh cream
Lemon thyme to taste
Black pepper
Preheat the oven to 200 ºC.
Place the pastry dough slices into a nonstick steel cupcake pan, bake for 10 to 15 minutes at 200 ºC or until golden brown. Remove from the pan and let it cool.
In a container, mix all the topping ingredients and ANDORINHA EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL, adjust the salt and pepper if necessary.
Fill the crunchy pastry bites up with the topping ingredients, drizzle with ANDORINHA EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL, garnish with mortadella and thyme and serve next.
500 g of chicken cut into strips (or any meat you have available).
1 teaspoon of turmeric powder
1 onion, chopped
3 garlic cloves, chopped
1 tablespoon of grated ginger
2 to 3 cups of sliced veggies (peppers, green beans, carrots, broccoli, etc.)
Parsley, chopped
Black pepper
Heat a pan with a drizzle of ANDORINHA BRAZILIAN EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL, add the seasoned chicken strips and the turmeric powder. Fry until golden. Set aside.
In the same pan, drizzle some more ANDORINHA BRAZILIAN EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL, chopped garlic, chopped onion and grated ginger. Sauté until it starts to wilt.
Add the sliced veggies and sauté lightly for another two minutes. Add the fried chicken pieces and mix well.
Finish it up with the chopped parsley and the ANDORINHA BRAZILIAN EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL that is left. Mix it all up, turn off the heat and serve immediately.
Interesting fact: ginger, turmeric, garlic, thyme and basil are some of the ingredients that can be used as seasoning and have beneficial effects on the immune system. Complement your meal with leafy greens!
2 cups of cooked rice
2 eggs
½ cup breadcrumbs
½ cup of grated Parmesan cheese
½ teaspoon of baking powder
½ cup of chopped parsley and spring onions
200 g diced halloumi cheese
Black pepper
In a bowl, add the cooked rice, eggs, breadcrumbs, grated Parmesan cheese, baking powder, chopped parsley and spring onions and the halloumi cheese.
Season with salt and black pepper; mix it all up. Roll up the rice balls and set aside.
In a deep frying pan, heat up the REGULAR ANDORINHA OLIVE OIL and fry and the arancini rice balls until golden brown.
Serve with chili jam or your favorite sauce!
500 g jerked beef, cooked and pulled
2 cups of black-eyed peas
1 medium-sized onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, chopped
2 cups of rice
2 cups of diced halloumi cheese
Chopped parsley and spring onions
Soak the black-eyed peas in water for about 4 hours.
In a pressure cooker, add the soaked black-eyed peas and cover with water (water level should be 3 inches above the peas). Cook the peas for 10 minutes (count the time when the cooker reaches pressure). Wait for the pan to cool down, strain the peas and reserve the cooking water.
In a large saucepan, heat the ANDORINHA EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL and sauté the onion with the garlic until withered. Add the raw rice and sauté a little more.
Add the jerked beef, mix it up and add the pea cooking water (if needed, top up with more water).
Cook until the rice is tender. Just before turning the heat off, add the halloumi cheese and the cooked black-eyed peas. Mix it all up.
Finish it up with the chopped parsley and spring onions and add more salt if necessary. Serve it with bananas and a spicy vinaigrette dressing!
For the batter:
1 cup of plain milk
1 tablespoon of lime juice
1 cup of all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons of sugar
½ teaspoon of baking powder
1 egg
For the topping:
¼ cup of honey
Start by mixing the lime juice with the milk, let it sit for 10 minutes (the lime juice will curdle the milk, forming the buttermilk. This will ensure super fluffy pancakes!)
In a bowl, mix the flour, sugar and baking powder.
Add the egg, ANDORINHA VINTAGE EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL and buttermilk. Mix well with a wire whisk.
Heat a non-stick frying pan with a drizzle of ANDORINHA VINTAGE EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL and some of the batter using a small ladle. Repeat the process until finished.
For the topping: mix the honey with ANDORINHA VINTAGE EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL.
Serve the pancakes with red berries and honey with ANDORINHA VINTAGE EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL!
1 kg of desalted pre-cooked cod loin
1 kg of hard-boiled baby potatoes
½ cup of black olives
2 sliced yellow peppers
2 sliced red peppers
6 skin-on garlic cloves
3 thyme sprigs
Freshly ground black pepper
Preheat the oven at 200 °C (medium temperature).
Drizzle the bottom of a large baking dish with ½ cup of ANDORINHA SELECTION EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL
Arrange the sliced peppers and the cod fillets leaving space between each one. Between the cod fillets, arrange the potatoes, olives and garlic cloves.
Season with salt and black pepper if you wish. Add the thyme sprigs, drizzle with the remaining ANDORINHA SELECTION EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL and roast for 30 minutes.
Take it out and serve immediately.
6 Italian zucchinis
3 garlic cloves
1 onion
2 cups of finely chopped fresh mushrooms
1 grated cauliflower
1 chopped red pepper
½ teaspoon chili flakes
Fresh thyme leaves
Freshly ground black pepper
200 g buffalo mozzarella
Cut the zucchini in half,
lengthwise. With a
spoon, remove the inner part to
make it look like a canoe. Set aside the
scooped out part.
Heat a large saucepan with a
medium-high heat. Add the garlic and sauté
Add the zucchini core, the
chopped mushrooms and a pinch of
salt. Sauté until the mushroom
start to dry; add the grated cauliflower
the chopped pepper, the chili
flakes and the thyme leaves.
Season with salt and pepper,
mix well and sauté for
more 3 minutes.
Stuff the zucchinis with the
sautéed veggies, add the buffalo mozzarella
and drizzle with the remaining
Place it in the oven preheated to 200 °C
for 15 minutes or until it starts to
get golden. Serve immediately and
12-Year-Old Chivas,
Lillet Blanc,
Andorinha Vintage Extra Virgin Olive Oil,
Lime and ginger.
In a cocktail shaker, add 2 tablespoons of raspberry, 20 ml of lime juice and 20 ml of sugar syrup. Mash it, then add 25 ml of Lillet Blanc, 50 ml of 12 Year Old Chivas and 7 drops of Andorinha Vintage Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Fill the cocktail shaker with ice, shake vigorously, strain into a glass with fresh ice.
Add 60 ml of ginger beer, stir with a spoon, add 1 sprig of basil and serve.
Havana Club 3 Rum,
Honey syrup,
Lime juice,
Black pepper and wild arugula,
Andorinha Vintage Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
In a cocktail shaker, add 13 drops of Andorinha Vintage Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 60 ml rum, 30 ml honey syrup, 30 ml lime juice, a pinch of black pepper, a handful of arugula and ice.
Mix it all up, strain through a sieve and serve.
400 g of uncooked spaghetti
250 g of ground beef
250 ml of tomato-based pasta sauce
100 g of chopped mushrooms
2 garlic cloves, chopped
1/2 onion, chopped
Chopped basil leaves
100 g of freshly grated Parmesan cheese
Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil
In a saucepan, bring salted water to a boil, add the spaghetti and cook it according to the package instructions
In a small saucepan, pour some Extra Virgin Olive Oil to heat it up
Toss the chopped onion in the pan and sauté for 2 minutes
Then toss the chopped garlic and sauté for another minute
Add the ground beef meat to fry
Add salt to the meat
Stir the meat so it gets golden brown all over
Add the tomato-based pasta sauce, the basil and the mushrooms
Do not stop stirring
When the spaghetti is ready, drain it and place it in a bowl
Pour the hot pasta sauce over the spaghetti, spreading it evenly throughout the pasta
Sprinkle the grated cheese over the tomato sauce
Serve immediately
1 kg of your favorite fish fillet
2 garlic cloves
1 large onion
150 ml Andorinha Selection Olive Oil
1 bay leaf
1 parsley sprig
200 ml white wine
1 pepper
750 g of ripe tomatoes. You can also use canned peeled tomatoes (more or less half a kilo)
1,2 kg of potatoes
Start the recipe by washing and cleaning the whole fish or, if desired, in slices for 4 people;
If you choose to cook the whole fish, give it several blows to the bone, making sure you do not cut it through.
Then, season it with lime juice, salt and pepper. You can also add sliced bacon or ham in the cuts for a boost of flavor.
Let it rest for a few hours for the fish to absorb the flavor of the ingredients.
Get a saucepan and start by pouring the Andorinha Selection Olive Oil, add the chopped garlic and let it sauté a little.
When golden, add the onion cut into thin half-moons, then add the pepper cut into strips and the bay leaf. Sauté well without forgetting to stir from time to time so that it does not stick to the bottom of the saucepan.
As soon as you notice that it is beginning to brown, add some white wine followed by the tomato. Make sure you only add skin-free tomatoes cut into strips.
Season with pepper and cook for 3 to 5 minutes. Remove it from the heat and set aside. Then, grease a platter with Andorinha Olive Oil and place the fish on it.
Peel the potatoes and cut them into thick slices, rinse them with water and season them with salt to your liking. Then place them next to the fish. Once the potatoes are properly placed on the platter with the fish, add the sautéed onions and roast it under medium temperature for 20 to 40 minutes.
It can be served on the platter or you can transfer to another one and sprinkle with chopped parsley and other garnishes.
Suggestion: You can see that the fish is cooked through when, using a knife, you notice that the flesh does not stick to the bone.
800 g mullet fish, no skin, no bones
75 g salt
Andorinha olive oil for that golden color
For the vinaigrette
200 g cooked and drained black-eyed peas
200 g diced tomatoes
100 g diced red onion
100 g diced butternut squash
3 diced cambuci chilies
2 finely chopped chilies
Juice of 1 rangpur
30 ml honey vinegar
100 g Andorinha olive oil
grated ginger
grated garlic
chopped coriander
For the crumble topping
70 g pork crackle
100 g Brazil nuts
50 g tapioca flour
80 g butter
5 g fleur de sel
30 ml water
10 g tapioca starch
For uniform and delicate salting, prepare some brine with 500 ml water and 75 g salt and let the fish marinate for about 40 minutes before preparation.
In a non-stick frying pan, brown the fish on both sides with a drizzle of olive oil. Mix all the ingredients of the crumble topping until it becomes a consistent paste and spread it over the fish without compacting it.
Roast in preheated oven at medium temperature (180 °C) for 10 minutes.
For the black-eyed peas vinaigrette, mix all the ingredients, except the coriander, then let it rest in the fridge for at least 2 hours.
Before serving, it must be cold, but not chilled. Add the coriander at the last minute and serve alongside the fish with hard-boiled or fried cassava.
400 g of fusilli pasta
4 tablespoons of Andorinha Organic Olive Oil
3 garlic cloves, shaved
Fresh mint leaves
Cherry tomatoes
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Boil enough water to cover the pasta and add the three garlic cloves. Don’t overcook the pasta; it has to be al dente. Drain the pasta and set aside.
In a bowl, mix the Andorinha Organic Olive Oil, tomatoes, mint leaves, salt and pepper.
Mix the pasta with the above ingredients, and serve cold.
3 cups of rice
1 cup shredded smoked chicken (about 125 g)
4 eggs
2 spring onions, sliced
Halloumi cheese
Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Preheat the oven to 180 °C (medium temperature). Grease a 25-cm baking dish with Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
In a small bowl, break one egg at a time and transfer to a larger bowl — if one is off you don't waste the others. Season with salt and black pepper and beat with a fork, just to mix the egg yolks with the whites.
Add the rice, smoked chicken, pieces of halloumi cheese and sliced spring onions. Mix well and transfer to the greased baking dish. To finish it up, add strips of halloumi cheese.
Put it in the oven and bake it for about 20 minutes or until golden brown. Take it out and serve immediately.
500 g of lamb sausage
4 tablespoons of Andorinha Olive Oil
200 ml of plain yoghurt
zest of 1 lime
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
15 fresh mint leaves
1/2 lime to serve
Wash and dry the mint leaves thoroughly. Cut them into thin strips or finely chop.
In a small bowl, add the yogurt, 2 tablespoons of Andorinha Olive Oil, lemon zest, the mint and season with salt and pepper. Put it in the fridge.
Heat up a small pot of water. When it starts to boil, put the sausage and let it boil for 4 minutes. Drain the water and, on a chopping board, cut the sausage into medium slices, diagonally.
Bring a frying pan to medium heat. As it gets hot, drizzle with the remaining Andorinha Olive Oil and add the sausage slices to brown on both sides.
To wrap it up, add half a lime with the cut face down to brown for 30 seconds. Turn off the heat. Serve the sausages with the lime and the yogurt and mint sauce.
600 grams of frozen laminated puff pastry
200 grams of boiled, drained and chopped dried apricots
100 grams of chopped walnuts
1/2 cup of cream cheese
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1/3 cup of milk
2 cups of sugar
Spray Andorinha Olive Oil to grease the pan
Defrost the puff pastry according to the manufacturer's instructions.
In a bowl, mix the apricot with the walnuts, the cream cheese and the vanilla until you get a paste. Roll out the defrosted puff pastry and cut them into 9-cm diameter circles. Add 1/2 tablespoon of filling on each circle and fold it in half, shaping up the tart pastry. With a fork, press the edges, sealing them well. Brush the tart pastries with the milk and coat them in sugar.
Arrange them on a baking dish greased with Andorinha Spray Olive Oil, leaving a space between them.
Then take it to pre-heated oven (200 °C) for 30 minutes or until golden.
Serve the pastries warm or at room temperature.
1 cup of Moroccan couscous (wheat semolina)
1 cup of chicken broth (prepared with chicken, vegetables, leek)
2 tablespoons of Andorinha Organic Olive Oil
500 g diced chicken
50 g raisins
60 g of Brazil nuts (roughly broken)
Sage or marjoram
Lime juice
1 sliced red onion (very thin rings)
2 teaspoons of curry powder
Spicy paprika
Prepare the broth, give preference to good homemade broth, use vegetables, onions, garlic and whatever you have at home to pack it with flavor. If you prefer, use store-bought broth, but remember that it is not healthy at all. In a small container with water, place the raisins and let them hydrate for about 15 minutes, drain and set aside.
Cut the chicken into small dices, season with salt, paprika, sage and or marjoram, a little lime juice and let it marinade. In a frying pan, drizzle some Andorinha Organic Olive Oil, brown the onions until they start to wilt, add the chicken and sauté, add a teaspoon of curry powder and continue to brown, cover the pan and cook for a few more minutes. Cook long enough to cook the chicken through. Add the Brazil nuts and turn off the heat.
Bring the broth (strained) to a boil, add a teaspoon of curry powder, add the olive oil, check the salt and turn off the heat. Add the Moroccan couscous, mix it up, put the lid on and let it rest for 5 minutes. After that, put a drizzle of olive oil and stir to mix the couscous in until it is fluffy.
Add the chicken, onion, the Brazil nuts, the raisins, mix well and serve.
400 g of lentils
1 cup of flaked almonds (toasted)
6 tablespoons chopped mint
600 g diced cooked ham
1 cup of Andorinha Brazilian Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/2 cup white wine vinegar
2 teaspoons of sugar
1/2 tablespoon salt
1 cup of chopped mint
1/2 cup mint leaves
In a pan, cook the lentils with plenty of water for 15 minutes or until the beans are al dente, that is, cooked but not too soft.
Then drain the water and transfer the warm lentils to a bowl. Add the sauce.
Let it cool and refrigerate.
In a pan with boiling water, place the almonds and boil them for three minutes. Meanwhile, prepare a bowl of water and ice.
Drain the almonds and dip them in the bowl. The thermal shock causes their skin to come off easily.
Let it cool for two minutes and remove the skin, one by one. Cut the almonds into four pieces. Toast the almonds in a frying pan over medium heat, stirring until golden and place them on a plate. To serve, mix the almonds in the salad. The salad can be served cold or at room temperature.
In a bowl, mix all the ingredients up and serve immediately.
One 4 kg turkey
Salt and black pepper
1 peeled onion
1 lemon cut in half
4 bay leaves
6 to 8 bacon slices
For the herbal oil:
Olive oil
Salt and black pepper
Zest and juice of 1 lemon
4 garlic cloves, crushed
Dried herbs
Chopped parsley leaves
The first thing to make is the herbal oil. If you are already seasoning the turkey when it’s about to be roasted, preheat the oven to 220 °C in the meantime. If you wish, you can do it the day before. In a jar, add a little salt and pepper, a generous drizzle of olive oil, crushed garlic, lemon zest and juice, parsley leaves and herbs. Mix well.
Season the cavity of the turkey, without the giblets, with salt and pepper. Then tuck the peeled halved onion in, with the halved lime and the bay leaves. Using your hands, gently loosen the turkey skin and, making sure you do not tear it off, pour a little more than half of the oil between the flesh and the skin. Don't forget the thighs.
Reserve a little oil to smear on the outside and drizzle with a little more oil.
Once you've done that, you can cover it with aluminum foil and take it to the fridge until it's time to roast, or you can put it straight in the preheated oven.
Time to roast.
Place the turkey (that has been left at room temperature) on a large baking dish, chest up. Leave it in the oven for about 20 minutes to melt the oil. Then you take it out of the oven and cover it with the bacon slices. This keeps the moisture in and makes it juicy.
The turkey will roast at medium heat for about 2 and a half hours or so — it takes 30 minutes per kg. Every 20 minutes, open the oven and cover it with the juices from the baking dish. To check whether the turkey is cooked, stick a toothpick in the thickest part of the thigh and make sure the juice is running clear, instead of pink.
If the turkey comes with a thermometer, you don't need to do that.
For the sauce, you will use the very dish on which you roasted the turkey. Remove the juices and take it to the stove. Take the bacon off the top of the turkey, the onion and the lime from inside it, chop them up and add them to the hot dish. Then, pour a cup of dry white wine or cider. Crush down a handful of walnuts, place them in a bowl, then strain the sauce on top of the walnuts.
As side dishes, you can use potato gratin or white rice.
2 tablespoons of Andorinha Vintage Olive Oil
1/2 cup of sugar
1 egg
1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon of cocoa powder
1/3 cup raw almonds, skinned, finely chopped in a food processor
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
For the ganache
. 250 ml fresh cream
. 180 g semi-dark 60% cocoa chocolate, chopped
. 30 g milk chocolate
. 1/2 cup raspberries
. Assorted berries, mint and chocolate powder for garnish
In an electric beater, add the Andorinha Vintage Olive Oil with sugar and beat until creamy. Add the egg and stir. Add the flour mixed with cocoa, almonds and vanilla and mix until sticky. On a platter lined with plastic wrap, chill for 30 minutes. Open the dough and line a low rectangular 10 x 34 cm baking dish, removable bottom. Prick it with a fork and freeze for 15 minutes. Cover with baking paper and fill it up with beans. Take it to pre-heated oven (180 °C) for 20 minutes. Remove the paper with the beans and set aside.
Prepare the ganache
In a saucepan, heat the cream. In a bowl, drizzle the two types of chocolate with the cream. Wait two minutes and stir with a hand mixer making circular movements until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Let it warm up and pour it over the dough.
On top, arrange the raspberries by squeezing them slightly so they get covered by the ganache. Using a spatula, smooth the surface. Freeze for 30 minutes or until firm.
Serve the pie decorated with berries, mint and powdered chocolate.
1 baguette or 4 rolls
3 eggs
2 cups of milk
1 can of condensed milk
4 tablespoons of sugar
3 tablespoons ground cinnamon
Andorinha Olive Oil (enough to fry)
In a plate, pour the milk and the condensed milk. Mix well and set aside.
In another container, beat the eggs.
Meanwhile, pour the Andorinha Olive Oil in a pan to heat it up.
Dip the bread in the milk + condensed milk mixture, then in the egg and fry it until browned on both sides.
Place them on paper towel and wait for them to cool.
In a plate, mix the sugar with the cinnamon and coat the cold fried toasts with this mixture.
If you wish, use cutters to make them look nice and shaped.
For the marinade
1 piece of pork leg with bone and skin (about 4 kg)
1 pineapple
1 pepper
1/2 cup white wine vinegar
4 onions
6 garlic cloves
3 bay leaves
3 cloves
1 cinnamon stick
5 black peppercorns
For the sauce
all the marinade liquid
1/2 onion (taken out from the marinade)
1 tablespoon of Andorinha Selection Olive Oil
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
1 1/2 tablespoon honey
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
The marinade
Prepare the marinade ingredients: peel and cut the pineapple into pieces, transfer to a blender and blend with the white wine until smooth; peel and mash the garlic cloves; cut the onions in quarters: pass the knife through the middle of the root, peel and keep the root of each section, so the petals are united – reserve one of the halves to make the sauce.
Use a deep roasting pan as the pork leg releases a lot of liquid and fat when roasting. This is where you will prepare the marinade: place the pork leg, add the onions, garlic cloves, bay leaves, cloves, cinnamon and black peppercorns. Drizzle the pork with the pineapple juice, cover with film and leave it in the fridge for at least 3 hours — turn the meat during this time so that all sides are immersed in the marinade. If you prefer, leave it in the fridge overnight.
To roast
Preheat the oven to 180 °C (medium temperature). Take the pork leg out of the fridge and leave it at room temperature while the oven is heating — the pork should not go cold in the oven.
Transfer the pork to a platter and strain the marinade liquid over a bowl. Remove the cinnamon stick, bay leaves, cloves and peppercorns. Return the onions and garlic cloves to the pan. Put the liquid in the fridge — it will be used to make the sauce.
Dry the pork leg skin with paper towel. With a sharp knife, make diagonal cuts on the skin, forming lozenges — just cut the skin, superficially, without cutting it through. Place the pork on the baking dish, season the whole piece with 2 tablespoons of salt and drizzle olive oil on the skin.
Cover the baking dish with 2 sheets of aluminum foil and roast for three and a half hours until cooked through. To check, stick a knife in the center of the piece close to the bone and check that the liquid comes out clean — if it is still bloody, let it cook for longer (it takes one hour to roast one kilo of pork; the last half hour uncovered).
Once it is roasted, remove the foil and put the pork leg back in the oven. Increase the temperature to 240 °C (high temperature) and cook for another 30 minutes until the skin is crispy. Meanwhile, prepare the sauce.
The sauce
Finely chop half the onion and pepper.
In a small saucepan, place the oil and cook over low heat. When it melts, add the onion and peppers and season with a pinch of salt. Sauté for about 3 minutes until wilted.
Add the honey and mix well. Sprinkle the flour and stir for about 3 minutes, until it looks like glue — this mixture of butter and flour, called roux, will thicken the sauce.
Remove the pan from the heat, drizzle with ½ cup of the marinade liquid and mix well with a wire whisk to dissolve all the flour lumps. Add the remaining liquid gradually, stirring until smooth — it is important to add the liquid gradually so it doesn’t get lumpy.
Return the pan to low heat, put the lid on and let it cook for another 20 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent it from sticking to the bottom. Turn off the heat, check the salt and black pepper and transfer to a sauce boat.
Take the pork leg out of the oven and serve it with the pineapple sauce and the onions and peppers left in the pan.
1 cup of black raisins
1/2 cup prunes
1/2 cup apricots
Zest of 2 oranges
3 tablespoons brandy
1 cup of Andorinha Vintage Olive Oil
1 cup brown sugar
4 eggs (whites separate from yolks)
1 can of condensed milk
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 cup of chopped walnuts
2 1/2 cups of icing sugar
4 tablespoons orange juice
Dried fruits (to decorate)
Dip the raisins, prunes, apricots and orange zest in the brandy.
In a mixer, beat the Andorinha Vintage Olive Oil, brown sugar and egg yolks, one by one. Add the condensed milk gradually and continue beating until smooth.
Turn off the mixer, mix the flour, baking powder, fruits in brandy, cinnamon powder, chopped walnuts and egg whites.
Pour the batter in a greased and floured baking dish with a hole in the middle and take it to the oven preheated to 200 °C. Let it bake for 40 minutes or until golden brown.
Let it cool and get it out of the baking dish.
Mix the icing sugar with the orange juice and cover the cake with this icing. Finish it up by decorating it with candied fruits.
If you wish, serve it with ice cream.
300 g milk chocolate
200 g semi-dark chocolate
Table cream, whey drained out
1 tablespoon of honey
2 tablespoons of brandy
Drops of Organic Olive Oil (not too much)
(if you prefer, add a little pepper sauce)
Melted chocolate to coat the truffles
Cocoa powder to sprinkle
Melt the two types of chocolate in a double boiler. Add the remaining ingredients directly to the pan. Give it a good stir. Leave the mixture in the fridge for three hours. Once chilled, roll the batter into balls. Coat them in chocolate and place them on baking paper.
Sprinkle them with cocoa powder.
8 sweet and firm pears
1/4 cup of honey
1 tablespoon of vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Juice of one lime
Andorinha Vintage Olive Oil
Heat up the oven to 200 °C (medium-high). Choose a medium-sized serving dish, grease with oil and set aside. Peel and cut the pears into four pieces. Remove the core and the seeds and place them on the serving dish.
In a bowl, pour the honey, vanilla, cinnamon, lime and 2 tablespoons of Andorinha Vintage Olive Oil. Mix until smooth.
Pour the cream on the baking dish and stir until the pieces of pear are fully smeared with the mixture. Bake the pear for about 30 minutes, until it is soft and slightly golden.
Suggestion: Serve it with ice cream.
Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 arracachas;
1 carrot;
1/2 onion, chopped;
2 glasses of water;
1 tablespoon of grated ginger
salt, spring onions, black pepper
You don’t need to peel the carrot or the arracacha. Chop them up and put the carrot in a saucepan with about 2 glasses of water. After 10 minutes, add the arracacha.
Once they are cooked through and soft, turn off the heat and keep the cooking water.
In another pan, sauté the chopped onion with Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil and add the cooked arracacha and carrot.
Add 1 cup of the cooking water and pour this mixture in a blender with the ginger. When it is smooth and creamy, pour it back in the pan on low heat until it is well heated. If necessary, allow more time to let the water evaporate.
Decorate with a leaf of parsley or mint and oregano.
1 cup of quinoa grains
1 medium-sized peeled seeded tomato, diced
1 medium-sized onion, chopped
1 large garlic clove, chopped
3 tablespoons of chopped parsley
2 tablespoons of chopped mint
Juice of 1 lime
2 tablespoons of Andorinha Organic Olive Oil
1 teaspoon of salt
Quinoa grains are covered by a layer of saponin, a bitter resin that, when in contact with water, becomes soap, so it is recommended to wash them under running water, rubbing them with your hands until the saponin is fully removed.
A good way to test is it to try a raw grain; if you still feel a bitter taste, it is because the resin is still present.
Bring 2 cups of quinoa grains to medium heat in a small saucepan with filtered water.
Cook for 25 minutes, with the pan partially covered, until the water evaporates.
Place the quinoa in a bowl and let it cool.
Mix all the remaining ingredients with the quinoa, stir well and chill.
Minutes before serving, remove the tabbouleh from the fridge and let it rest at room temperature.
It can be served with pita bread and curd.
10 eggs
2 cups of sugar
1 cup of coarse breadcrumbs
1 1/3 cup ground Brazil nuts
3 tablespoons of lime zest
1/2 cup lime juice
1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
1/2 cup icing sugar
1/4 cup of Andorinha Vintage Olive Oil
Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil Spray to grease the pan
Heat up the oven to 160 ºC.
Then, grease a removable bottom pan with Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Beat the egg yolks with half the sugar until fluffy.
Using a spatula, gently add breadcrumbs, olive oil, nuts, lime zest and lime juice.
Set aside.
With an electric mixer, beat the egg whites, gradually adding the remaining sugar and the cream of tartar until stiff peaks are formed.
Using a spatula, gently add the egg yolks.
Pour into the pan and even out the surface.
Bake for about 40 minutes until the pie is golden brown with the edges sticking out of the pan. Stick a toothpick into the middle and it should come out clean.
Let it cool, remove from the pan and move it onto a shallow dish.
Sprinkle with icing sugar and serve with ice cream.
Honey mustard sauce:
1 tablespoon of honey
1 tablespoon of mustard
1 tablespoon of Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Lime sauce:
1 tablespoon of lime juice
1 tablespoon of Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 tablespoon of soy sauce
Salt and black pepper
Honey mustard sauce:
Mix all the ingredients before serving.
Lime sauce:
Mix all the ingredients before serving.
You can add the following herbs to your sauce: parsley, oregano, basil, marjoram, thyme, rosemary, coriander, sage, tarragon, bay leaves, mint or spring onions.
White rice:
Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 garlic cloves
1 onion
2 cups of rice
2 cups of water
1/2 kg ground meat
1 medium-sized onion
1 garlic clove
1 mint sprig
1 parsley sprig
2 tablespoons Middle Eastern spice blend
1 and 1/2 lime
Tomato sauce:
Tomato sauce
Middle Eastern spice blend
2 cups of pre-cooked rice (recipe above)
1/2 kg seasoned ground meat (recipe above)
10 zucchinis
Tomato sauce (recipe above)
White rice:
Sauté garlic and onion in Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil, then add rice and water.
Let it cook for only ten minutes, so that it is pre-cooked.
Season the meat with the chopped onion, garlic, mint, parsley, Middle Eastern spice blend, lime and salt.
Mix well and let it stand for 15 minutes.
Tomato sauce:
Sauté garlic and onion in Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Add the tomatoes and put the lid on the pan to soften.
After five minutes, add the tomato sauce.
Season with salt, the Middle Eastern spice blend, parsley and mint.
Bring it all to a boil.
Cut the zucchini in halves, lengthwise, as if making a canoe.
With a spoon, remove the zucchini pulp.
Mix the pre-cooked rice with the seasoned ground meat.
Fill the zucchini with this mixture.
In a pan, place the zucchinis and pour the sauce over the top.
Let it cook for about 20 minutes.
Drizzle some Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil and serve it warm.
1 piece of fillet (about 750 g)
Salt and ground black pepper
5 tablespoons of Andorinha Selection Olive Oil
10 garlic cloves, sliced
3 tablespoons of fresh chopped rosemary
2 tablespoons of Andorinha Selection Olive Oil
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 1/2 cup of hard-boiled broccoli, chopped
Cut-open the meat as if it were a large steak.
Season with salt and pepper.
Stuff it with the sautéed broccoli and roll the meat lengthwise, like a Swiss roll.
Tie it with kitchen twine (to keep the shape).
In a large casserole dish, heat half the Andorinha Selection Olive Oil and add the tied meat.
Over low heat, fry both sides until golden brown.
Turn the heat off and place the meat on a baking dish.
Cover with sauce from the pan.
Roast it in preheated oven at low temperature (180 °C) for about 20 minutes.
In the same casserole where you fried the meat, heat the rest of the oil and sauté the garlic.
Add rosemary and season with salt.
Add the sauce to the pan.
Slice the meat and pour the hot sauce over it.
In addition to the sauce, drizzle each slice with Andorinha Selection Olive Oil.
Heat the oil and lightly sauté the garlic.
Add the broccoli and sauté quickly.
Season with salt.
Set aside.
1 cup of tapioca granules
3 cups of plain milk
3 eggs
1 cup of sugar
100 g coconut milk
1 tablespoon of Andorinha Organic Olive Oil
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1 fresh coconut or 100 g grated coconut
Let the tapioca soak in milk for 3 hours, stirring occasionally to avoid sticking.
Beat the egg whites until stiff and add the egg yolks, sugar, coconut milk, organic olive oil and vanilla.
Then, add the tapioca and mix all the ingredients up.
In an electric mixer, beat the egg whites and add the egg yolks, sugar, coconut milk, olive oil and vanilla.
Turn off the mixer and add the tapioca.
Mix all the ingredients up.
Pour the batter into a greased and floured baking pan.
Cover with grated coconut.
Bake it in oven preheated at 200 °C for about 1 hour.
Tip: serve it warm with tea or coffee.
50 g Portobello mushrooms
50 g shiitake mushrooms
50 g shimeji mushrooms
20 ml dry sake
20 g Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 egg
Shallot, chopped
Salt and black pepper
In a frying pan, add the oil, sauté the mushrooms and flambé with the sake. Reserve.
In an oven-proof pot, add the ready mushrooms and break the egg on top.
Bake at 220 oC until the egg white is cooked and the yolk is soft.
Serve immediately
225 g stale bread
2 garlic cloves
1.5 kg ripe tomatoes
200 ml Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 tablespoon of vinegar
0.5 tablespoon of salt
100 g Jamon Serrano
3 hard-boiled eggs
Cut the jamon into squares, place them on a frying pan and let them dehydrate a little, without getting burned.
Set aside.
Boil the eggs.
Once cooked through, cut them into squares (the size of your choice).
Reserve them.
Peel the tomato, cut it in four and put it in a blender with the other ingredients (except for the olive oil) and blend.
Gradually, add the oil.
When it reaches a creamy consistency, let it chill in the fridge.
In a deep dish, place the salmorejo.
On top of it, place the dehydrated jamon and the cut hard-boiled eggs.
Serve cold
3 pre-cooked medium-sized potatoes cut into 2 cm cubes
Andorinha Olive Oil to fry
Extra Virgin Olive Oil to grease the pan
½ coarsely chopped onion
50 grams of grated Emmental cheese
Salt and black pepper
5 whole eggs, beaten
Fry the potatoes in Andorinha Olive Oil at 180 degrees Celsius.
Remove excess fat with absorbent paper and set aside.
Grease a 4-cm frying pan with olive oil and place the chopped onion.
Let it caramelize.
At the desired point, turn off the heat and add the potatoes and the Emmental cheese and season with salt and pepper.
Transfer everything to a bowl with the beaten eggs.
Stir gently and return the ingredients to the frying pan.
Now, the process is similar to that of an omelet: first brown one side, then flip it to brown the other side.
Once it is firm, arrange it on a shallow dish and cut it into cubes or strips.
Serve hot or cold.
Do you like the recipe?
It is a great treat for a picnic basket.
100 ml Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 garlic cloves
2 bay leaves
200 g onions
100 g peeled yellow capsicums
500 g whole crushed tomatoes
100 g tomato ketchup
250 g aioli
Black pepper
350 g Asterix potatoes
Sprouts to garnish
Salsa Brava
Heat the oil and brown the garlic without letting it burn, with the bay leaves.
When the garlic is golden brown, add the onion and let it fry until almost translucent.
Add salt.
Add the capsicum and repeat.
Stir occasionally to prevent the ingredients from burning.
Add the crushed tomatoes, mix and cook for 20 minutes over medium heat.
Turn off the heat, remove the bay leaves and mix the sauce in a blender until homogeneous.
Pass it through a sieve.
Add ketchup and mayonnaise (or aioli) and mix until they integrate with the sauce.
Add some pepper for a spicy touch.
Pay attention to the different Tabasco bottles, as they have different levels of spiciness.
Choose your favorite one.
In the video recipe, we use the Original Tabasco bottle.
Wash the potatoes well and cut them into 2-cm cubes.
Fill a pot with water, add salt, fresh herbs and boil the potatoes until soft consistency yet firm.
They cannot fall apart.
Fry the potatoes and use sheets of paper towels to wipe away the excess fat.
Pour the Salsa Brava over potatoes and finish with sprouts to garnish.
200 g Andorinha unpitted green olives
200 ml Andorinha Selection Olive Oil
4 bay leaves
2 fresh rosemary twigs, halved
5 fresh thyme leaves
1 basil sprig
1 frozen chili
4 adjuma chilies
1 medium ciabatta cut into half
In a frying pan, put the oil and a thermometer to prevent the temperature from rising above 30 degrees.
Once the temperature is reached, add all the ingredients and leave it for about 5 minutes.
After 5 minutes, turn off the heat, pour it into a glass jar and leave it overnight.
These preserved olives have a 6-month shelf life
Cut the ciabatta in half and toast it in a wood-fired oven or broiler.
Serve with the preserved olives for a yummy starter or hors d’oeuvre.
200 g ground flank steak
200 g ground pork butt
100 g ground Calabrian sausage
100 g stale bread
100 g squid cut into 4 cm squares
100 g tomato sauce
50 g toasted bread
Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil to fry
50 ml Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Parsley, chopped
Salt and black pepper
Mix all ground meats together and season with salt and pepper. Reserve.
Dip the stale bread in mineral water until it absorbs completely, and as soon as it absorbs the water, gently squeeze it so that there is only bread left.
Add the bread to the seasoned meats until everything is well blended together.
Make 40 g meatballs. In a frying pan, pour 1 liter of extra virgin olive oil and fry them until golden.
Once browned, set aside.
In a non-stick pan, fry the squid in extra virgin olive oil and season with salt and pepper. *Note that the squid gets cooked super-fast, so be careful, as it will still be put back into the sauce.
Set aside.
Finally, heat up the tomato sauce in a pan, add the meatballs to finish heating them completely, turn off the heat, add the toasted bread on top and put them in a preheated oven at 220 oC so that they are very crispy and toasted.
Serve in the pan with a generous drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and parsley.
Suggestion: you can eat it with bread or combine it with durum pasta.
Tip: if you don't want to make them all at once, you can freeze them after frying and use it as you like.
6 red cherry tomatoes
6 yellow cherry tomatoes
50 ml Andorinha Selection Olive Oil
4 goat cheese balls
5 Italian arugula leaves
1 cup of basil
4 lemon basil leaves
30 grams of Parmesan cheese
5 g pine nuts or walnuts
1/2 crushed garlic clove
20 ml hot water
Salt and black pepper
Peel the tomatoes and place them all in oil for a few minutes at low temperature, as they oxidize quickly (use a bowl with ice).
Important: we want the tomato to absorb some of this oil, so let it stand without stirring.
In a food processor, add the basil, the pine nuts, the Parmesan cheese and blend them all.
Once you have mixed well, add the oil from the tomato confit (keep the tomato at low temperature), the crushed garlic and the water for a lively color.
Set aside.
On a plate, arrange the tomatoes with salt flakes, the goat cheese, the arugula leaves.
Decorate the tomatoes with the small basil leaves to make it look like tomato leaves and arrange the arugula between them.
Brush gently with the pesto and sprinkle a few pine nuts on top.
Tip: when you take a bite of the tomato, do not cut it first, so that the oil may explode in your mouth. <3
80 g fresh tuna
30 g mangoes cut into mini sticks
30 ml soy sauce
Juice of ½ lemon
20 ml rice vinegar
20 ml Andorinha Vintage Olive Oil
Sprouts to garnish
Cut the tuna evenly into thin slices and set aside.
Cut the mango into mini sticks and set aside.
In a bowl, place the soy sauce, lemon juice, rice vinegar and a pinch of brown sugar, mix together and let it cool in the fridge.
Place the tuna and mango on a plate and add the sauce, pour the hot oil and sprinkle with shallots and sprouts to garnish.
2 tablespoons of Andorinha Organic Olive Oil
1 large apple, diced
1 large pear, diced
2 large peaches, diced
1 large bunch of green grapes
1 tablespoon of brown sugar
½ lemon juice
30 ml of sherry
100 ml fresh cream
Fresh mint
2 cups of apple juice
1 cup of orange juice
1 tablespoon of brown sugar
1 tablespoon of cornstarch
Mint infusion:
Heat the sherry to 30 degrees and add the fresh mint, let it stand for 1 hour, then strain.
Set aside.
Lemon whipped cream:
Make the whipped cream with lemon juice in a bottle of whipped cream or an electric mixer, a little brown sugar and infusion of sherry with mint
Wash the fruit under running water and chop into small pieces.
Then place them in a pan.
Add the Andorinha Organic Olive Oil, sugar and 1/2 cup of water.
Cook over low heat for 15 minutes or until the fruit is tender.
Turn the heat off and reserve.
Sauce: add the apple juice, orange juice, sugar and cornstarch to a saucepan.
Cook over high heat for 5 minutes while stirring or until it forms a thin sauce.
Turn the heat off.
Pour over the frozen fruit, place the whipped cream on top and garnish with fresh mint leaves.
Serve chilled.
2.5 kg octopus
2 bay leaves
2 garlic cloves
50 ml Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 cooked fresh asparagus
1 lemon slice
5 large cherry tomatoes
30 ml of sherry
Salt and parsley
Cooking the octopus
Pour 2 liters of water into a large saucepan;
Add the bay leaves, salt and the garlic cloves, and bring to a boil;
When it boils, dip the octopus three times in a row and let it rest for a while outside the pan (this will prevent the skin from coming off);
Dip the octopus in the boiling water and cook for about 50 minutes (the cooking time depend on the octopus size);
Take it out, drain and cut the octopus into 1-cm thick slices and place them in a large bowl
In a frying pan, add the oil, the bay leaves, the Calabrian sausage and the garlic until lightly browned. Add the octopus slices and sauté. As soon as the octopus is flambéed with the sherry, season with salt and pepper and add the tomato, asparagus and lemon.
Serve in a beautiful saucepan and garnish with bread.
For the chicken:
1 boiled and pulled chicken breast
Andorinha Olive Oil
1/2 onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
Salt and black pepper
1/2 container of cheese spread
For the mashed corn:
1 canned sweet corn, drained
1 can of milk
1 tablespoon of cornstarch
1 chicken stock tablet
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1/2 onion, chopped
Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil
grated cheese to sprinkle
In a pan, sauté the onion and the garlic in Andorinha Olive Oil.
Add the chicken and season.
Then add the cheese spread and reserve.
Beat the corn, milk, cornstarch and chicken stock in a blender.
In a pan, sauté the onion and the garlic in Andorinha Olive Oil, then add the mixture from the blender, stirring until boiling.
Arrange the chicken in an oven-proof dish, with the mashed corn on top.
Cover with grated cheese and bake for about 30 minutes, or until golden brown.
Serve warm.
1 kg pumpkin
1/2 tablespoon Andorinha Organic Olive Oil
1 cup of chicken stock
2/3 cup of milk
Salt and black pepper
2 slices of bacon cut into strips
1/2 medium onion, diced
4 tablespoons of sour cream
Spring onions to garnish
Heat up the oven to 200 ºC.
Peel the pumpkin and cut it into small pieces.
In a baking dish, mix the pumpkin with Andorinha Organic Olive Oil.
Bake in the preheated oven for about 40 minutes or until very soft.
While the pumpkin is baking, prepare the bacon.
In another pan over low heat, fry the bacon.
Then, remove the bacon from the pan and place it on paper towels to drain the excess fat.
Reserve the bacon.
In the same pan where the bacon was fried, sauté the onion until it is translucent and set aside.
When the pumpkin is tender, mash with a fork.
Add the pumpkin puree to the onion stew and mix well.
Add 1/2 cup of the vegetable stock and, an electric mixer, beat the mixture until creamy. If necessary, add more broth.
Do not add too much as you will still add the milk and the soup should be creamy and not too liquid.
Once you finish whipping the cream, return the pan to the heat and add the milk.
Mix well and taste the salt, then season with salt and pepper.
To serve, arrange the cream on your favorite dish with 1 tablespoon of sour cream.
Sprinkle some fried bacon and the finely chopped spring onions.
Serve immediately.
4 peeled potatoes
1 egg
1 tablespoon of Andorinha Olive Oil
half a teaspoon of salt
1 cup of all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon of Andorinha Olive Oil
4 tomatoes, chopped
1 small onion, chopped
1 cup of tomato pulp
1 pinch of sugar
1 teaspoon of salt
1 tablespoon of parsley
Boil the potatoes in half a liter of salted water for about 15 minutes or until tender.
Mash them with a potato masher and sieve them.
In a bowl, add the egg, Andorinha Olive Oil, cheese and salt.
Mix well with at each addition and add the flour until rolling consistency (always work on floured surface).
Roll and cut out gnocchi squares.
Cook them in boiling water and take them out of the water after 5 minutes, when they rise to the surface.
In a pan, heat up the Andorinha Olive Oil and sauté the tomatoes and onion.
Add the tomato pulp, half a cup of water, sugar and salt.
Cook for about 10 minutes.
Add the parsley and serve over the pasta.
1 teaspoon of Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 tablespoon of hydrated tapioca flour
1 egg
Low-fat cheese spread
You can also use low-fat ricotta cream or another cream cheese
Start by beating a whole egg with a fouet (or fork), then add tapioca, cheese spread and olive oil.
Beat all the ingredients until you get a smooth dough.
Then transfer the dough to a muffin pan and place in the oven preheated at medium temperature for 20 minutes or until lightly browned.
If you prefer, you can use a cupcake maker.
1/2 kg white corn
1 can of condensed milk
enough water
1 liter of boiling milk
2 cinnamon sticks
5 cloves
1/2 orange or lime peel
Sugar if needed
1 cup of roasted ground peanuts
1 teaspoon Andorinha Vintage Olive Oil
Choose the corn for the pudding, wash well and let it soak overnight.
The next day, put the corn in a pressure cooker, fill it with water up to 2 inches below the lid and add a teaspoon of Andorinha Vintage Olive Oil.
Add cinnamon, cloves, and a piece of orange or lime peel and cook under pressure for about 40 minutes (the corn should come out very soft).
Remove the orange peel, cinnamon and cloves.
Add the boiling milk, the condensed milk and stir well with a wooden spoon.
Cook until the corn kernels are very smooth and the pudding is creamy.
Before turning the heat off, make sure it is sweet enough. If not, add some more sugar and cook it a little more.
Add the peanuts, not forgetting to stir them constantly so they do not stick to the bottom of the pan.
Serve sprinkled with cinnamon powder.
1 tablespoon of Andorinha Organic Olive Oil
1 peeled onion
2.5 cups of Brazilian pine nuts (1 cup of cooked pine nuts and processed and 1/2 cup of cooked and sliced pine nuts)
spring onions
1 cup of plain milk
2 tablespoons of all-purpose flour
4 eggs
4 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
black pepper
Heat up the Andorinha Organic Olive Oil in a frying pan and fry the finely chopped onions until wilted and browned.
Sauté the cooked, processed and sliced pine nuts.
Season with salt, black pepper and chopped parsley and spring onions.
Let it cool.
In a blender or mixer, beat the milk, wheat flour and egg yolks.
Gradually add the sautéed pine nuts and the grated cheese.
Gently add the four egg whites, beaten until stiff.
Pour the batter in a greased ramekin (soufflé pan).
Bake in medium heat (170 ºC to 190 ºC) for about 20 minutes.
Serve immediately.
Tip: you can serve it as a starter, accompanied by delicious canapés.
1 can of sweet corn, undrained
1/2 can of Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 can of sugar
1/2 can of cornmeal
4 eggs
2 unleveled tablespoons of all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons of grated coconut
1 1/2 unleveled teaspoon of baking powder
Beat all the ingredients in a blender, then add the grated coconut and baking powder and mix.
Put it in the oven.
You can pour it in a round fluted cake pan or in a square pan. The pan must be greased and floured.
Bake in preheated oven at 180 ºC for about 40 minutes.
Serve once it is ready.
Spray Andorinha Olive Oil to grease the pan.
Panna cotta ingredients
1 packet of unflavored gelatin
60 ml cold milk
400 ml fresh cream
60 grams of sugar
½ dessert spoon of vanilla extract
Ingredients for berries sauce
15 strawberries
150 g blackberries
15 cherries
150 g raspberries
2 yolks and 2 whole eggs
1 tablespoon of cornstarch
150 grams of sugar
1 tablespoon of Andorinha Vintage Olive Oil
Panna Cotta:
In a small bowl, pour the cold milk and gelatin.
Mix well and let it stand for 10 minutes.
Meanwhile, mix the cream and sugar in a saucepan in a double boiler until the sugar has melted.
When the cream is hot, turn the heat off and add the gelatin and vanilla.
Stir until the gelatin completely dissolves.
Place one layer of the cream in two or three cups and refrigerate for two hours.
Berries sauce:
Reserve some of each fruit for garnish, then lightly chop the rest and, in a pan, mix with brown sugar and cook for 15 minutes over low heat. This will reduce quite a lot.
Then, mix all the ingredients, except for the oil, in a double boiler.
Stir constantly over low heat until it boils.
Cook for two minutes and strain.
Take it back to the heat until it boils, add the Vintage Oil and remove from the heat.
Stir and place one layer on top of the panna cotta.
Refrigerate for an hour.
Serve chilled.
1 can of condensed milk (395 g)
1 1/2 cup of plain milk (360 ml)
1 tablespoon of Andorinha Vintage Olive Oil
500 g ground and roasted peanuts (4 cups)
1 can of table cream (300 g)
In a pan, add 1 can of condensed milk, 1 ½ cup of milk and 1 tablespoon of Andorinha Vintage Olive Oil and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until it comes off the bottom of the pan.
Turn the heat off, add 500 g of roasted and ground peanuts and 1 can of table cream and mix well.
Pour it in cups and serve.
If you want to make the peanut cream more consistent for modeling, pour the whey out.
Andorinha Olive Oil
800 g beef fillet
Black pepper
1 cup chopped onions
1 cup Madeira wine
1 cube of beef stock
Potato gratin:
1 cup of milk
1 cup of fresh cream
4 medium potatoes cut into thin slices
1 cup of grated Parmesan cheese
Season the beef fillet with salt and black pepper.
Heat up the Andorinha Olive Oil in a pan and fry the beef fillet, turning it from time to time, until it is golden brown.
Turn the off, let it stand and cut the beef fillet into medallions.
Fry the medallions at the desired cooking point.
In the same pan, remove the medallions and brown the onion.
Add the wine, the beef stock, mix it all and allow to reduce.
When it is almost dry, add a little more Andorinha Olive Oil.
Serve with the medallions.
Potato gratin:
In a saucepan, pour the milk, fresh cream, salt and bring to a boil.
Add the potato slices without washing to keep the starch and cook until they are soft.
In a baking dish, sprinkle the Parmesan cheese and bake at medium temperature (180 ºC) to brown it.
1 chicken breast
Salt and black pepper
Juice of 2 limes
1 table cream carton (200 g)
2 tablespoons of Dijon mustard or 5 of common mustard
Andorinha Olive Oil to fry
Cut the chicken breast into fillets and season with lime juice, salt and pepper.
Then, let it marinate for at least 30 minutes and heat up a frying pan with Andorinha Olive Oil.
Brown the fillets on both sides, remove the fillets from the pan and set aside.
In the same frying pan, mix the mustard with cream and enjoy all the flavor from the chicken, including those pieces that stick to the frying pan.
Let it cook for 2 minutes, adjust the seasonings if necessary and serve over the chicken.
190 ml of milk
190 grams of all-purpose flour
90 ml Andorinha Olive Oil
1 egg
1 pinch of salt
Add all the ingredients into a blender and beat to a not too thick batter.
In a non-stick frying pan (if you have one), pour Andorinha Olive Oil all over the surface and heat.
Once it is heated, use a ladle to pour the batter over the entire bottom of the pan.
This is for 1 pancake
When the batter comes off the bottom of the pan, turn to cook the other side. When both sides are cooked, remove and set aside.
Do this until the end and reserve all the pancakes.
Choose the filling of your choice and serve it warm.
2 large beetroots
1/2 packet of pasta (we use spaghetti number 3)
150 g almonds
220 g Parmesan cheese
2 garlic cloves
Salt and black pepper
1/2 cup Andorinha Organic Olive Oil
Start by cooking the unpeeled beetroots.
If you are using a pressure cooker, it will take about 25 minutes and, in a normal cooker, it should take about 2 hours.
Once the beets are cooked, bring the pasta water to a boil and start prepping the pasta.
At the same time, peel and cut the beets and garlic into smaller pieces.
Put them in a blender with 150 g of cheese and 100 g of almonds (the rest is to finish off the dish).
Add salt, pepper and Andorinha Organic Olive Oil and start to beat.
When the mixture is smooth, place it in a saucepan over medium heat and let it simmer for about 15 minutes.
1 whole cauliflower
Chopped garlic clove, salt and black pepper
Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Grate the cauliflower until it crumbles.
Sauté a chopped garlic clove in the oil, add the cauliflower with 50 ml of water and wait for the water to dry in the pan.
It takes about 5 minutes to cook.
Then, add the seasonings you like, stir well and serve.
1 kg spicy or regular Tuscan sausage
2 tablespoons of Andorinha Olive Oil
1/2 cup of cachaça to flambé
Heat up some water in a pan and add the sausages as soon as it boils.
Let it cook for 2 minutes and drain.
Then slice the sausages diagonally.
Once that is done, heat up a large frying pan with Andorinha Olive Oil and add the sausage, stirring for 10 minutes or until golden brown.
To flambé, pour the cachaça in a ladle and heat over the stove top carefully until it catches fire.
Pour into the frying pan and cook until the flame is gone.
Turn off the heat and transfer to a serving dish.
Serve immediately and, if desired, with the lime slices.
1 fresh yeast block
1 tablespoon of sugar
1 cup of warm milk
1 tablespoon of Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 cups of all-purpose flour
1/3 cup of pitted olives
1/2 tablespoon fresh rosemary, chopped
1 teaspoon of salt
Dissolve the yeast in sugar and in some warm milk.
Let it stand for 10 minutes to ferment.
Add the milk and the Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil to the yeast mixture and stir with a spoon.
Add the salt and flour.
Mix until it becomes a ball.
Then sprinkle the flour on a smooth surface and knead only until it forms a ball.
Do not add too much flour so the bread does not become doughy.
Place the dough ball on a floured baking sheet and let it rest for 1 hour or until it doubles in volume.
Then remove the air from the dough and divide it in half.
Add half the olives and rosemary to each portion of dough and knead until everything is well incorporated.
The olives will make the dough sticky at first, but then it will be elastic again.
Sprinkle with wheat flour, make an X-cut at the center and bake in a preheated oven at 210 ºC for about 30 minutes, or until the bread is golden brown.
Tap the bread.
If the noise is hollow, the bread is ready, if not, bake it for a little longer.
Andorinha Olive Oil to fry
2 eggs;
1 cup of sugar;
1 cup of plain milk;
2 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour;
1 teaspoon baking powder;
3 tablespoons of sugar;
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon.
Mix all ingredients until you get a soft smooth dough.
Heat the oil in a pan — enough for the doughnuts to float — and when it is hot, pour small amounts of dough with a spoon.
Let it fry until golden brown.
To finish, serve sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon.
1/2 kabocha
5 cm of ginger
100 ml of fresh curd
1 onion
Parsley and spring onions
3 garlic cloves
1 1/2 liter of water
Salt and black pepper
1 tablespoon of Andorinha Organic Olive Oil
1. In a saucepan, pour two cups of water, the kabocha and cook over medium heat.
Let it cook for about 10 minutes.
Meanwhile, wash and slice the unpeeled ginger.
Peel the garlic and onion.
Cut the onion into 4 parts.
Transfer the pre-cooked kabocha to a chopping board and remove the peel with the vegetable peeler.
Keep the pot and the water where you cooked the kabocha, as you will reuse it.
2. Cut the kabocha in cubes and return to the pot with water.
Add the ginger, garlic, onion and the rest of the water.
Bring to medium heat and, as soon as it starts to boil, cover the pot and cook for 40 minutes.
3. Then transfer the cooked kabocha to a blender.
If it doesn't fit, blend it in steps.
Season with salt and black pepper.
With a folded tea towel, hold tightly so that the hot steam does not open the lid of the blender.
If you prefer, let the soup cool completely.
Return the soup to the pan and add the Andorinha organic olive oil.
If you want, season with more salt and pepper.
4. When serving the soup, pour a tablespoon of fresh curd on top, so that it is freshly mixed.
Add the parsley and spring onions on top of the curd.
5. Add another drizzle of Andorinha Selection Olive Oil!
500 g arborio rice
1.2 L of beetroot juice
1 medium-sized onion, finely chopped
150 g unsalted butter
1 tablespoon of Andorinha Selection Olive Oil
150 ml dry white wine
50 g Parmesan cheese
200 g gorgonzola cheese
1.To make the beetroot juice, blend it with the necessary amount of water and strain it afterwards.
2.Fry the onion in a little butter (approx.
50 g) until transparent.
3. Add the rice and sauté it quickly.
4. Add the white wine (ALWAYS stirring the rice until the risotto is ready) and let it evaporate completely.
5. Gradually add the beetroot juice (it should be hot) and stir to the desired point of the rice.
6. Finish with Parmesan cheese, butter and gorgonzola and the Andorinha Selection Olive Oil.
200 g cherry tomatoes
1 leek (only the lightest part)
1 large red onion
180 ml Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil
60 ml lime juice
Black pepper
1- Chop all ingredients.
Set aside.
2- Beat the oil, lime, salt and pepper with a fork or fouet until you get a smooth sauce, incorporating the oil with the lime.
3- Add the chopped vegetables to this sauce.
Perfect to go with fish.
500 g spaghetti
1 large onion
2 garlic cloves
50 g cherry tomatoes
300 g Buffalo mozzarella
1 green capsicum
1 cup of Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 tablespoons of fresh basil
Black pepper
1- Chop the onion into slices and sauté in olive oil until golden brown.
Add the crushed garlic cloves and the capsicum slices.
Let it cook for about 5 minutes.
2- Add the tomatoes, salt and pepper.
Cook over low heat until the tomatoes are almost dissolved.
Make sure you stir from time to time so it does not burn or get dry.
3- Add the cooked spaghetti, the sliced buffalo mozzarella and the basil.
Also use these last two ingredients to garnish.
1 small red capsicum
1 small yellow capsicum
1 small green capsicum
1 large red onion
180 ml Andorinha Organic Olive Oil
60 ml of white wine vinegar
Black pepper
1- Chop all ingredients into squares.
Set aside.
2- Beat the oil, vinegar, salt and pepper with a fork or fouet until you get a smooth sauce, incorporating the oil into the vinegar.
3- Add the chopped vegetables to this sauce.
It goes well with red meats or barbecue.
3 medium eggplants
2 tablespoons of tahini (sesame paste)
Juice of 1 lime
2 garlic cloves
5 tablespoons of Andorinha Organic Olive Oil
1- Cut off the tip of the eggplants and bake at 220 degrees for 20 minutes, turning them half the time.
2- Remove them from the oven and, after cooling, scoop out the soft eggplant pulp.
3- Place the eggplant pulp in a blender and add the other ingredients beating one at a time.
Serve with pita bread or toast.
1 Portuguese bread
60 g olive oil
1 roasted eggplant
1 sliced zucchini
2 ripe tomatoes
200 g goat cheese
Basil pesto
Grated Parmesan cheese
Cut the bread into 2-cm slices and season with olive oil.
On a slice, spread the roasted eggplant pulp, season with pesto and a pinch of salt and add the goat cheese, tomato and zucchini.
Sprinkle with grated Parmesan and a drizzle of olive oil.
Bake at 190 oC for 5 minutes or until golden brown.
Serve immediately.
It makes 6 bruschettas.
100 g beef carpaccio
Arugula leaves
5 tablespoons of Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil
5 tablespoons of yellow mustard
40 g capers
Black pepper
Grated Parmesan cheese
1- Arrange the carpaccio slices side by side on a shallow dish and the arugula leaves on top.
2- Mix the oil, mustard, salt and pepper with a fork or fouet until it makes a sauce.
3- Drizzle the carpaccio slices with this sauce, add the capers and sprinkle the grated Parmesan cheese.
Serve with bread or toast.
For the beef ribs:
3 beef ribs or half rib piece
50 g coarse salt
Brown sugar
Pinch of black pepper
50 g extra virgin olive oil
For the puree:
1 kg sweet potatoes
500 ml milk
100 g butter
white pepper
Season the ribs with a mixture of coarse salt, brown sugar, olive oil and black pepper.
Leave in the fridge overnight.
Wrap the rib in baking wrap and cook at 125 oC for 2h or until soft, coming off the bones.
Remove from the oven, let it cool and unwrap the rib.
Increase the oven temperature and only then return the piece to brown.
For the puree, bake the potatoes in the oven at 180 oC covered with aluminum foil until they are soft and lightly toasted.
Peel the potatoes and make an infusion with the peels and hot milk.
This will intensify the roast flavor of the puree.
Mash the potatoes, add the flavored milk — without the peels — and the butter.
Mix well and adjust the seasoning.
Serve the ribs with olives, fresh vegetables and the puree.
It makes 10 servings.
1 kg white beans
2 bay leaves
2 liters of fish stock
300 g prawns
300 g sliced squid
300 g cooked octopus
300 g diced fish
300 g cooked mussels
150 g diced smoked haddock
50 ml virgin olive oil
2 onions, chopped
5 garlic cloves, chopped
6 tomatoes, chopped
2 tablespoons tomato paste
2 chilies
4 cambuci chilies
Fresh corianders
Drizzle of extra virgin olive oil
Cook the beans in plenty of water, with a pinch of salt and bay leaves, until tender, but still firm.
Drain the excess water.
In a thick-bottomed pan, sauté the onion, garlic, chilies and tomatoes.
Add the tomato paste and cook a little more.
Add the fish stock and cook for a few minutes or until this sauce is thick.
Add the sauce to the beans.
In a frying pan with oil, sauté the prawns and squid seasoned with salt, a little at a time, until golden brown.
Add to the beans while adding the fresh fish, smoked fish, mussels and octopus.
Cook the feijoada for another 10 minutes, adjust the salt and season with lime, olive oil and coriander before serving.
Serve with white rice and toasted manioc flour.
1 Italian bread
250 g diced smoked sausage
250 g grated halloumi cheese
50 g extra virgin olive oil
30 g garlic, chopped
125 g diced red onion
50 g diced cambuci chilies
10 g chopped chilies
250 g diced tomatoes
30 g spring onions, chopped
30 g chopped coriander
50 g drizzle of extra virgin olive oil
Cut the baguette into 1.5-cm slices.
In a pan, brown the sausage with oil and set aside.
In the same pan, add the garlic and onion and fry until golden brown.
Return the sausage, mix well and remove from heat, drain the excess fat if any.
Add the chilies, tomatoes, cheese, spring onions and coriander.
Grease the toast with olive oil and add the topping over them.
Bake at 180 ºC to brown for 7 minutes.
Serve immediately.
It makes 10 toasts.
- 400 grams of chopped chocolate
- 1 cup of cocoa liqueur
- 6 sieved egg yolks
- 3 cups of fresh cream
- 1 cup of milk
- 2 cups agave syrup
- 1 cup blueberries
- 1 cup blackberries
- 1 cup of raspberries
- ½ cup of agave
- In a saucepan, put the milk and half a cup of cream to a boil.
When boiling, gradually add the milk mixture to the yolks and mix.
Take it back to the stove over low heat and cook for a few minutes.
Place the mixture over the chopped chocolate, stir well and add the liqueur and agave.
Let it cool.
Beat the rest of the fresh cream to make some consistent whipped cream.
Add the whipped cream to the chocolate mixture.
Let it cool in the fridge for two hours.
Serve in bowls with the red berry coulis.
- In a pan, add all the ingredients and cooking over low heat.
Allow it to set and remove from heat.
Serve after cooling.
Special recipe, in collaboration with Restaurante Banana Verde.
Vila Madalena, São Paulo / SP.
Rua Harmonia, 278. - www.bananaverde.com.br
- Andorinha Selection Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
- 3 peeled and chopped medium yams (peel them with gloves, as the peel may make your skin itchy)
- 1 cup of fresh cream
- Salt, pepper and herbs
- 5 tablespoons of semi-cured cheese
In a pan, boil the yams until soft.
Remove the soft yams from the pan and mash them.
Put it back in the pan and add the fresh cream and cheese.
Mix until you make a homogeneous puree and add the spices.
Drizzle some Andorinha Selection Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Special recipe, in collaboration with Restaurante Banana Verde.
Vila Madalena, São Paulo / SP.
Rua Harmonia, 278. - www.bananaverde.com.br
- 2 tablespoons of Andorinha Olive Oil
- 2 kg peeled and seeded tomatoes
- 1 large onion, chopped
- 2 celery sticks, chopped
- 1 finely grated carrot
- 1 leek, chopped
- 3 garlic cloves, chopped
- Leaves from 1 bunch of basil
- Salt and black pepper
- 1 glass of red wine
- Drizzle of Andorinha Olive Oil
- 300 grams of white flour
- 150 grams of whole wheat flour
- 150 grams of semolina
- 1 pinch of salt
- 1 packet of cleaned spinach
- 600 grams of shredded mozzarella with some fresh basil leaves.
- In a pan, add the Andorinha Olive Oil, the onion, the carrot, the celery, the leek and the garlic.
Fry until golden.
Add the tomatoes and adjust the seasoning.
Add the red wine and cook over low heat for the sauce to reduce.
When the sauce is thickened, add the basil and reserve.
- Mix the flours and make a volcano.
Beat the eggs with olive oil, spinach and salt.
Mix in the flours and knead lightly.
Let the dough rest for 20 minutes covered with a damp cloth.
Pass it through the cylinder and place the filling at the center of the marked rows when the dough is thin.
Splash water and cut with a round ring.
Model as you like and reserve.
Cook it in boiling water and put it over the ready sauce.
Sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese and garnish with basil.
Serve immediately.
Special recipe, in collaboration with Restaurante Banana Verde.
Vila Madalena, São Paulo / SP.
Rua Harmonia, 278. - www.bananaverde.com.br
- 3 tablespoons of Andorinha Olive Oil
- 2 cups of cooked red rice
- 4 tablespoons + 2 tablespoons of finely chopped leek
- 1 cup of natural vegetable stock
- 1 cup of white wine
- 1 cup of chopped gorgonzola cheese
- 3 tablespoons toasted, chopped walnuts
- 1 thinly sliced pear
- 1 tablespoon of organic sugar
- 200 grams of cross-cut shiitake
- Thyme, salt, ground pepper and fresh herbs
Pre-heat the oven.
On a low baking sheet, overlap the pear slices and sprinkle the sugar.
Leave it in the oven until golden.
Remove from the oven and let it cool.
Set aside.
In a frying pan, add a spoonful of Andorinha Olive Oil, two tablespoons of leek, sauté well and add the shiitake.
Let them soften, season and set aside.
In a large saucepan, add two tablespoons of Andorinha Olive Oil, four tablespoons of leek and sauté well.
Add the red rice, add the vegetables gradually and stir gently.
When the rice is drier, add the white wine and let it evaporate.
Add the gorgonzola cheese, stir until creamy, mix it with the walnuts and decorate with the pears.
Reheat the shiitake, place the mushrooms on top and decorate with the chives.
Special recipe, in collaboration with Restaurante Banana Verde.
Vila Madalena, São Paulo / SP.
Rua Harmonia, 278. - www.bananaverde.com.br
Passion fruit, honey and lemon:
- 120 ml Andorinha Selection Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 2 passion fruit pulps
- 1 tablespoon of sugar
- 3 tablespoons of honey
- Lemon juice
- Salt
Verbena, yogurt and lime:
- 120 ml Andorinha Selection Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 100 ml plain yoghurt
- 30 ml agave syrup
- 1 cup of chopped verbena leaves
- Lime juice
- Salt
Honey mustard sauce:
Mix all the ingredients before serving.
Lime sauce:
Mix all the ingredients before serving.
You can add the following herbs to your sauce: parsley, oregano, basil, marjoram, thyme, rosemary, coriander, sage, tarragon, bay leaves, mint or spring onions.
- 2 tablespoons of Andorinha Olive Oil
- 1 kg mini pumpkins or 4 units
- 1 tray (200 grams) of shredded shimeji mushrooms
- 1 peeled and sliced plantain roasted in the oven
- 1 cup of coconut milk
- 1 medium-sized onion, chopped
- 2 garlic cloves
- 2 tablespoons of leek
- 1 pinch of hijiki algae hydrated with a tablespoon of water
- 1 red capsicum cut into small cubes
- 4 tablespoons of cooked cassava puree
- Salt, chilies, coriander, parsley and chives
Boil a large pot of water.
With a vegetable knife, cut off the mini pumpkin stalks, scrape the seeds and cook the mini pumpkins for 10 minutes in boiling water.
Take it off the heat and give it a thermal shock with cold water.
Set aside.
In another pan, add the Andorinha Olive Oil, onion, garlic and leek, and sauté well.
Add the shredded shimeji, the algae and the coconut milk, and let it cook for a few minutes.
Mix the cassava puree, stir until smooth, add the bananas and season to your liking.
Fill the mini pumpkins with the mushroom soup and serve next.
Special recipe, in collaboration with Restaurante Banana Verde.
Vila Madalena, São Paulo / SP.
Rua Harmonia, 278. - www.bananaverde.com.br
- 3 tablespoons of Andorinha Olive Oil
- 250 g red rice
- 500 g plain rice
- 1 large onion
- 150 ml white wine
- 1 bay leaf
- 1,5 liter of water
- Salt
- Andorinha Olive Oil
- 1 piece of boneless baby goat shoulder
- 1 white large onion
- 5 garlic cloves, chopped
- 3 ripe tomatoes
- 1 chopped chili
- 1 tablespoon of tomato paste
- 1 dessert spoon of achiote powder
- Cumin, coriander seed and black pepper
- 150 ml red wine
- 50 ml of vinegar
- 1 liter of beef stock
- 1 bay leaf
- Salt
- Andorinha Olive Oil
- Grated kabocha pumpkin
- Pereskia aculeata (ora-pro-nóbis) leaves
- Biquinho chili
- Pumpkin seeds
- Fresh coriander
- Sauté the onion in Andorinha Olive Oil until it begins to brown.
Add the red rice, stir well and add the wine, cooking for another 3 minutes.
Add boiling water and cook for 20 minutes in a covered pan over low heat.
Add the plain rice, bay leaf, salt, and cook until tender, for about 15 minutes more.
- Cut the baby goat shoulder into small pieces and season with salt. Leave it in the fridge for two hours.
In a thick-bottomed pan, brown the meat with Andorinha Olive Oil.
Set aside.
In the same pan, sauté all the chopped vegetables.
Deglaze with wine and let it reduce.
Return the meat, add the stock until almost covered, season with salt and spices and cook over a very low heat, with the lid on.
- Sauté the pumpkin and the ora-pro-nóbis in Andorinha Olive Oil.
Add the rice, the meat juices, and cook until you have a creamy rice.
Finish with biquinho chilies, coriander and pumpkin seeds.
- 200 ml Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 2 lavender sprigs with flowers
- 6 juniper berries
- 6 black peppercorns
- 200 ml Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 2 verbena sprigs
- Zest of 1 orange
- 12 peppercorns
- 1 toasted chili pepper
- 2 toasted garlic cloves
- 1 bay leaf
- ½ tonka bean
Prepare it in a clean, dry bottle or container, adding all the ingredients.
In a double boiler, heat up the Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil to 70 °C, keeping it for 10 min.
Chill and reserve protected from light and heat.
The technique for flavoring oils is very simple.
Just add your favorite ingredients to your favorite olive oil!
They are perfect to add a personal touch to your dishes. Try it!
- 2 tablespoons of Andorinha Olive Oil
- 4 potatoes
- 4 rosemary sprigs
- Coarse salt and black pepper
Wash and dry the potatoes and the rosemary sprigs thoroughly.
Cut the potatoes into wedges, place them in a pan with water and season with a teaspoon of salt.
Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.
Take it off the heat, drain the water and let the potatoes drain for a few minutes.
Heat up the Andorinha Olive Oil and fry the potatoes.
Season with coarse salt, ground black pepper and the rosemary sprigs.
- 60 ml of Andorinha Olive Oil
- 150 g dry tomatoes
- 1/2 bunch of fresh basil
- 50 g walnuts
- 50 g freshly grated Parmesan cheese
- Salt
In a blender or processor, add the tomatoes and half of the Andorinha Olive Oil and beat to make a paste.
Add the basil, walnuts, cheese and the remaining Andorinha Olive Oil and beat until smooth.
Add the salt and mix well.
Move to a container and cover with plastic wrap.
- 2 tablespoons of Andorinha Vintage Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 2 apples
- 1 tablespoon of honey
- 1 teaspoon of powdered cloves
- 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder
- 1 teaspoon of nutmeg
In a saucepan, heat the oil and place the chopped apples and all other ingredients in the same order.
Mix everything up and stir until the apple is nice and soft.
With a mixer, blend everything to make a puree.
If necessary, add water gradually.
Serve hot with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
- 3 tablespoons of Andorinha Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 20 medium prawns - 600 g
- 1 tablespoon of lime juice
- Salt and black pepper
- 1 cup mayonnaise
- 1 cup of cream
- 3 tablespoons of ketchup
- 3 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
- 1 tablespoon brandy
Peel the prawns, except for four larger ones.
Cut them into smaller pieces and season with lime juice, pepper and salt.
Sauté the prawns in a frying pan with Andorinha Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, including the unpeeled ones, until their peel turn pink and are cooked through.
Let it cool and set aside.
In a container, mix the prawns with the remaining ingredients and keep in the fridge until it is time to serve.
Pour the mixture in cocktail glasses and garnish with the unpeeled prawns.
Surprise your guests!
For the batter:
- 250 ml water
- 1 peeled beetroot
- 500 g sweet tapioca starch
- Salt
For the filling:
- Andorinha Vintage Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Grated goat cheese
- Honey
- Orange zest
- Pennyroyal
Beat the beets with water and a generous pinch of salt in a blender and strain.
With 300 ml of this liquid, hydrate the tapioca starch until it is completely homogeneous.
Sieve it onto a hot frying pan until you have a thin and perfectly leveled tapioca pancake.
Add the toppings and serve immediately.
If the dough gets crumbly after cooking, add a little more water;)
The tapioca pancakes turn out beautiful and they can be even more nutritious if hydrated with vegetable juices, including carrots, kale and beets.
Here, we top it off with a generous drizzle of Andorinha Selection Extra Virgin Olive Oil, which rounds off all flavors and adds an unusual touch to this recipe.
- 100 ml Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 30 g mint leaves
- 30 g coriander leaves
- 25 g cashew nuts
- 3 garlic cloves
- 1 chili pepper
- Salt
- Lemon zest
Start by macerating the leaves and adding the remaining ingredients, leaving the Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil for last.
Crush them until you get a homogeneous yet chunky sauce.
Store in small air-tight jars.
This is a refreshing, spicy and delicious pesto.
Delicious with meats and cheeses and it can also jazz up salads and pasta!
Made in mortar, it retains a rustic touch that adds even more personality to the sauce, but if you don't have a mortar and pestle at home, you can use the blender, but without overprocessing it.
For orange-infused olive oil, which dresses the salad:
- 250 ml of orange juice
- 50 ml Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil
For the salad:
- Orange-infused olive oil (made with Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
- 500 g sliced ham
- 600 g seedless grapes, chopped
- 300 g assorted lettuce leaves
- 80 g roasted and chopped hazelnut
- 20 basil leaves
- Fleur de sel
Orange-infused olive oil:
Boil the orange juice to reduce the volume to 1/5 and mix it with Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Set aside.
Add the lettuce first, overlap it with the grapes and ham, season with fleur de sel.
Sprinkle with hazelnuts.
Dress it with orange-infused olive oil and basil leaves.
- 100 ml Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 50 g basil leaves
- 25 g cashew nuts
- 25 g halloumi cheese
- 3 garlic cloves, crushed
- Salt
Process all ingredients in a blender to make a smooth sauce. Adjust the salt and reserve.
Store in small air-tight jars.
This recipe is delicious, practical and super versatile!
You can experiment with other herbs and it goes well with everything.
Pasta, salads, sandwiches: test your combinations!
- 50 ml Andorinha Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 100 g onions, boiled
- 4 garlic cloves, boiled
- 500 g peeled melon (rockmelon is an option)
- 300 g peeled tomatoes, diced
- 50 ml of white wine vinegar
- 200 g ice, chopped
- Fleur de sel
- Black pepper
For the dressing, parsley-infused olive oil:
- 100 ml Andorinha Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 90 g parsley
- Sea salt
Put all the ingredients in a blender and emulsify to obtain a homogeneous cream.
Season with sea salt and ground pepper.
Serve it chilled!
You can dress it with parsley-infused olive oil:
Choose the tenderest parsley leaves and cook in boiling water.
Cool immediately afterwards in ice water and drain well.
Then, emulsify in a mixer with Andorinha Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
- 150 ml of Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 2 kg flank steak
- 150 g unsalted butter
- 200 g zucchini pulp, cooked
- 1 dessert spoon Dijon mustard
- 20 g sliced garlic
- 5 bay leaves
- White wine
- Black pepper
- Regular sea salt
For the coffee sauce:
- 1liter Andorinha Vintage Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 500 g zucchini pulp
- 3 liters beef stock
- 10 g ground coffee
- 30 g coffee beans
- 10 g regular sea salt
- 4 g black pepper
Side dish:
- 50 ml Andorinha Olive Oil
- 1 kg potatoes
- Regular sea salt
- Black pepper
- Nutmeg
Season the steak just before browning it, with salt and pepper.
In a frying pan, add 100 ml of Andorinha Olive Oil and seal the steaks.
While it cooks, add garlic and bay leaves.
Remove the steak, garlic and bay leaf from the pan and reserve.
Drain the fat left in the pan, then add the white wine and the zucchini pulp, mustard and the remaining Andorinha Olive Oil.
Add it to a blender until a homogeneous texture is obtained.
Boil the mixture, add butter, pepper and salt.
Add the steak, garlic and bay leaf to the sauce and boiling for about 1 minute.
For the coffee sauce:
Simmer the zucchini pulp with the beef stock.
When it is cooked, add the ground coffee and let it boil for about two minutes.
Pour this concoction in a blender with Andorinha Vintage Extra Virgin Olive Oil and season with salt and pepper.
Emulsify until homogeneous.
Add the coffee beans and bring it to a boil again.
On the side, try chips in olive oil:
Cut the potatoes into thick slices then into large sticks.
Heat up Andorinha Olive Oil in a frying pan, add the potatoes and let them brown.
Put them on paper towel.
Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg.
- 100 ml Andorinha Olive Oil
- Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil (to finish)
- 10 chicken legs
- 100 g bacon, diced
- 250 g onions, chopped
- 6 garlic cloves, chopped
- 300 g peeled tomato wedges
- 1 kg okra
- 200 ml white wine
- 300 ml chicken stock
- 1 tablespoon cinnamon sticks
- 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
- Malagueta chilies
- Regular sea salt
Season the chicken with salt and let it marinade for 30 minutes.
Then brown the chicken legs in Andorinha Olive Oil and add bacon, onion, garlic, pepper and cinnamon.
Add white wine, the tomato and add the stock gradually, allowing it to cook in the pot with the lid on.
Cut the okra lengthwise, brown in the pan, season with salt and add to the stew just before serving.
Add a drizzle of Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil Spray
- 1 kg fresh sliced tuna
- 2 lime wedges
- 100 ml lime juice
- 20 g anchovies, chopped
- 80 g roasted almonds, chopped
- Black pepper
- Fleur de sel
- Coriander, thinly chopped
For the coriander-infused oil:
- 200 ml Andorinha Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 50 g fresh coriander
Coriander-infused oil:
Gently dip the coriander in boiling water for a few seconds, drain and cool immediately in ice water.
In a container, combine them with Andorinha Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil and mix well to achieve a homogeneous texture.
Clean the tuna, removing the skin and the bones.
Remove the loin from one side and wrap it with plastic wrap.
Take it to the fridge.
Thinly slice the remaining tuna. Check the tuna loin in the fridge and, when it is firm, arrange it in overlapping circles and season with Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil, lime juice, chopped anchovies, chopped roasted almonds and coriander-infused oil.
Finally, add pepper, fleur de sel and coriander.
For the salad
- 1 kg prawns
- Lettuce
- 250 g mango
- 250 g papaya
- 250 g pineapple
- 800 g arugula
Mango-infused oil:
- 100 ml Andorinha Vintage Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 180 g ripe mango
Papaya-infused oil
- 100 ml Andorinha Vintage Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 180 g ripe papaya
To dress the salad
- Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil Spray
- Sea salt
- Black pepper
For flavoring:
- Parsley, chopped
For the salad:
Parboil the prawns.
Peel the fruit and dice it.
Reserve them separately.
Wash the lettuce and tear the leaves.
For the oils:
Peel the fruits and put them in a mixer, making a puree.
While you process the fruits, gradually add Andorinha Vintage Extra Virgin Olive Oil to emulsify.
Mix with the salad.
Drizzle with Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil Spray.
- Andorinha Olive Oil (enough to fry)
- 1 kg soaked, boiled and shredded codfish
- 150 g leek
- 200 g onions, chopped
- 2 garlic cloves, chopped
- 500 g flour
- 5 eggs
- 100 ml beer
- 100 ml milk
- 2 tablespoons of chopped parsley
- Regular sea salt
- Black pepper
- Nutmeg
Make a thick batter with the flour, milk, beer and eggs and beat until homogeneous.
Add the chopped leek, onion and garlic, the codfish and parsley and mix it all up.
Season with salt and pepper and fry the fritters in plenty of oil.
Place the fritters on paper towel before serving.
On the side, make a black-eyed bean broth:
- Andorinha Olive Oil
- 1 kg boiled black-eyed peas
- 250 g onions, chopped
- 60 g garlic, chopped
- 50 g bacon
- 300 g fresh tomatoes
- liter chicken stock
- 2 bay leaves
- Regular sea salt
- Black pepper
In a saucepan, prepare a base with a little Andorinha Olive Oil and add the diced bacon.
Add the chopped garlic and onion, bay leaves and black-eyed peas.
Add the chicken stock and let it cook.
Crush it in a blender and sieve it.
- 100 ml Andorinha Selection Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 3 kg hump steak
- 450 g onions, chopped
- 10 garlic cloves, sliced
- 100 g bacon, chopped
- 250 g turnip, diced
- 260 g carrots, diced
- 500 ml white wine
- 300 g tomatoes, diced
- 2 bay leaves
- 2 tablespoons of chopped parsley
- 500 ml chicken stock
- 300 ml tomato juice
- Sea salt
- Black pepper
Season the meat with salt, pepper and 1 bay leaf in 100 ml of Andorinha Selection Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Then add the onion, garlic and bacon.
Once they are golden brown, refresh the mixture with white wine, chicken stock and tomato juice.
Let the meat stew well over low heat.
When it is cooked through, remove from the pan and reserve.
Beat the mixture in a blender until homogeneous.
Put it back over heat and add the meat, the carrots and let it boil for 5 minutes.
Add the turnip, 1 bay leaf and boil for another 10 minutes.
Finally, add the tomato and parsley, let it boil another 2 or 3 minutes before serving.
Serve with white rice.
- 300 ml Andorinha Selection Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Soaked cod slabs
- 10 garlic cloves, sliced
- 3 tablespoons of parsley leaves
- 50 ml of red wine vinegar
- 1.5 kg baby potatoes
- 1 kg regular sea salt
Wipe the cod slabs with a cloth and barbecue them with the skin down.
Once the skin is nicely grilled, dip it in cold water and lay it on the opposite side to grill again.
(This is to prevent the cod from getting too dry.)
When you are done grilling, place it in the oven heated to 100 oC with Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil Spray for 10 minutes.
Wash the potatoes in running water and place them in a deep pan, cover with coarse salt and bake.
The potatoes are cooked through when you can easily pierce them with a toothpick.
Heat up the garlic slices with 100 ml Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil, without boiling, in a covered pan.
Remove the salt from the potatoes and crush them slightly.
Place it next to the cod before serving and finish with olive oil and garlic, parsley and vinegar.
- 2 kg red berries or only strawberries
- 500 ml white wine
- 150 g sugar
- 100 ml Andorinha Vintage Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 400 g dark chocolate bar
- 150 g flour
- 8 eggs
- 1 teaspoon ginger, chopped
- 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder
- 200 g sugar
- 50 ml cachaça
Boil the wine with sugar until you get a syrupy texture.
Let it cool.
Blend the mixture with the strawberries.
Set aside.
Melt the chocolate in a double boiler.
Lightly beat the eggs and sugar, add the chocolate, stirring constantly, then the flour, Andorinha Vintage Extra Virgin Olive Oil, cinnamon, ginger and, finally, cachaça.
Bake in individual dishes greased with butter and sprinkled with flour, in an oven heated to 200 oC for 10 minutes.
Let it cool and get it out of the baking dish.
Serve on a plate with the sauce.
- 200 ml Andorinha Selection Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 2 kg thick pre-soaked cod slabs
- 5 garlic cloves, sliced
- 10 allspices
- 20 black olives, chopped
- 20 g sun-dried tomatoes, chopped
- 50 g Brazil nuts, chopped
- Rosemary
- White wine vinegar
Combine the cod, Andorinha Selection Extra Virgin Olive Oil, garlic, allspices and the remaining ingredients in a pan, over low heat.
Cover and let it cook slowly as, in this case, the oil should not boil; it should just cook the cod and other ingredients.
If you prefer, you can make a roast instead.
To do this, place the cod and all the ingredients in a pan, cover with aluminum foil, and roast at 150 ºC for 20 minutes.
- 30 ml Andorinha Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 1/2 jar of pickled tuna
- 2 tablespoons eggplant cream
- 1 tablespoon of tomato paste
- 1 teaspoon diced roasted red pepper
- 5 basil leaves
- 10 ml white wine vinegar
- Black pepper
- Salt
Place all ingredients — except for the tuna and eggplant cream — in a bowl and mix.
On the bottom of the dish, add the eggplant cream, overlap the tuna and the mixture on top.
- 500 g sugar
- 8 eggs
- 2 tablespoons Andorinha Vintage Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Honey
- Zest and peel of 1 lime
Grease a pan and leave it in the fridge while the pudding is prepared.
Meanwhile, heat up the oven to 180 ºC.
All ingredients must be at the same temperature.
Therefore, we recommend taking the eggs out of the fridge in advance;)
Place all the ingredients in a bowl and mix with your hands, just as long as necessary to make a smooth mixture and let the sugar melt.
Place the mixture in a pan and bake in a medium oven (180 oC) for 40 to 50 minutes.
Make sure it is cooked through by sticking a chopstick in the pudding. The chopstick should come out clean.
Let the pudding rest in the pan for 5 minutes then remove it from the pan.
Below is how to prepare the olives confit to go on the side:
- 200 ml Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 100 g black olives
Add the olives and Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil in a pan and bake, covered, for 2 hours, at 100 ºC.
Let it cool.
Andorinha Vintage Extra Virgin Olive Oil (to finish)
1.5 kg white chocolate
1 liter fresh cream
1 packet of almond biscuits
120 g butter
100 g Brazil nuts, sliced
300 g dark chocolate sauce
Melt the white chocolate in a double boiler.
As soon as it melts, add 900 ml of cream, stirring gently from bottom to top to make sure it mixes well.
Set aside.
Using your hands, crush the biscuits and add butter to make a dough.
Spread the dough on a removable bottom baking pan.
With the dough spread out, pour the white chocolate mixture and freeze for 24 hours.
Melt the dark chocolate over low heat with the remaining 100 ml of cream and 20 g of butter, making a smooth sauce.
Putting it together:
The next day, cut the frozen pie into 5 cm pieces, pour the hot sauce on top and sprinkle the nuts.
Drizzle some Andorinha Vintage Extra Virgin Olive Oil and serve.
Tip: this same recipe can be poured in small cups and taken to the fridge.
In that case, you can leave the biscuits out.
A great option for party days.
- 50 ml Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 100 g drained Andorinha olives
- 50 g red onions, chopped
- 20 g biquinho chilies, chopped
- Juice of ½ lime
- Thyme, lime and basil to taste
- Salt and black pepper
- 1 medium ciabatta
Cut the ciabatta into 4 large pieces, toast and reserve.
In a bowl, add Andorinha Olives, onion, biquinho chilies, lime, chopped herbs, salt and pepper.
Stir well with a spoon until everything is well mixed.
Arrange the tapenade on top of the bread slices, sprinkle with fresh herbs to taste.
Drizzle some Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil and serve.
Tip: excellent to serve as a starter and goes well with seafood dishes and sausages. ;)
- Andorinha Olive Oil (enough to fry)
- 12 Andorinha Green Olives
- 40 g goat cheese
- Batter
- 20 g chili jam
Wash the Andorinha Green Olives and dry well.
Using your own hands, stuff the Andorinha Green Olives with goat cheese, then dip them in batter.
In a pan, pour some Andorinha Olive Oil and fry the olives until golden.
Place on paper towels and serve with chili jam.
- 50 ml Andorinha Vintage Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 180 g desalted cod, skin removed
- 1 stale bread roll
- ½ slice of pineapple cut into small pieces
- 20 g red onions, chopped
- 1 dessert spoon of unsalted butter
- 40 g sliced jamón (or bacon, if you don't have jamón)
- Chives, chopped
- Salt and black pepper
Brush a non-stick frying pan with 20 ml of Andorinha Vintage Extra Virgin Olive Oil and grill the codfish slab until browned and tender.
Set aside.
Slice the bread and bake at 180 ºC until nice and crunchy.
With a hammer, beat the bread slice until it turns into a well-flaked crumble.
In a frying pan, add the remaining oil, butter and brown the onion quickly.
Add the jamón, then the pineapple.
Pour the ready-made toast and mix it all up.
Adjust the salt to taste and sprinkle with chives.
Putting it together:
On a plate, place the codfish slab next to the bread crumble and garnish with chives.
If you want, grab a slice of toasted jamón to make a roof over the codfish slab.
Drizzle some Andorinha Vintage Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
- Andorinha Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 30 g mandioquinha shavings
- 180 g slab of fish of the day
- 40 g peeled yellow and red capsicum
- 20 ml white wine
- 20 g red onions, chopped
- 20 g leek, chopped
- 2 g squid ink (1 envelope)
- 50 ml fish stock
- Salt and black pepper
Mandioquinha shavings:
Fry the mandioquinha shavings in Andorinha Olive Oil, leave on paper towels and reserve.
Squid ink sauce:
In a pan, drizzle some Andorinha Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil and brown the onion and leek.
Then, add the peeled capsicums in a blender, with wine and squid ink.
Stir well, pour the stock and turn it off.
Adjust the salt and add it all to a blender to make a thick smooth sauce.
Pan fry the fish until sealed and juicy.
Putting it together:
In a deep dish, arrange the sauce and place the fish slab over it.
Gently arrange the mandioquinha shavings one by one, drawing fish scales on top of the fish.
Garnish with fresh sprouts and a good dash of Andorinha Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
- Andorinha Olive Oil to fry
- 100 g ground flank steak
- 60 g ground lamb shoulder
- 60 g grated mozzarella
- 30 g Dijon mustard
- 50 ml fresh cream
- 10 g onions, chopped
- 4 arugula leaves
- 1 small tomato cut into slices
- 1 small handful of chopped mint
- 4 mini hamburger buns
- Salt and black pepper
Season the meat with salt and pepper.
Shape the 4 mini burgers using a small ring.
Divide the meat into 4 equal parts, spread half of one part on the ring, add some mozzarella and close with the other half.
Dip it in the batter and fry in Andorinha Olive Oil over low heat.
Place on paper towels.
Dijon mustard and mint sauce:
In a small saucepan, place a drizzle of Andorinha Olive Oil and brown the onion.
Then add the Dijon and the cream, diluting as much as you can.
Finally, adjust the salt and sprinkle with the mint.
Putting it together:
Cut the bun in half and toast the inside. This is very important to prevent the bun from getting moist.
Place the arugula leaf and the tomato slice on top of the polpetta burger.
Pour the sauce and serve this yummy treat!
- 40 ml Andorinha Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 6 fresh endives
- 50 g sliced shiitake mushrooms
- 50 g sliced Portobello mushrooms
- 50 g shimeji mushrooms
- Juice of 2 lemons
- 20 ml sake
- 5 g frozen chilies
- 6 yellow cherry tomatoes cut into 4 pieces
- ¼ of a red onion cut into thin slices
- Coriander sprouts to taste
- 2 thin slices of jamón
Preparing the jamón:
In a frying pan, add enough Andorinha Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil to fry the slices (over low heat, to prevent the oil from getting too hot and burning).
Place on paper towel and let it cool.
As soon as it is cold and crispy, crush it by hand to make a fine, crispy crumble.
In a bowl, add the mushrooms, lime juice, sake and marinate for 5 minutes.
Then, in the same bowl, pour some Andorinha Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, the chilies, the tomatoes, red onions and add salt to taste.
Mix it all up and leave in the fridge for 20 minutes.
Finish with coriander sprouts and the jamón crumble.
Serve in the endives!
Tip #1:
To prevent the red onion from getting too acid and to make sure it stays crunchy, you should blanch it* before you add it to the recipe.
*Blanching: put it in boiling water for 5 seconds, then put in ice water to finish cooking.
Tip #2:
Never wash the mushrooms. They spoil by absorbing the wash water.
- 50 ml Andorinha Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Octopus of about 1.5 kg
- 2 bay leaves
- 3 garlic cloves
- 1 tablespoon spicy or sweet paprika, or both
- Coarse salt or fleur de sel to taste
- Refined salt
- Potatoes, as many as necessary
- 50 ml Andorinha Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Octopus of about 1.5 kg
- 2 bay leaves
- 3 garlic cloves
- 1 tablespoon spicy or sweet paprika, or both
- Coarse salt or fleur de sel to taste
- Refined salt
- Potatoes, as many as necessary
- 50 ml Andorinha Olive Oil
- 12 fresh live mussels (closed shell)
- 1 garlic clove, chopped
- 30 g red onions, chopped
- 1 bay leaf
- 2 ripe peeled Italian tomatoes
- 20 ml white wine
- Fresh parsley to taste
In a saucepan, place the Andorinha Olive Oil, the bay leaf, the onion and brown quickly.
Then add the garlic and finally the coarsely cut tomato.
After well washed, pour the mussels and white wine, put a lid on the saucepan and keep it closed until all mussels open.
Add salt and pepper to taste, sprinkle with parsley and serve while still hot!
- 30 ml Andorinha Vintage Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 6 peeled pink prawns (with tail only)
- 2 garlic cloves, sliced
- 1 bay leaf
- 3 g chili flakes
- - 20 ml dry white wine
- Salt and fresh parsley to taste
In a frying pan, add the Andorinha Vintage Extra Virgin Olive Oil and the bay leaf.
Sauté the prawns until golden brown and add the garlic.
Then flambé with wine and sprinkle with parsley and salt to taste.
Serve in the frying pan itself and with bread on the side! ;)
- 100 ml Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 2 fresh asparagus
- 1 glass of ice
- 2 slices of jamón
- 1 egg
- 30 ml white wine or apple vinegar
- 300 ml mineral water
- 10 g preserved white truffles
- Beet sprouts to garnish
Truffle-infused olive oil:
Finely slice the truffle.
Place it in Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil and let it rest for 48 hours in a dark environment.
In a pan, boil the mineral water and dip the asparagus for 1 minute.
Remove them and place them in a container with ice and water so that it cools quickly and stops cooking.
Dry the asparagus with a paper towel, then roll the jamón.
In a non-stick pan, add a drizzle of olive oil and brown the asparagus with jamón on both sides.
In the same water left over from cooking, add some vinegar, but do not let it boil: wait until it heats up without bubbling.
Place the egg in a glass without letting it burst, pour it into the water carefully and quickly cook the egg white.
As soon as this happens, remove the egg with a slotted spoon.
On a plate, arrange the two asparagus with jamón, the egg on the side, and spray some Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil Spray over the egg.
Add salt and serve with bread.
- Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil to taste
- 4 watermelon cubes (cubes of about 4 cm)
- 30 g feta or ricotta cheese
- 5 g pine nuts, walnuts or almonds
- 4 arugula leaves
- 10 g store-bought pomegranate reduction
- Mint to taste
On a plate, arrange the watermelon.
Then sprinkle the feta cheese and the pine nuts, arrange the arugula between one cube and another and distribute the pomegranate reduction.
Finally, sprinkle some mint and Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil to taste.
- 50 ml Andorinha Vintage Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 6 firm and ripe Italian tomatoes
- 1 garlic clove
- 50 g white onion
- 50 g peeled red capsicum
- 50 g peeled yellow capsicum
- 1/2 Japanese cucumber
- 1 celery stick
- 20 ml white wine vinegar
- 5 ml sherry vinegar
- 100 g stale bread
- 100 ml water
- 4 ice cubes
- Salt and black pepper
Put all the coarsely chopped ingredients in a blender and blend.
Sieve in a bowl and adjust the salt if needed.
Simple and yummy!
Tip #1:
If you like it thicker don't sieve.
Tip #2:
If you like, add some small pieces to finish.
- Lime and honey vinaigrette
- 20 g lime
- 10 g honey
- 80 g Andorinha Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Salt
Putting it together:
- 200 g assorted greens
- 20 g of your favorite freeze-dried fruit (mango, pineapple, etc.)
- 60 g raw heart of palm, sliced
- 60 g apple, sliced
- 30 g orange wedges
- 20 g macadamia nuts
- Basil leaves
In a bowl, add all the ingredients and mix until smooth.
Putting it together:
In a bowl, dress the assorted greens and fruits with the lime and honey vinaigrette.
Arrange the assorted greens at the center of the plate, spread the macadamia nuts and the freeze-dried fruits.
Garnish with basil leaves.
- 6 tablespoons of Andorinha Vintage Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 1 cup skinless almonds
- 2 tablespoons sherry vinegar
- 4 bread slices
- 2 teaspoons salt
- 3 cups (tea) of water
- 6 units of sliced seedless green grapes
- 3 garlic cloves
- Black pepper
Blanch the almonds (dip them in boiling water for 1 minute, remove, dry and remove the skin).
Soak the bread in water until softened.
Beat the almonds and bread in a food processor.
Add the garlic, olive oil, sherry vinegar and salt, and beat.
Add water little by little, beating until you get a fine liquid.
Take it to the fridge.
Serve in individual bowls and garnish with Andorinha Vintage Extra Virgin Olive Oil, grapes and pepper.
Serve and enjoy! :)
- Andorinha Selection Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 2 slices of ciabatta bread cut in half and toasted
- 40 g finely sliced roast beef
- 20 g cream cheese
- 20 g flying fish caviar
Arrange the roast beef slices to cover the pre-toasted bread.
Spread the cream cheese on the slices and, on top of it, arrange the caviar so that it crosses the bread completely.
Drizzle some Andorinha Selection Extra Virgin Olive Oil for a boosted flavor!
- 20 ml Andorinha Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 1 wholegrain bread slice cut in half
- 100 ml fresh cream
- 40 g smoked salmon (pre-sliced)
- 20 ml lemon juice
- 20 g organic honey
- Dill to taste
- Salt and black pepper
For the whipped cream:
In a chilled bowl (leave it for half an hour in the fridge), put the cream, the lemon zest and juice, Andorinha Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil and salt and pepper to taste.
Beat until it starts to turn into a not very consistent whipped cream.
You can beat manually or use an electric beater.
Put it in the fridge.
Putting it together:
Toast the bread in a conventional toaster or in a non-stick pan.
With the bottom of the spoon, spread some of the whipped cream on the bread and arrange the slices of smoked salmon.
With two dessert spoons, arrange the whipped cream on top of the slices.
With a small spoon, get some honey and drizzle it onto the whipped cream.
Finish with lemon zest and dill.
Indulge. :-)
- 200 ml Andorinha Olive Oil
- 1 small eggplant
- 50 g grated tomatoes
- 80 g brie cheese cut in half centimeter slices
- 50g batter
- Basil
Cut the eggplant in half, then in half-centimeter slices.
For this recipe, we will make 4 units.
Dip the eggplant in the batter one by one.
Fry them in Andorinha Olive Oil until browned, then place them on a paper napkin to absorb the fat.
With a spoon, add the grated tomatoes on the slices and the brie cheese on top.
Put it in the oven with a hot top to allow the cheese to melt quickly (if you have it at home, you can also melt it using a torch).
Arrange it on a plate and sprinkle some basil.
It is ready to serve!
- Andorinha Selection Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 1 small ciabatta bread cut in half
- 1 small firm and ripe Italian tomato
- 1 garlic clove
- Salt
Cut the ciabatta in half, toast it in a conventional toaster or in a non-stick frying pan.
Cut the tomato in half and, with a grater, grate until just over the skin.
Drain with a strainer and reserve.
Cut the garlic into thin slices.
In a bowl, mix the tomato, garlic, Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil and salt.
Leave it in the fridge to chill.
On the ciabatta, place the ready-made tomato on each half.
It is ready to serve! ;)
1 whole chicken (cut into 8 parts, reserve the wingtips and the feet to make the stock)
For the marinade:
- 60 ml vinegar
- 50 ml Andorinha Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 3 garlic cloves, crushed
- 1 teaspoon achiote powder
- 1 teaspoon of cumin
- 1 spoon of coriander seeds
- 1 teaspoon of refined sugar
- Salt and black pepper
For the cooking:
- 1 onion, diced
- 3 tomatoes, diced
- 3 cambuci chilies, diced
- 1 chopped chili
- 500 ml chicken stock
- Salt
- Coriander and spring onions to taste
- Andorinha Olive Oil
Mix all ingredients up and marinate for one night.
Remove the breast, wings, legs and thighs from the marinade and brown them in oil in a thick-bottomed pan.
In the same pan, brown the onion, chilies and tomatoes.
Return the chicken to the pan and cook until tender
Cut or shred the breast and return to the pan.
Add pre-cooked rice and let it cook for a few more minutes.
Just before serving, add chopped coriander and spring onions.
Serve with soft egg yolk and assorted veggies.